A World Away Ch.3

Sep 21, 2009 23:22

Title: A World Away
Author: mikkosgrl
Pairing: Eventual VAM, Ville/Bam/other
Rating: R
Summary: A young magazine reporter gets flown for an interview...things happen.
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own. Complete fiction.
Warnings: Language, sexuality
Authors Notes: comment please - my first fic.

Lots going on in this chapter, let me know what you think.

Chapter 3

On the long plane ride, Nina occupied her busy mind going over the paperwork Frank had given her.  There were the usual questions the magazine wanted answered, the usual boring music/tour related things anyone could easily just find online.  Nina hated them; she liked to get artists to open up about other things fans wanted to know about, to be more personal with them.  She couldn’t help but feel nervous though; she’d never interviewed someone as important or famous as Alexi, and she was meeting him Sunday afternoon!  (For the first interview, anyway.  She was interviewing the entire band later the next week, but they were all unavailable until then.  She was almost excited about the prospect because it was what allowed her to stay for two weeks.)  There was barely any time to prepare; after all, she had to try to find her way around Helsinki, no easy task for someone whose only two languages were English and Spanish.  (Hey, those were the important ones, right?)  If only she could think of intelligent questions to ask….

It seemed only a short time before the plane landed.  Nina could tell she was in for an interesting language barrier; she didn’t understand a word anyone was saying and the language didn’t sound like anything she’d heard before.  Thank God most people speak English here.  She shuddered, but it wasn’t from the chilly outside air brushing past her as she waited for her taxi.  She wasn’t comfortable being American in a foreign country, even one friendly with the United States.  Her taxi driver understood enough to get her to the hotel Frank had set up.  She gazed up at it.  It wasn’t luxurious by any means, but it wasn’t a seedy downtown Chicago dump, either.  She thought she might just be enjoying herself after all.  Better call Jake!  She rushed through the doors and checked into her room.


“Hello?” a sleepy voice answered.

“Jake!  It’s Nina!”

“Oh! Hi hun! Didn’t think you’d be calling so soon!  How was your flight?”

“Good.  What’ve you been up to?”

“Uh…sleeping.” He chuckled.  “Do you know what time it is here?”

“Well, I know, but you said to call!” she reminded him.

“I know.  I’m glad you had a good flight.  Listen, I’m gonna get back to sleep now, ok?  Have fun and call me later.”

“Alright, bye. I love you!”

“…You too.”  Click.

Jake sighed and rolled over toward the female form next to him.

“Who was that?” asked Monique.

“Sister,” Jake muttered.  “She’s in Greece and wanted to let me know what she was up to.”


He had never wanted to be the cheater.  He loved Nina, he really did, but in truth he just wasn’t ready to be married.  He was only 22 for god’s sake, and she was only 21.  Neither of them knew what they wanted.  When he had proposed, he thought he knew.  But after he had found he really wasn’t ready, it was too late.  Now they had been married for nearly three months and the cheating hadn’t stopped.  Every time she was out of town on business, there was Monique’s number in his phone.  He wanted to tell Nina, had tried many times, but each time he just didn’t have the balls to be the man he knew she deserved.  That, and he was very, very afraid.  He knew Nina wouldn’t stand for it, that she’d want a divorce or even worse, an annulment, meaning it had never even been.  Those words that meant he wasn’t ready, that he’d messed up.

This time, I’m going to tell her.

He told Monique to leave, and picked up the phone.


She cried until she fell asleep, for a space that seemed like hours.  How could he do this?  Worse, how could she not have known?  She had kept her voice steady on the phone, telling him it was over, that there was no reconciliation to be had between them.  She had heard him crying, knew he was embarrassed and ashamed.

He should be.

Oh, how was she supposed to be strong and do her job when her personal life was completely falling apart?  She knew to keep work and family separate, but this seemed like an extenuating circumstance.  She briefly tossed around the idea of calling Frank, telling him she was violently ill, telling him anything to get out of the interview the next day.  Suddenly, she realized that all that was left now was her career.  If Jake was not in her life, she was free to do as she pleased, to travel all she wanted, and to go wherever she was needed.  That thought alone was the most comforting.  Just before she fell asleep she had a thought and made a promise to herself:

If I see Ville Valo on this trip, I swear to God, I’ll jump his bones the first chance I get.


She sat in the little room waiting for Alexi to arrive.  True, she had gotten there early, no one wants to be late for an interview, but now she wished she hadn’t.  It seemed like every minute that passed, the more nervous she became.  Her pain had subsided slightly from the previous night’s conversation with her soon-to-be ex-husband.  Subsided to a dull ache, anyway.  She did love him, but tried to rationalize his feelings to herself.  She deserved a better man, a faithful man, one who wasn’t going to make false promises and act like he was mature when he wasn’t.  This mess wasn’t her fault, it was his.  It was time for her to move on, to continue her life in whatever direction it took.  She felt almost like she was floating around in Lake Michigan with no shore in sight.  No shore, no boat, just her.  Floating and floating, going wherever the current decided to take her.

The door to the room opened, and there he stood.  A shorter, slim man, dressed in all black from head to toe.  Chipped black nails edged the fingers that reached out to shake her hand.

“Alexi, nice to me you,” he said.

“Nina, my pleasure.”

“Well, let’s get started then!”

He was enthusiastic throughout all the “boring” questions, which Nina was grateful for.  She knew he had endured this so many times it must make him sick to even think about coming for these interviews.

“So,” she asked, ready to get to the “good” questions she had prepared herself, “what’s the word on your love life at the moment?”

His eyebrows shot up.  She had taken him off guard; they had just discussed the band’s upcoming album, and she went straight to this?  He had to admit, it was kind of sexy for a female interviewer to be asking such pointed questions. Not to mention she was looking pretty cute…

“Uh…let’s not go there.  And yours?” A grin splashed across his face.

“…Same answer!” she laughed.

They continued for about twenty more minutes.  He had to admit, for an American, she was really intelligent.  She actually seemed to care about his music and even him as a person.  Wait a minute….

“You’re a fan, aren’t you?”

She blushed.  Had she been so obvious?

“Uh, well, I know your music,” she admitted in a small voice.

“No, no, that’s great!” he assured her.  “At least you know what we’re like.  Most reporters just interview us because their bosses tell them to or some shit.  But you, I knew you were different!”

His compliments made her face feel like it was on fire.  Was he flirting with her?  No, he’s just being friendly.  Get your mind out of the gutter, Nina!

“Uh…” she searched for another question, anything to get off this subject.  “You’re English is really good, how’d you become so fluent?”

“Watching TV.  You know, with sexy ladies like yourself.”

Oh, god.  She was grinning and blushing so hard it felt like she was going to cry.

“I’m sorry,” he smiled apologetically.  “I guess I’ve just been around the guys waaaay too long.  I know this interview’s over, but I was wondering, well, maybe we could exchange numbers and get together for a beer between interviews?  You know, just for something fun for you to do while you’re here.”

A million thoughts rushed through her head in the space of about five seconds.  Frank said…what if…what does he…should I…is he asking me out…it’s too soon…my career…oh, what the hell…

“I’d love to.”

They exchanged numbers, and he agreed to pick her up the following night at her hotel.


The next night, she felt like a high-school teen getting ready for her first big date.  She had checked her make-up for what seemed like the millionth time, scrutinizing herself in the mirror.  Does this top make my boobs look weird?  It was a sparkly silver one, one she used for the clubs at home.  Oh great, what if I’m not dressed right?  She was just way too excited about this.  He doesn’t want anything from you like that.  Just be cool, like yesterday.

A knock sounded at her door.  She opened it, and there he was, looking splendidly “black” as always.

“Wow, you look nice.  Great, now I have to go change,” he said, mock turning away.

She giggled like a little girl and followed him out.

“So…where are we going?”

“This club downtown.  Americans seem to go there a lot, so I thought it would make you feel more at home in this strange country of ours.” He grinned.  “I guess they play hip-hop, so I hope you’re not too offended,” he said, making a throwing-up noise.

“As long as you’re not too offended to see me try to dance.”

If you dance like most American girls, I think I’ll like it just fine.


He hadn’t expected this. Not from any woman, but especially not an American one, here on business.  She had matched him, drink for drink.  Not an easy feat.  And it was showing.  Badly.  He grinned at her, half drunk himself.

“Oi, look, I gotta go take a piss. Be back,” he slurred after breaking into Finnish for what seemed like the hundredth time.

On his way out of the bathroom, he looked toward the bar, but Nina was nowhere in site.  He figured she’d just gone to the bathroom herself.  Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Well, they’ll let anyone in here, won’t they?” said a deep voice in Finnish.

Alexi whirled around, thinking it was some dumb punk about to get his face smashed in.

“Look here, motherfu - oi, Ville!”

“The one and only,” said the tall man, taking a bow before wrapping Alexi into a hug.  “Long time, no see!”

“Yeah, what the hell, man?  You’re at this club?”

“About to ask you the same!”

“…Well, look man, there’s this chick interviewer I’m kinda into and…”

“…You thought you’d get her drunk so she’s sleep with you?”

“What? No! I actually kinda like her. She’s cool.”  He smiled. “And she can drink.”

Ville chuckled his adorable laugh.  “Well, good for you.  Better watch out, though, I’m a single man now.”

Alexi rolled his eyes.  “So what are you doing here? Getting a woman drunk yourself?  Or a man?” he winked.  He joked with Ville about his sexuality, everyone did, but he knew (or at least thought) he was straight.

Now it was Ville’s turn to roll his eyes.  “Bam wanted to come here.  Again.”  He sighed.

“Oh, where is the little fucker?”

“Not sure, probably ran off with some girl.”  Ville would never admit it to anyone, but the idea made him jealous.  He loved Bam, as a friend, but also as something else.  He felt an attraction to him as he had felt toward no other man.  Of course, no one could know.  It would completely ruin his image.  Truth was, and he had finally admitted it to himself, he was bi.  There was no other explanation for the feelings.  “Whoa, look at that little princess shake it!”

Alexi looked to where Ville gestured and groaned.  There was Nina, dancing like mad.  On a table.  A crowd of men had gathered around to holler at her.

“Oh, wait, that’s not….that’s her?  Alexi, you didn’t tell me she looked that good!”

“Shut up.”

“Hey look, all’s fair….”

“No, it’s not!”  Alexi was clearly getting defensive.

“Alright, how about we make a bet then?”  Ville asked.  He loved playing stupid games like this.  “First one to sleep with her buys the other a case of beer and has to throw a party…at his place.”

Alexi knew the price of throwing a party at your own place.  Things inevitably got broken, police were usually involved, and the neighbors were always tortured.  But the alcohol was having its effect.

“Deal,” he said, sticking out his hand with confidence.

“Not so fast,” said Ville.  “Rule number one, no alcohol.  Rule number two, no drugs.  Number three, no rape.  Deal?”

They shook hands, grinning.

Now it was Alexi’s turn to stare.  “Um, Ville? Do you think we should get them out of here?”


Nina looked at Alexi as he walked to the bathroom.  She was having so much fun, but knew she had to slow down on the drinks.  She had wanted to impress him, and believed she had, but it would all be completely ruined if she were to puke or pass out in her chair.  The beat was so good here, though.  She liked hip-hop when she was in the mood to party and dance.  So far, she had only seen people dancing in a way she wouldn’t be caught dead dancing at home.  They danced like it was 1950, not touching each other or anything.  Suddenly, she felt the urge to move come on.

She got up and walked a few paces and started to dance.  People immediately moved out of her way to make room.  She liked being the center of attention when she was dancing, although she usually wasn’t in America.  She had grown up in a mostly black neighborhood, and her friends had definitely helped out her “white girl” dance moves.  She could dance well, she knew, but she just wasn’t as good as most back home.

Here, though, she was practically a dance god.  A table was cleared for her as people gestured for her to get on it.  She complied, only vaguely aware that she probably shouldn’t be doing such a thing on a business trip.  She continued to dance as men and women alike crowded around and cheered her on.  She drew quite a number when suddenly, she felt a male form grab her hips to dance behind her.  She knew it was a male because, well, certain parts were making themselves very known to her backside.  He could grind really well, matching how low she got with his own body.  She couldn’t help but giggle in her drunken haze.  He was good sized, she felt, and would probably be fun to flirt with, even sleep with, if he spoke English.

“Hey, doll, how about you come back to where I’m staying?”  He slurred into her ear.  She could smell the alcohol on him.  He was drunk, but she didn’t care.  His breath on her skin made her feel that familiar tingle between her legs.

He’s speaking English.  American English.

She turned to face her unknown partner and gasped, coming face-to-face with Bam Margera.

fic:completed, rating:r, author:m

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