(no subject)

Sep 23, 2009 21:31

Title: Closet
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam let their chance to be together slip away before, but when the chance to be together arises again, can they make it work... despite keeping it a secret from their friends and family?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: My normal fic with lots of ups and downs.
Authors Notes: Its official... this story has about three chapters left.

“Weeeee're home! Sort of...” Bam said, slowly walking into gym. He pulled his sunglasses over head, his hand held loosely in Ville's. “Jesse? Boys?”

“Over here.” Jesse called, walking over to them.

“Hi Jesse... thank you again.” Ville said, hugging his little brother.

“No problem...and before you ask... the boys are not here.” Jesse said.

“Where are they?” Bam asked.

“Walking their lady friends back to their hotel...the girls... not theirs together of course.”

“Lady friends?” Ville asked, following his brother upstairs to his flat.

“Alexsi's girlfriend... Cyrus' friend of the female type.” Jesse semi explained.

“Does she have blond hair? Alexsi's girlfriend that is?” Ville asked, with even more interest.

“Yes.. her name is Isabel.”

“Thank God...” Ville mumbled, causing Bam to chuckle at him. “At least it is someone he knows...”

“What were you worried about? Don't you think he's a little young to be picking up....” Bam trailed off when Ville narrowed his eyes at him. “Oh... well... true.” He grinned, thinking about how he had been at that age.

“She seems like a very nice girl....” Jesse broke in. “So is Helena... she seems like Cyrus' type... they both like skateboarding.”

“A skater!” Bam grinned, “Yes!”

Ville smiled at his new husband, a term he never got tired of attaching to Bam's name. “I wonder when we will get to meet them?”

“Meet who?” Alexsi asked, walking into the apartment, though his parents were always surprised he didn't walk into anything, since his eyes were constantly glued to his cell phone.

“You're girlfriends.” Bam said, reaching out to hug Cyrus when he hurried over to them.

“I don't have a girlfriend.” Cyrus said, turning to hug Ville next.

“Who is Helena then?” Bam asked in a semi teasing voice, chuckling when Cyrus blushed.

“A friend.” Cyrus mumbled.

“Sure.” Bam said, turning his attention to Alexsi, who had hopped up onto the table. Behind him, Jesse was looking through his paperwork. “So when do we get to meet her?”

“Never if I'm lucky.” Alexsi said with a wide, fake, grin, before looking to his phone again.

“Oh yeah?” Bam asked, with a small grin himself. “Is that a challenge?”

“I doubt very much, you could do anything to change it.” Alexsi stated with some confidence, crossing his arms.

At that moment, Jesse happened to look up and met Bam's gaze. He grinned, noticing the little signs Bam was giving him. Pushing his paperwork away, he slowly stood up. Before Alexsi knew what was happening, Jesse was throwing his powerful arms around him, bringing his back onto the table more in a restraint.

“No!” Alexsi yelled, kicking his legs even if it didn't help matters at all. The restraint made it impossible to hold on to his phone, which fell from his hand. To his increased horror, Bam snatched it and started running from the room.

“Don't let him go until you hear the door slam shut.” Bam called as he ran.

“Don't you dare dad!” Alexsi yelled, wiggling and struggling against his uncle, but it was no use. Not until there was a loud slam, did Alexsi finally find himself free. Looking at his brother hatefully, he snapped, “Bastard” and ran off through the flat.

Cyrus' who had held up his hands and cried, “Neutral...” as did Ville, was shocked. His face fell as he looked to his papa and uncle. “What did I do?”

Bam locked the door and leaned against it, sliding so he could sit on the floor. His grin increased when he heard Alexsi yelling at him, shaking soon from the force of his son's fists pounding on the other side.

Opening the phone he quickly found Isabel among the numerous text messages. “Thank God you have an unlimited plan!” Bam teased as he started a new message. Hey Isabel this is Alexsi's dad would you like to come to dinner? Text his papa @... Bam typed into the message space, followed by Ville's own cell phone number.

A matter of seconds later, and Ville's phone went off, causing him to pull it out and look. The new message was from Isabel and read: I would love to come! :) Ville smiled and typed back, “Good... we can't wait to meet you.” A few seconds later and there was another response from her. Can Alexsi come and walk me back there? Ville smiled, listening for a moment to the ranting and raving of his son, before he answered back: “Yes.”

Putting his phone back, he yelled, “Go get your girlfriend, so she can have dinner with us!”

Alexsi stopped yelling and came back into the room, anger written across his face. “I hate... all of you.” He glared at Bam when he came back in after him, snatching his phone from him. The fact that Bam just seemed even amused, annoyed him more. “I'll be back in a few minutes.”

“Aww...” Ville tried to look like he felt sorry for Alexsi, as the teen stormed from the flat, pulling Bam close. “We're so horrible to our children.” He said, wrapping his arms around Bam's shoulder, kissing his neck once.

“It's good for him.” Bam said, looking to Cyrus. “Just wait till you have a girlfriend!”

Cyrus sighed and shook his head, “Maybe I'll give up now and just become a monk.”

“Why are you so mad Alexsi?” Isabel asked, holding his hand as they walked down the street. “Don't you want me to meet your parents? Well... properly anyways... since I sort of met your papa already... when I was running by him trying to get my shirt back on.” She smiled and her tone showed she was trying to tease him back into smiling, which didn't work.

“It's the point of it all... I wanted to do it on my terms.” Alexsi mumbled, sighing a little. He was walking quickly, because he was annoyed and though he was really a good kid at heart, he blatantly ignored the youth behind him. He stopped suddenly though, jerking Isabel to a halt, running into the teen behind them, his eyes wide as he looked across the street.

Isabel was mumbling about her hair, looked across the street and didn't see anything. Looking to Alexsi again, she didn't understand the fear in his eyes, nor really notice that his face had lost its color. “What's wrong?”

Alexsi shook his head and walked even faster, almost jogging. “Nothing.” His sulking had turned into worry, but he said nothing about what weighed on his mind.

They got back to Jesse's place, where Alexsi half-heartedly introduced them to Isabel.

“It's so nice to meet you...” She said, beaming at Ville and Bam, hugging them and kissing them on the cheek. “I didn't come alone either.” She seemed even more impressed with herself, when she indicated behind them.

Cyrus, who had been sulking, because he wasn't looking forward to a night of watching his brother and Isabel act all lovey dovey together, was pleased when he saw Helena nervously walk over to them. Unaware of the fact that he was smiling so happily, nor when he whispered her name.

Bam noticed and grinned, turning his eyes to the young girl. “So you're the famous Helena we've heard so much about... our son's little skater friend?”

She nodded, having smiled brightly when she saw Cyrus was here still. “Yes.... Cyrus told me that you used to skate too.”

Bam nodded, “Back before I was old and decrepit.” He said softly, shaking his head as if sorry for the change.

“You are far from old and decrepit my love.” Ville whispered to Bam.

“You're just saying that because a piece of paper and some gold bands say you have to.” Bam teased back, continuing to pout.

“I'll give you a reason to wipe that pout from your pretty lips later.” Ville whispered heatedly into Bam's ear, making the younger man grin.

“Oh no...” Ville whispered to Bam, looking over the shorter man's shoulder, his hands sliding over his husbands sides and to his stomach. “Looks like there is trouble in paradise.”

Bam nodded, watching with concern as Alexsi and Isabel exchanged heated words. It had been fun exchanging wise ass comments with Alexsi, teasing him with all the love in his heart about his pretty blond girlfriend. But now... Alexsi's mood had gone from sour to just angry. Towards the end of dinner, Alexsi had stormed off. Isabel's attempts at talking to him, had brought about this now private, but heated conversation. “Should we do anything?”

“We should leave them alone...” Ville answered. “Keep an eye on them... but let's let them work this out... whatever it is. I don't think Alexsi would ever hurt....”

He didn't get a chance to finis, since Alexsi came back into the room. He walked right by his parents, pulling out his cell phone, typing away quickly.

Isabel followed him into the room, watching him sadly for a moment. She turned her eyes to Bam and Ville for a moment and said, “Will you tell him I'm sorry?”

“Sorry for what?” Bam asked.

While Bam and Alexsi had exchanged wise ass comments, Cyrus had whispered with Helena about their own interests. During their conversation, Helena had admitted to knowing about the type of camera he liked to use.

“I don't take a lot of photographs myself.” Helena said, examining the camera. “But I took a class once.” They were sitting on the couch, unaware for the moment that Alexsi had fought with Isabel, or that he was coming towards them.

“I love it.” Cyrus said, watching her with a small smile. “Almost as much as I love skating.”

“Well it's good to have a back up plan... for if you can't keep skating... like your dad.” She replied, looking through the lens at him. “Smile.”

Cyrus leaned back in the couch and smiled at her. “Now it's my turn.”

“No taking pictures of me.” Helena said, reluctant to give him back the camera.”I look horrible.”

“You do not...” Cyrus said, reaching out for his camera.

She looked at him for a moment and then sighed. As soon as the camera left her hand, she put it up, so her face was blocked.

“That's not fair.”

“Too bad...”

Cyrus grinned and took a picture of her anyways. “Ha...!” He reached out with his free hand and poked her in the side, chuckling when she laughed and tried to bat his hand away. He continued to try taking pictures of her, even though they were blurred and out of focus. They were both laughing and she was soon tickling him in return.

Finally, he was able to catch her off guard and get a nice picture of her. “Ha... I win.”

“Loser.” Helena mumbled, trying to look annoyed even if she couldn't stop smiling.

“Good...” Alexsi mumbled, a note of hurt in his voice. “Now he'll have something to jerk off too.”

Helena looked like she didn't know what to do, and Cyrus looked down right horrified. Leaning over the back of the couch, he answered his brother. “Don't say things like that about her.”

“It's what your thinking and you know it.” Alexsi shot back. He wasn't mad at his brother really, but he was mad and had no one else to focus it on. He couldn't fight with Bam, since Bam just laughed at him... and there was no where else he could release his pent up emotions on.

Cyrus, torn over the emotions he was feeling and angry at his brother for targeting him, lept over the back of the couch and slugged him right in the face.

Helena let out a gasp of surprise, her hands going to her mouth as she watched Alexsi stumble.

Alexsi quickly recovered and gave a cry of charging and tackled Cyrus. They flipped over the couch, nearly hitting Helena in the process and tumbled onto the floor. With his brother pinned to the floor, Alexsi reached back and returned the blow he had been dealt.

Isabel came running into the room, her eyes going wide as she watched the two boys wrestling on the floor. “Mr. Margera! Mr. Valo!” She yelled, unsure of what she should do.

Helena hurried from the couch and went running into the kitchen. Reaching into the fridge, she pulled out the water pitcher that was left over from dinner. Hurrying back into the living room, she dumped the ice cold water onto the two struggling teens.

Letting out mutual gasps of shock, at the frigid liquid hitting his skin, Cryus and Alexsi immediately stopped what they were doing.

Helena tossed the pitcher to the couch and then bent down. With her feet firmly planted on the floor, she hooked her arms under Cyrus' arm pits and pulled him with all of her strength on his back, and away from his brother. Sitting on her knees, she let his wet head rest in her lap for a moment, wincing when she saw the blood coming from his already bruising lip.

Bam pulled Alexsi away, who tore away from his father. Frowning, Bam said, “I think we've had enough excitement for one night. I think your friends need to go home... and then we can talk about what happened.”

Alexsi was silent, water dripping over his face, glaring at Bam before he went up to the bathroom.

Cyrus slowly sat up, though instead of looking hostile, he looked embarrassed. Like his brother, he went silently upstairs.

They were gone for a few minutes and then they came back down. Alexsi's left eye was bruising and the area around his cheek bone was swelling. He took Isabel's hand and walked with her out of the flat.

“It was nice meeting you!” Isabel called, before she disappeared outside.

“Sorry about everything.” Helena mumbled as she walked by, even if she didn't directly cause any of it, she felt responsible. She stopped next to Cyrus who hung his head and then walked outside. Helena looked down as well and followed him.

They walked silently for a while until Cyrus couldn't bear it anymore. “I'm sorry...” He looked at the back of his brother's head and then sighed again. “I don't know what crawled up your ass...”

“Nothing.” Alexsi said, though the anger was slowly leaving him. After a moment, he slowed down and mumbled, “I'm sorry...” Turning he looked to Helena as well, “I'm sorry... that was rude of me.”

Helena shrugged and offered him a small smile. “Don't worry about it. I think Cyrus more than made up for it.” She smiled a little at Cyrus, who smiled himself, looking down and blushing.

Alexsi let the corner of his mouth turn up in a small smile and then looked ahead of them again.

“Does this have anything to do with the woman you saw this morning?” Isabel asked suddenly.

“I told you... I don't want to talk about that.” Alexsi said sternly.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, “She seemed really nice.”

“You don't know what you're talking about.” Alexsi stated.

Cyrus looked between his brother and his girlfriend with a worried expression. “What woman?”

Isabel looked over her shoulder, “Some old woman... Jonna...”

Cyrus' eyes went wide, “You saw Jonna?”

“What's the big deal?” Isabel asked.

“It doesn't matter... I don't want to talk about it.” Alexsi informed them, once more walking faster.

“It's why he's been so annoyed all day.” Isabel said anyways, struggling to keep up with Alexsi's fast pace. “I don't know why he doesn't want to talk to his mother.”

“His mother?” Helena asked softly, looking to Cyrus.

“We have different mothers.” Cyrus answered, running to catch up with Alexsi. “You have to tell papa and dad.” He barely had the sentence out and Alexsi was already shaking his head in refusal.

“He should just talk to her.” Isabel said, “She seemed so sad... she said it's been a long time since she saw him.”

“It's her own fault.” Alexsi snapped at his girlfriend, looking to her harshly. “She made her choices and they didn't involve me... I'm not going to forgive her because she cried a few tears and said I'm sorry.”

Isabel frowned and crossed her arms. “That happened a long time ago. People change...”

“Some people don't change.” Alexsi mumbled, looking away from her. He thought about how the first question out of his mother's lips were not about his welfare, but his father's.

“You're being stubborn. I can't believe you would be so heartless to make your mother cry like that.” Isabel said.

“It was a lot more humane than what she did and still does to me.” Alexsi said.

Frowning, Isabel continued, “I don't think I can date a guy who would make his own mother cry.”

Cyrus felt his heart drop, because he saw what Isabel seemed to be missing in his brother's eyes. Alexsi looked mad, looked ready to fight... but his eyes were sad and he knew that Alexsi's heart was breaking at those words. Alexsi had risked a lot to come and spend time with her...

Drawing in a shaky breath, Alexsi looked away from her, and crossed his arms. “Then maybe we shouldn't see each other again. I'm not going to forgive my mother just because you won't sleep with me any more.” His words were harsh, but not filled with malice, instead it was touched with hurt and sorrow.

“Isabel.” Helena said softly, stepping in between the two teens, “Don't be rash...”

Isabel scowled and stepped around Helena. “I never want to see you again Alexsi Valo.” She spat at him. “If you would be cruel enough to hurt your mother... who knows what you would have done to me.”

“I've never hurt you!” Alexsi called after her, but Isabel turned a deaf ear to him and stormed into the hotel.

Looking torn and bewildered, Helena looked between her friend and Cyrus, before looking miserable and ran off to catch up with Isabel.

Alexsi stared in the direction they had gone, but not at it, he was breathing heavily and fighting off the pain he felt inside of him.

“Alexsi...” Cyrus started, feeling tears run down his own cheeks, as he reached out for his brother. But Alexsi tore away from him and went running down the street. Drawing in a breath, after casting one more reluctant look at the hotel, he ran after him.

“What do you think that was all about?” Ville asked softly. Now that the teens had left the flat, they were alone and sitting on the couch that Helena and Cyrus had just departed from. He pulled Bam's legs into his lap and touched them gently.

Bam shrugged, “Who knows... but something is not right with Alexsi. He has been moodier than normal lately.”

Ville nodded in agreement. “I don't know what is bothering him, but I wish he would just say something.”

“I think... in a way he did.” Bam said softly. He sighed and gazed at Ville for a moment. “So much for the happy ending to our lovely honeymoon.”

Ville smiled, leaning in to kiss Bam. “It was a lovely honeymoon... Though I was hoping it would last longer... once we checked on the boys.”

Bam chuckled, “How long did you plan on being on this honeymoon?”

Ville smiled, pulling Bam into his lap more. “Just a few more days...or weeks... or months.” He chuckled with Bam, running his hand over the American's face as they kissed. “Then again... just being with you is like being on a permanent honeymoon.”

“Awww... you smooth talker.” Bam teased, kissing Ville again, though deeply this time, still feeling the familiar tingle when their tongues touched. He gasped softly, slowly lowering back onto the couch, pulling Ville with him.

Ville let his hands roam up Bam's shirt, pressing their bodies together, getting quite wrapped up in the moment, until he heard a door slam. Sighing, he relaxed as best as he could, and peered over the top of the couch.

Bam, though concerned about their children and yet reluctant to leave the warmth of his lover's body, sat up; keeping his legs around Ville's thighs as he also looked over the couch.

They watched as Alexsi hurried past them and went to the guest room, soon followed by another slam. Cyrus was right behind him, though he stopped and cast them a worried expression.

“What's going on?” Ville asked, getting off the couch, hurrying over to Cyrus.

Cyrus used his shirt to wipe sweat from his face and was trying to catch his breath. He looked to his papa for a moment and then to Bam. “I think dad should go and talk to him.”

“Is he alright?” Bam asked, having followed Ville and was already on his way down to Alexsi.

Unsure if he should mention Jonna, Cyrus shook his head and only mentioned half of the problem. “He just needs you alright?”







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