Title: Dyatlov Pass - All Our Passing Nights.
x_carnivale_xPairing: Bam/Ville, et all.
Rating: R/NC17. for mentions of sex, violence, gore, and horror.
Summary: That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons, even death may die.
Author's Notes: Gahhh this chapter took forever. I'm not sure why, editing was just a bitch for it, and it'
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Comments 30
I don't care how it goes, but if Bam gets to the same place where Ville is, it's all good. It would be interesting if Bam had the same fate as Ville, but we'd get so read it, that way both my needs get fulfilled; Bam and Ville have each other again, and all the puzzles are solved =D How about that!
HAHA! Dear God, I love Bam in this! :D
"Your logic does not resemble our Earth-logic."
That whole section made me smile, but that was my absolute favourite line :)
Oh no, I'm in tears again =/ I don't think I've ever managed to read through a chapter of this story without crying my eyes out. I lost it when Bam was in the bath and he saw Ville. That hurts more than I even care to think about. Everything is so detailed it's impossible not to get sucked in, and that's both a good and a bad thing. Good because it shows you have an incredible talent, bad because it hurts my heart every signle time and I feel like I'm actually there.
And that ending gave me chills. I almost don't want to know what happens next, but at the same time I'm far too curious to stop reading.
[hands you a tissue] as much as I don't want to make you cry, I'm glad I have, because that means I'm doing my job and hitting you with this story. :)
But yeah, thanks so much, I love seeing your reviews - so glad that you're liking this, keep on reading! Thank youuuu.
under the shower water followed by Ville's
visitation was truly eerie and otherworldly.
The way you wrote about Ville's super hearing
made this scene much more scary, as it makes one
hyper-aware of your use (intentional or not?)
of sound in scene setting in these paragraphs!
OMG its the white pants of DOOM!!! XD
Bam don't put them on!!!
Gah the easter egg is going to drive me nuts!
Unless the Poistaa thing is disguised as Ville o_O
Great update, and very atmospheric.
Poor Bam :*( He now has a bigger bathroom+water fetish
than a Japanese school girl.
I love making my stories puzzles - this one is probably my most epic, along side its counterpart, the original Dyatlov Pass story. They're both puzzle stories, but they're different kinds of puzzles. The first one was more of a puzzle focusing on the actual incident itself, finding Ville, making him better. While this sequel is more of a puzzle regarding all this shit's aftermath, while we watch Bam try to pick up the pieces.
So basically, stay tuned, keep thinking, and keep telling me your thought processes. I loooove hearing them. :)
I love hearing everyone's different reactions to what's going on, and what they feel is going to happen or what they feel should happen. I love that kind of break down of thought process, so thanks for sharing it with me. I'm not going to confirm or deny your suspicions though - I can't give too much away. Haha.
AWE!! more soon then *pout*
This is getting very exciting yet a bit scary at the same time lol
And the blood type scene? Brilliant dialogue there.
Thank you for this wonderful story, and for sharing your talent with us ♥
So glad to hear you liked the blood type scene. It's like. one of my favorite scenes in the story. (There's another one in a future chapter that's also a favorite, but we aren't there yet. No spoilers!) :)
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