I'm Back!!

Jul 15, 2010 06:37

Title: 30 Questions (Chapter 1 of  8)
Author: xbrokendollzx
Summary It all began with a few rather personal questions. However, these questions provoke feelings in Ville and Bam that they already understood, but chose to ignore...that was then. This is now.
Rating: R to NC-17
Warnings: Angst, M/M, Language, Smex, Violence
Disclaimer: Don't know, Don't own, and never happened. We're crossing our fingers.
Author's Note: As promised my lovlies, I was off on vacation and I decided to start on a chaptered fic thanks to my friend sydwuzhere. I'm a little shy about this one but I hope you enjoy it. If you like you can visit my journal to check for the next update date. :)

Bam leaned back in his computer chair as he finished up some editing for a project he had been recently working on. As far as he was concerned, it was something to do to pass the time. It had been an unusually quiet day at castle Bam, due to the fact that all of his crew had actually gone out to have lives. Bam however, was in no way shape or form interested in what they would be doing so he made the decision to stay and dick around the house.

The person that kept Bam's mind reeling just happened to be staying in the room that was always made up, just for him. The room that was two doors down from his own and had no HIM related decor by special request. Ville had arrived about two days earlier to spend a week with him and the people he often referred to as his "mentally strained second family." Bam practically broke every speed limit known to man when he drove to the airport after getting the notification from the older man. Long story short, one week turned into three.

Bam brought Ville back to the castle, hell bent on spending as much time as possible with him. Anyone could tell you that you never saw one without the other. Now that Bam really thought of it, he actually hadn't seen Ville all day. Well, excluding the one moment where he happened to peek into the room that he occupied. Ville had been sprawled out on the floor, dilligently scribbling into a notebook. The only sounds that could be heard was his soft in tune humming and the tapping of filed fingernails on the surface of the hardwood floor.

Bam was curious about what his friend was so intently focused on, and why it caused him to frown. He didn't want to disturb him, the moment looked so personal that he felt that it would be inpersonal to do so. Ville looked so content, even though his mind was undoubtedly working overtime. Bam forced himself to gently close the door, and retreat back to his room to busy himself in something non-Ville related. All he really wanted to do was go back to that room and kiss that distraught look off of his pretty face and replace it with one of pleasure.

That was before Bam got the extreme impulse to entertain himself out of his boredom by communicating with Ville in some way. He had no idea if he was still busy, but he would know in a few seconds. Not that he really gave a shit at this point. If it came to extreme measures he would drag Ville out of that room kicking and screaming. What he did know was that Ville brought his laptop along with him, and that would be how he got his attention.

His overall plot was to IM him, and if he bothered to reply then he would know for sure if Ville was really busy, or if he was just simply being a recluse as he normally was. He quickly closed his editing related windows and logged onto the messanger. Ville was online so that had to mean something. He quickly typed a message and typed enter.

Sk8ordie says: Yo Willa

Bam waited for a moment, and was rewarded with the sound of the message alert.

RazorbladeRomantic says: Bammie, you do realize that you're right next door, right?

Sk8ordie says: I know, N'idiot. I'm just too lazy to get up. Whatcha up to?

RazorbladeRomantic says: I thought you would know already.

Sk8ordie says: Wtf are u talking about?

RazorbladeRomantic says: Well sweetheart, I'm doing the exact same thing I was doing when you peeked.

Sk8ordie says: Holy shit. U saw me?

RazorbladeRomantic says: No, I heard you. It's impossible for you to sneak anywhere with those bangles of yours...look Bam why don't you just come down to my room?

Sk8ordie says: I didn't know if u wanted me in there or not. U looked like u wanted ur space and alone time or whatever.

RazorbladeRomantic says: Well then I'll make it our alone time. Get your hyperactive ass in here. To be honest it's a bit too quiet.

Sk8ordie: K, I'll see u in a min.

RazorbladeRomantic: Okay.

RazorbladeRomantic has signed off.

Bam signed off and got up feeling as if he had acomplished something. He was relieved to know that Ville wasn't avoiding him after all, and he was determined to find out what the real problem was. He always told Ville to relax when he came to castle Bam, that everything that had been bothering him was officially to be ignored.

Bam knew that that was hard for Ville to do, but he would take his mind off of it somehow. He wanted him to make the best of his time away from all of the factors that stressed him constantly. The honest truth was that he sort of thrived off of Ville's misery. It gave him an excuse to comfort him and that was the closest he would ever get to the relationship that he truly wanted without being judged. He only hoped that Ville never figured that out.

Well, that's the beginning. Tell me what you guys think. I'm so glad to be back, I missed you all. xoxo

fic:series, author:x, rating:nc-17

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