(no subject)

Mar 11, 2010 22:54

Title: Wake up call (Sequel to After Midnight)
Author: xbrokendollzx 
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Another phone call is all it takes. 
Disclaimer: Not mine, Don't know, never happened. For all we know.
Warnings: Sex, M/M, language, humor, fluff, smut
Author's Notes:  I know this was supposed to be a oneshot, but I've decided to make a sequel to It, thanks to Mikkosgrl, who planted the idea seed in my head. Much love to her. Enjoy!

Bam groaned loudly as the sound of "Heartkiller" rung out in his room. Reaching blindly for his cellphone, which had somehow ended up under his pillow. He flipped it open and placed it to his ear, eyes still shut.

"Whoever the hell this is is going to fucking die when I catch them."

"Hyvaa huomenta kultaseni. Aren't you a cranky one."

Bam sat up in his bed, cerulean blues popping open at the sound of his lover's voice. "Ville? shit, i'm sorry about that babe. I thought you were Raab or Dico or someone like that."

Ville chuckled. "I don't know whether or not I should take that as an insult. I actually braced myself for that little fit though. I know you hate to be woken up."

"What time it anyway?" Bam asked, rubbing his eyes before falling back on the bed and wrapping himself in his heartagram blanket.

"Where you are it's 10:30 am."

"Damn. I didn't expect to be up until 3 at least."

"I think you would have been up way before then, trust me." Ville replied, a little giggle spilling out after.

Bam frowned. "What's so funny? and what was that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing darling, nothing at all."

"Hey, if its 10 here then it's 5 in finland. Don't you have an interview today at 6:00?"

Another giggle escaped Ville's lips, along with an even louder laugh in the backround. "Yes I would, If I were actually in Helsinki."

"Seppo actually let you blow off that interview? I hope he knows or he's gonna be on your ass."

"Oh, he knows exactly what I've done, and exactly where I am."

"Ville, if you're not there then where the fuck are you?" Bam questioned uneasily, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"At your front door."

Bam snickered softly. His boyfriend could be a laugh riot. "Yeah. Ha ha fucker. Now where the hell are you? really."

"I'm in your house now. Getting ready to walk up your stairs."

"Ooh so scary. I would probably be meeting you at the door if it were true, I know for a fact that you're in Finland, in the tower, sitting on the couch with your notebook in your lap."

"Well okay. I'll see you in a bit m'love."

Bam scoffed. "Yeah, whatever. Call me and tell me how your interview went and shit. Later beautiful. See you in three weeks, when you're actually here." He hung up, still laughing.

Slowly he made his way down the stairs, and into the kitchen where he expected April to be, making breakfast as she always was.

"Yo Ape. Are you making omlettes...what the hell?!"

Ryan and Linde broke their kiss quickly, both men's cheeks tinted with a soft pink.

"Hey man, what are you doing down here?" Ryan asked, slipping an arm around Linde's waist.

Bam eyed them both incredulously. "Are you serious? what do you mean 'what am I doing down here?' this is my house, i'm entitled to food in my fucking house, without being treated to the Ryan and Linde porn show!"

"Okay chill dude, what crawled up your ass and died this morning? jeez, shouldn't you be somewhere getting rimmed or fucked or something?"

"Oh suck me off asswipe." Bam's eyes came to rest on Linde, who was hiding behind his dreads shyly. "Lin what're you doing here?"

Linde looked up. "I'm here with Ville. I thought that it would be a good opportunity to spend some time with Ryan." He replied softly.

Bam blinked. "V-Ville's really here?"

"No dick, Lily came all the way here by himself. Of course he's here. He did call you didn't he?" Ryan said a smile faint on his lips.

"You guys sure you aren't fucking with me?"

Linde smiled, leaning against Dunn. "Emme ole tosissasi, now go. By the sounds of him last night I'd say he's sexually frustrated. You had better go take care of that."

Bam smirked. "Hell yeah!" and ran out of the kitchen and back up the stairs, laughter following him. He went into his room and shut the door behind him. "Okay, I know you're here now Valo so get your sexy finnish ass out here."

He grinned when he didn't hear a reply. 'So he wants to play hide and seek.' He mused opening the closet. Just as he did a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him over and shoving him onto the bed.

Ville smirked. "Told you you wouldn't be sleeping darling."

Bam leaned up on his elbows, eyes raking over every inch of his sexy lover, noting the fact that he was only in his boxers. "I believe you now. Don't tease me by standing there."

"Tease? don't give me any ideas Bam-Bam." Ville crossed the room and got ontop of his lover.

"I remember you saying something about slipping your hard cock into my ass."

"Hmm...I did say that didn't I? I hate to disappoint you." Ville seductively ground his ass against Bam' s straining erection, before leaning down and rubbing his hands over his chest and tweaking his nipples.
The skater moaned softly, loving the feel of his lover's smooth, fair skin against his. Reaching out he placed his hands on the slender hips and slid them slowly back cupping his firm ass.

"God I fucking missed you Willa."

Ville slipped his skilled fingers under the waistband of Bam's boxers and pulled them off swiftly tossing them away. "Missed you too darling. Missed your beautiful eyes, the way your ass clenches around my cock,"
He wrapped his hand around the hardened erection stroking it tenderly but with a firm grip. "Needed you so bad Bammie."

Bam pushed his hips upward, fucking his hand and biting his lip hard to contain the loud provocative moan that was begging to leave his lips. Ville caught his lips in a breath taking kiss, pushing his tounge past them and probing his mouth. Their tounges tangled, teeth clashing and hands twisting in eachothers hair painfully.

Bam pulled back breathing harshly, eyes glazed over. "Fuck me. Now."

Ville reached for the lube stashed under Bam's pillow and squirted the clear thick gel over his fingers. He carefully placed the tube on the nightstand before turning his attention back to the man practically shivering with sheer need and anticipation beneath him. He settled back and traced his fingers over Bam's tight hole before pushing his fingers in deeply and crooking then straight into his prostate.

Bam's back arched off the bed groaning loudly. "Holy shit!"

"Relax Bam I need to prepare you."

"I don't give a shit! stretch me with your cock instead!"



Ville gave himself a few tugs before lining his cock up with his asshole, then pushed into him hard, whimpering as he felt Bam clamp down around him. "So tight Bam, yes..." He held the back of the skaters strong thighs, snapping his hips harshly, pounding into him continuously. Bam  gripped the sheets tightly, knuckles nearly turning white.

"Ah fuck!" Bam's cock was pressed between both of their writhing bodies, he leaned up loving the feeling of getting off from the friction that was being created between them, coupled with the feel of Ville's cock pounding in and out of him. It was enough to make him explode.

Ville gritted his teeth and continued to thrust into Bam, feeling his balls tighten when lover let go of the sheets and clamped down on his shoulders, digging his nails into them, and dragging them down leaving bright red marks in their wake. Ville gasped and jerked forward as the pain shot up his back and went straight to his cock, turning into pleasure as quickly as it formed.

"What do you need Brandon? I need to hear you beg me for it, it's so fucking sexy when you beg." Ville hissed snapping completely and losing control, taking to just slamming into him and pushing as deep as he could, hitting his prostate every time.

"Please Ville I need to come so fucking badly." Bam murmured rolling his hips to meet every violent thrust.

"All over my stomach darling, come for me."

Bam tensed and arched up, his stomach tightening and mouth opening in a silent scream as he spurted all over Ville's stomach, before relaxing back into the bed panting, trying to cath his breath.

Ville screamed, pleasure ripping through his petite body as he exploded in Bam's ass, body jerking and convulsing. He breathed in deeply and collapsed next to him, sweat beads rolling down his chest.

"Damn Ville, you should go away for 4 weeks next time."

Ville chuckled softly. "I'll just end up doing the same thing I did today."

"And Seppo is gonna fucking kill you. He's bitches worse than Ape sometimes."

"He already left a filthy message on my voicemail."

Bam rolled over and grinned at him. "Should I be worried? I never knew he was into guys."

"Not like that you ass. He found out where I was."

"I thought you told him that you were here?"

Ville raised an eyebrow. "Technically I did. I told him I was going out. I didn't specify where, but I told him."

"What did he say in the message?"

"Well he did call me a vitun kusipaa. A fucking bastard. I just turned my phone off until he decides to calm down a bit. I'll call him later."

"You sneaky bastard! he's probably flipping right now...I'm so proud of you." Bam laughed and hugged his boyfriend.

"What can I say? I have the best teacher in the world, with the worst influence. You've corrupted my pure soul."

Bam scoffed. "Pure soul? yeah, and I cry everytime I prank Vito. Let's tell Seppo that you won't be back for 3 weeks."

"He'll mangle us both."

Bam kissed Ville softly. "That's always what I aim for Willa. Besides, I can take him."

"My absolutely insane Bam. I love you."

"I am mad....madly in love with you." Bam said dramatically, grinning when his boyfriend's giggly laugh tickled his ears.

"That was terrible. I'll ignore that horrible cliche and spare you embarassment."

"Thanks babe. Alot."

Ville kissed his forehead and spooned against him, pulling  him into his arms. Everything was silent before Bam spoke again.

"Hey Ville?"

"Yes kulta?"

"I love you...so much. I'm not really good with words but-"

"Hush. I love you too. Ikuisesti."

"What does that mean?"


I can't help myself with the sappy endings. I also added a little Lily and Dunn in there for everyone's enjoyment. Isn't Ville clever sneaking off like that? he needed his Bammie, hehe. This was worked on like hell so I hope you like it and thank you for all of your supportive comments and tips so far guys, it helps me as a writer. Really. xoxo

fic:one-shot, genre:fluff, rating:r, genre:pwp/smut, fic:series, genre:comedy, author:x

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