scared to death

Mar 16, 2010 21:01

Title: Scared to death
Author: meduusje
Parings: past VAM, Bam and random girls, Ville and random girl
Rating: eum R in the end i guess
Disclaimer: unfortunate i don't own anyone...
AN: dedicated to my darling Cinnie ;-) and thanks to cherrie to beta!

Ville closed his macbook and tossed it next to him on the couch.
The Finn should know better by now then to google Bam, but not knowing what happens in the skater's life hurts more then seeing him with another random girl.
Once again Ville wondered what had happend to their relationship; Bam had begged him to go to rehab, to not kill himself and get better and still everything went downhill from there.
Bam hadn't been there when he got out and if it wasn't for Migé, he would have gotten drunk the first hour of his new found freedom.

The Finn picked up his phone and dialed the only number that would get him through.
"Yes Rakaas?"
"I can't do this, I need a drink!" Ville ranted.
"You need something else and you know it, you are just afraid to admit it." Migé replied calmly. They'd had this conversation more then once, and it would end in Ville crying over Bam.
"But he doesn't need me." Ville yelled into the phone.
Migé was surprised, this wasn't the singer's normal reaction.
"Have you even called him?"
"Of course not, and he hasn't called either."
"Then call him, he probably wanted to give you some space."
"For two fucking years?!?"
"You have been just as scared to call him, Rakaas."
"Who's side are you on?"
"Yours, but you need to get over whatever is holding you back and call that skater brat."
"Whatever Migé. Thanks for nothing!" Ville tossed the phone next to his macbook.

His brain started rolling...
I'll start drinking if I don't see him, so might as well call him and see if he wants to party...
And what? See him hit on everyone but me?
No seduce him and make him see what he's been missing.
Yeah right, like I can seduce anyone?
If you get your old outfits out you can.

Ville was so caught up in his argument with himself that he didn't notice Migé coming in.
Migé smiled as he overheard Ville's ranting, eventually not being able to stay quiet and laughed out loud.
"What the hell Migé!?!" Ville screamed.
"Just came to see if you were ok, but it was rather amusing hearing you fight with yourself."
"I'm fine, leave me alone."
"Call him and I'll leave."
"Fine, if that will get you off my case!" Ville sighed while getting his phone.
"Good Rakas," Migé smiled, glad he finally got through to the singer.
Ville stared at his phone, like it was some kind of torture device.

"Ville just press one, he's not going to eat you."
"Who says he's still on speed dial?" Ville snapped.
Migé laughed, grabbed Ville's phone and pressed the one. "Let's test it then."

Ville tried to get his phone back, but Migé knew his friend well enough to dodge him.
"Hello?" a sleepy voice asked.
"Hei Bam, I've got someone here that wants to talk to you."
Migé held the phone out to Ville, "You wanted your phone back?"
Ville was panting with anger and fear, they could hear Bam asking what was going on and eventually say he was going to hang up.
Ville lunged at his phone, saying, "Please don't?"

fic:ville/non-bam, fic:het, rating:r, fic:series, fic:bam/non-ville, author:m

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