Thirty questions, Chapter 3

Jul 22, 2010 19:36

Title: 30 Questions  
Author: xbrokendollzx
Summary It all began with a few rather personal questions. However, these questions provoke feelings in Ville and Bam that they already understood, but chose to ignore...that was then. This is now.
Rating: R to NC-17
Warnings: Angst, M/M, Language, Smex, Violence
Disclaimer: Don't know, Don't own, and never happened. We're crossing our fingers.
Author's Note: Another early update. I couldn't help it! Also, new banner. My very first made! it was meant to be black and white.

"I don't want to know what "Margera style" means. I don't even like the sound of it, much less what it possibly could mean." Ville stated, reaching over to grab a pillow and secure it behind his back comfortably.

Bam just laughed airily, more at his expression than the comment. He didn't blame Ville for being the least bit paranoid. Things had happened in the past that his friend wasn't nessesarily fond of at castle Bam, but he even ended up participating and having fun on a rare occasion. But no matter what, Bam always saw to it that he was comfortable with his surroundings.

"Chill Willa, it's just played my way. With a small twist to make it exciting. You ask one person a question, and they awnser it. Then when the person asks you a question, you anwser it. Simple. The only rule is that you can't lie, and you can't refuse to awnser the question."

"Are you sure that you aren't going to contradict yourself there, darling?"

"I'm not, fucker," Bam declared moving a bit closer to Ville. "Now I'll go first."

Ville nodded and sat up a bit, leaning back on the steel headboard, shivering slightly as cold metal touched his bare arms.

"Did you ever cheat on one of your ex's?"

"Yes. Despite the implications of me being a cynic, I'm actually very faithful these days. I used to sleep around in high school, but who didn't back then? I was a cocky little prick too. If she didn't put out, I would find a way so that she did."

Bam whistled. "Damn, you were a ladies man dude?"

"It's not something I'm necessarily proud of, Bam. I'm just happy that Jesse didn't go down that same road. My turn to ask now. When was the last time that you were actually happy? not okay, or alright, but truly happy?"

Bam hardly needed to think for that question. He honestly could only go back to one moment in his entire life. "When I was ten, the time when I first got my board. I kept busting my ass, but eventually I got the hang of it, and It was something I was actually good at. It felt kinda one could call me a failure anymore."

Ville nodded understandingly, making sure to look into Bam's eyes as he spoke. The color had noticibly changed a bit to more of a lighter, glassy shade as he reminisced. It was amazing that he had a completely different side that was hardly seen, and Ville found it to be absoloutely gorgeous.

People who thought they knew Bam, failed to realize that "Bam" was the only person they knew. They knew the hellion who did what the fuck he pleased, and didn't give a shit who he pissed off. The one who didn't give a shit about what anyone had to say.

Ville knew for a fact that the person sitting in front of him was Brandon Cole Margera, and no one could tell him otherwise. He saw the generosity, the ability to really sit down and listen to someone, the man who cared for his friends to the point where he let them move in with him, accepting almost nothing in return...and he also saw the insecurity in him. Ville knew that out of everything they shared, the feeing of insecurity would always linger. The other similarity, was that both would never admit it. Except in the comfort zone of each other's company.

"So what would you be if you were an animal? Lame, I know."

Ville thought for a second. "I would be more of a sea dwelling creature. An octopus."

"Octopus? what the fuck?"

"I'm fasinated by them. They're such independent creatures. What would you be doing if you couldn't skate?"

Bam blinked, not being able to swallow the thought. "Well...maybe a computer tech. Or I'd stick to directing. Something dealing with music though. When did you start liking dudes?"

Ville perked at the question, finding it to be random and unexpected. Especially coming from Bam. "Around age sixteen. I started to have different feelings. I discovered that I wasnt only limited to one gender, so I took advantage of that fact, and found that it was the lifestyle that suited me."

"'re bi?"

Ville nodded, noticing a change in the air at that very moment. The look on Bam's face didn't contort to discomfort like it usually would when they were on the subject of one another's sexuality.

"Yes, I'm Bi-sexual. Not fully gay, but I can't tell you how many times I've considered leaning toward that way after failed relationships with women. You asked two questions, so I'll do the same. Have you ever thought of liking men, and if you did then who would you be interested in?"

"Uh, I-I...well I never really thought about it like that, but maybe once or twice when I was fucking around with the guys. I can't really imagine myself with a cock in my ass, plus Jess always says that I act like a fag sometimes, so I try not to play the part. About the guys...I guess there are some dudes that are hot lookin'. I don't check them out but I notice."

Ville let the statement sink in, quickly reading between the lines and annotating it. He discovered that Bam wasn't homophobic, he was curious and afraid. With the constant gay jokes that were told by Jess and the rest of the guys in the house, Ville could honestly say that he understood why. It was about anything but caring for anyone elses feelings.

"I see. I knew there had to be a deeper meaning."

"Not really deep...anyway, do you think anyone in your band is hot?"

Ville raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell him."

"I promise."


"Are you fucking kidding?!"

"Of course I am. I just felt like fucking with you. When Burton first joined, I practically hit on him all the time before I found out he was the straightest in our band. He was actually flattered, It strokes his ego. He likes that both genders are attracted to him."

"Burton is a freaking trip. Okay Willa, when was your very last dirty dream?"

Ville chuckled and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "Are you implying that I have filthy thoughts?"

Bam smirked back. "Everyone does, dude. Plus I'm just curious."

"Fine, if you insist on knowing. It was yesterday."

"Who was it about?"

"Well, I could give you a lovely description. Beautiful eyes, amazing body, and the person makes the sexiest love sounds I've ever heard." Ville nearly laughed, watching his awnser fly right over Bam's head.

"Damn, when do I get to meet this person?"

"To be honest love, you already have. Many, many times. Tell me Bammie, since we're getting explicit, when was the last time you've jerked off to someone's photo? magazines included."

"Last night."

"Thank goodness I didn't decide to be your bed mate yesterday."

'Yeah be thankful.' Bam mused, biting his lip so that he didn't retort. "Fuck you Valo."

"Darling, went over this, just set the date."

"Back to the game smart ass. Do you perfer men or women?"

Ville licked his lips, and leaned forward in an almost thinking position. "Well, I have to put it this way. Being with a woman makes me more of the alpha male...I'm the dominant one in a way. There's nothing like running your fingers down a woman's curves, hearing her sweet moans, But being with another man is a bit more... exhilarating, it's the total oppisite. The stubble, the masculinity...I would have to say men. There's also other factors," Ville smirked at him sexily and licked his lips. "But we won't discuss those right this second."

"Y-you mean like butt fucking?"

Ville chuckled again. "Always the Inquisitive one. Yes Bammie, Butt fucking. It's also referred to as sex too you know. Bam, be honest. Have you ever thought of trying it? perhaps, experiencing it for yourself?"

Bam's cheeks flushed a deep red and he stumbled over his words. "Woah...I kinda thought about how fucking weird it must feel, y'know? And I never wanted to fuck another guy, but I'm not dismissing the idea because a friend told me that it could feel good....Ville how does it feel?"

"Well, it doesn't quite hurt, but there is pain. It's more of a burning sensation, like a deep stretch. When you get used to it, it does feel amazing. Pleasure that men don't really experience everyday. But if you're on the giving end it's even more mind blowing."

"That sounds intense." Bam commented, taking in the way that Ville's eyes began to darken.

"Very, very...intense."

The questions went on and on, both men suprised at the answers they got, and sometimes excited to gain new found knowlege that they never had of each other. They ended up asleep in each other's company, Bam spooning up against a slumbering Ville who's head was buried into the satin covered pillow, hair splayed messily about.

His hand lazily draped off of the bed. Neither had any idea that the questions they just asked for fun, would have a hand in the drastic evoloution of their friendship, to something they both secretly wanted for a long time. That when one of them awoke, all of the tension between them, would finally, finally, cease.

fic:series, author:x, rating:nc-17

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