Just a Whore Chp. 9

Jul 10, 2009 15:56

Title: Just a Whore
Summary: my personal spin on the movie "Pretty Woman". Ville is a young whore, trapped and searching for his saviour
Pairing: various, but mostly focused on Vam. there will be some surprise guests though
Disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. please don't sue!
A/N: Sorry for the delay ladies (and possibly gentlemen o.O) I meant to get this up sooner, but I've been distracted by the MJ thing and The Mighty Boosh. Odd combination, yes? Anyway, fair warning, this is lengthy and not the big VAM renunion. I'm saving that one until I can better plan it out. Anyway, that being said, enjoy ^^

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Ville (POV)

Everything in the last few hours has been kind of a blur. By the time Jonne had gotten home earlier, he didn’t have anytime to tell me what the meeting with Viggo was about. Truth be told, I think that he was trying to avoid me. He when he got home, he had rushed to get dressed and get out the door as quickly as possible. We had hardly even said hello before he was out the door again. Was he that mad about me not calling him back last night, or the fact that Andy had gotten me drunk? I don’t know, but I wish that he would talk to me.

With Jonne’s quick departure, I was left with nothing to do but get ready myself. Tonight, I had chosen a simple black Misfits shirt that rode off of my shoulders and a worn pair of black jeans that settled just under my new tattoo. I liked this outfit better than most of my other ones that Viggo would make me wear. This one was the closest thing to normal that I wore on my street corner. In this outfit, I wasn’t showing off too much skin and anyone passing by quickly would just assume that I was just a normal young man standing alone on the corner.

Funny thing while I was looking through my closet for something to wear though. I had found an old top hat that I gotten from a thrift store two years ago. Why had I thrown that into the closet? I loved wearing the old thing. It made me feel like a completely different person, like when an actor wears a costume and then they become that character. While wearing this I wasn’t Ville Valo or William Light, as my costumers know me, I could be anyone I wanted to be. It was fun for me to pretend like that. It took away the sting of reality.

Even though I couldn’t pretend to be someone else tonight, I decided to wear the hat anyway. If anything, it made me feel nostalgic about somewhat better times. The people on the street seemed to like it as well. In only three hours, I’ve had eight customers, four of which I had intercourse with, three were blowjobs and one was some creepy guy with a foot fetish. All in all, this was turning out to be one of my better nights. I was making far more money than usual, so I decided that perhaps one or two more people will be enough for tonight.

Its been eerily calm tonight for some reason. Its really odd. I’ve never really had a night when everything was this peaceful. It just makes me wonder when the hell something is going to jump out and surprise me. Speaking of which…this is the second night in which I haven’t seen my new stalker. Did the little fuck give up that easily? Huh….I didn’t know whether to be insulted by that or whether I should just consider it a blessing that he wasn’t here to irritate me. I mean, I really didn’t want another bump on the head again, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder why he had given up on me so quickly. Oh well….I suppose that he realized that he would just be wasting both of our times by chasing me. The little ADHD bastard was probably just looking for a way to entertain himself anyway.

It was strange really, how lately everything I do seems to lead to me thinking about Bam. Mostly, I’m still focused on the anger and disappointment that he has been making me feel, but that wasn’t all that I was dwelling on. Last night with Andreas, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Even when I was in the tender embrace of Andreas, my mind had drifted off to the blue-eyed skater. I think that is why I was so willing to drink away my sorrows with the Swede last night. For me, the more that I would drink, the more that I would forget….Obviously it didn’t work though. I don’t remember much in my drunken blackout, but I do remember that I had dreamt about lying in that soft bed with Bam’s strong arms wrapped around me. I wanted to be back in that bed. I wanted nothing more than to go back to that night and feel the warmth and love once more…even if it was just a lie.

Sighing, I try to shake these thoughts from my mind. I think that this was the reason I was trying to focus so much anger onto Bam. If I was busy being angry over him, then I couldn’t lament over what I had felt for him that night. It would have been alright had I never saw him again after that night; I could have moved on from my hatred had he left me alone afterwards. But when he found me a few nights ago, it forced me to resurface and reexamine the feelings and sensations of that night. It shouldn’t have been that way though. The man had used me and thrown me away like worn out trash, treating me as if I was too filthy to touch. Yet he had come looking for me, wanting to talk to me….That meant that he cared a little, right?

I haven’t made up my mind about him yet. I want to make him suffer, yet at the same time, I want to be near him. All of my emotions were swirling around me like some sort of murky whirlpool and the whole thing was just making me sick to my stomach. There had to be something, some sort of solution to this whole mess. There has to be some way to make all of these unwanted feelings go away so that I may be able to go on with my life. Perhaps, if he should show up again, I should just hear him out. Maybe then I could get some form of closure on this whole situation.

I don’t think that I’m quite there just yet though. Chances are that should Bam show up again tonight, I would just punch his lights out on instinct. I want to move on, but I want to cause him more pain first. Hell hath no fury like a scorned hooker I suppose. He probably won’t come though. Most likely, he’s already gotten bored with this little game and gone back home to his giant mansion, fancy cars, and wonderful life….Lucky bastard.

“William, just the man I was looking for,” a smooth voice calls from behind me. My body goes tense at the sound of his voice and my eyes go so wide that I believe my eyebrows touched my hairline. What the hell is this? Some kind of cruel joke that the fates have come up with to humor themselves?

I can’t bring myself to turn around and face him. Even when I can feel him standing there behind me, I can’t force myself to turn and look at him. The faint sound of his laugh hits my ears and my stomach begins to become sick. Why the fuck is he here!? He is the last person I ever wanted to run into again.

“What’s wrong William? No, hello?”

“O-officer Bale,” I start in a shaky voice, slowly turning my body towards him but not looking him in the eyes yet. “W-what are you doing here?”

“Its not officer Bale tonight, William,” he informs. “I’m off duty tonight.”

Shifting my eyes from the ground and towards him, I can see that he is indeed not dressed in his customary dark blue uniform. No, tonight he is in his civilian clothes, jeans, a simple form-fitting black t-shirt, and a black coat. His dark hair was slicked back away from his face and it looks as if he hadn’t bothered to shave. He looked nice, I’ll admit. I don’t think that I’ve ever seen him in his civilian wear before.

“What are you doing here…Christian?” I repeat. It was a dumb question, I realized. I know what he’s here for….And the smile that he’s sporting just proves it.

“How are you doing William?” He asks, reaching out to touch my cheek. Revolted by the mere thought of his touch, I back away from him.

“What the hell do you care?”

“Don’t be like that,” he coos, taking a step closer to me. “Viggo wanted me to check on you, see how you were doing.”

“Why?” I ask. “Andy was here with me last night. Wasn’t one bodyguard enough?”

“Yeah, but apparently he’s really paranoid about somebody who requested you by name, so until that mess is cleared up, he wants someone to keep tabs on you,” he explains. Fucking son of a bitch! Why!? Why the hell couldn’t he just let Andreas come with me again? Why did he have to send this pig!?

“W-why didn’t he just send Andreas again?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “Something about he killed your profits our some shit like that. No matter though, Viggo wanted me to check in on you so, here I am,” he grins.

“Good, well now that you’ve seen I’m still alive, you can go now,” I say with faux sweetness, forcing a smile.

Christian doesn’t answer me at first, he was too busy giving me an up and down look. My body tensed under his hungry gaze and I wanted nothing more than to turn and run away….But where would I go? Where could I go?

“You look really beautiful tonight, William,” he smiles, his eyes still drifting up and down my body.

“So I’ve been told. Now leave,” I demand.

Christian doesn’t listen though and instead walks up closer to me. I kept taking steps back away from him, but he still kept coming closer. Eventually my back hit the wall of a building and I was left with nowhere to go. Christian, being the opportunist that he is took the chance to trap me by pressing his body against mine, pinning my wrists to the wall.

“Get off of me!” I bark.

“Relax William,” he says in a smooth voice. “I’m not going to hurt you….I believe that you do owe me a favor though,” he grins.

“What are you talking about?” I growl, trying to shove him away from me. I knew what he was referring to, but I was just hoping that denying it will make him go away.

“You promised me a rain check, remember?” He grins, his eyes holding an evil glint. “I’m here to cash it in.”

“I only said that so you wouldn’t shoot one of my customers,” I say. “I’d rather cut off my own dick than be touched by you!”

Placing my hands firmly on his shoulders, I give him one good shove and manage to get him off of me. Christian laughs as he’s being pushed back and it frightens me a little. Usually, a remark like that from me sends him into a rage. What’s so different this time?

“You sure are feisty tonight,” he comments. “What’s gotten into you?”

“You,” I reply.

“Me?” He laughs. “Well…not yet.”

“Go away!” I shout, hoping that someone on the street would have heard that. The last thing I want is to be all alone with this freak.

“Stop shouting and get back over here you little slut,” he barks. “I’ve got your cash if that’s what your worried about.”

“For once, its not about the money,” I say, gritting my teeth. “I don’t want your money and I don’t want to be anywhere near you.”

Christian’s eyes narrow at my words and a dark expression comes over his features. The look sends a cold chill down my spine and I believe that now would be a good time to take my leave. Quickly turning on my heels, I begin a small sprint away from him, hoping that this will be the end of our unpleasant visit. Sadly for me though, it was not meant to be.

I think that I got maybe twenty feet from him before he came after me, slamming his body into mine with full force and sending us both to the ground, him landing on top of me. It took me a moment to regain the air in my lungs and the pain in my ribs was unbearable, but by the time I am able to calm down, Christian was up, knocking my hat off of my head and pulling me up by my hair. I yelped in pain and grabbed at his hands, but Christian was a man on a mission. He dragged me into the alley beside the broken streetlight and threw me against the wall.

“Do I really disgust you that much Willaim?” Christian asks as I tried to recover from being thrown. “Are you that desperate to get away from me?”

“G-get away from me,” I say in a hiccup of a voice. At the moment I must be a pathetic sight. It hurt too much to stand at the moment so I sat there, curling up into a small ball. “I’ll tell Viggo.”

“I’ll tell Viggo,” he repeats in a mocking tone. “Go ahead. I’ll just tell him that your little stalker came back and I got here too late to save you.”

“He won’t believe you over me,” I say, my breath coming in little wheezing pants. I think that I was on the verge of a panic attack, but I was trying my best to fight it back.

“Then I guess that I will have to make sure you don’t remember,” he calmly states.

Before I have time to ponder what he meant to do, Christian kicks my stomach harshly, making me grunt and fall onto my side in pain. Trying my best to get away from him, despite being so badly injured, I flip myself over on my stomach and try to crawl away from him. Christian’s laughter rings loudly in my ears, mocking me as I try to get away. Looking up, I see him raising his foot, preparing to bring it down onto my hand. I was able to pull back my hand just in time as he stomped his foot down.

“Come on William, don’t try to leave. Stay and have some fun with me,” he says.

Christian reaches his hand down to grab me once more, but I claw at him, catching some of his exposed skin under my nails. He hisses in pain, but he didn’t try to retaliate. At least, not yet….I raised myself up onto my knees and slowly tried to crawl back out to the open sidewalk. I was merely a foot away from it when Christian reached down and grabbed my ankles, causing me to fall again as he pulled me back into the darkness. I clawed at the ground and kicked my feet feverishly, but he held tight.

“Help!” I screamed. “Someone please!”

“Shut the fuck up!” Christian growled, flipping me over onto my back so that I was looking at him. “Keep quiet…you don’t want anyone to interrupt.”

Christian pulls back for a moment and pulls off his coat, tossing it to the side. This gave me the chance I needed to make some kind of attempt to save myself. Taking a deep breath, I bent my knees close to my body before kicking him harshly in the chest. It works as Christian is launched away from me and lands on the ground a couple of feet away. As he’s gasping for breath, I lift myself back up to my feet and pull my knife from my pocket. Flipping open the blade, I hold it out in front of me and wait to see what Christian is going to try next.

“You’re actually going to try to threaten me?” Christian laughs, grabbing at his chest as he tried to stand up. “Go ahead, William. Take your best shot.”

Christian snarls as he comes closer towards me. Biting my lip, I raise up my knife and slice it through the air, a silent threat towards him. He disregards the warning though and continues to come at me.

“Come on William, cut me. I dare you,” he laughs viciously.

I nervously swing the knife through the air again, hoping that the bastard would be stupid enough to walk into it. The pig is just toying with me right now….It reminds me a bit of a cat that I once had as a boy. It was a vicious little thing that would rip off the legs off of mice and play with it before killing the mouse. Well, that’s all that Christian is doing right now. He’s hurt me, now he wants to toy with me a bit before making his final move.

“Just leave now Christian, and I won’t tell Viggo,” I lie. There’s no way in hell that if I make it out of this, that I won’t take the chance to have Christian taken care of once and for all.

“You think I’m an idiot William,” he asks.

“Yes,” I answer without skipping a beat.

“Either put the knife down or take a swing at me,” Christian commands. “Because either way, you’re not going to win this. I will have you….Now do you want to do this easily or the hard way?”

Instead of answering him directly, I spit in his face. Christian growls and wipes away the saliva before he cracks his knuckles loudly. My breath is becoming heavy now as I wait to see what he’s going to do. The tension is so thick in the air and I could feel the little hairs on my neck standing up in anxiety. Christian makes a move, as if he was going to lunge at me, and I take a swing with my knife. He laughs and does it again, taking amusement in my anxious await of his attack.

“What are you waiting for William?” He taunts. “I’m right here. Cut me.”

Narrowing my brows, I let out a vicious snarl and lunge at him, swinging my knife at his chest. It didn’t hit his chest like I had hoped, but instead got his arm when he had tried to defend himself. There was now a large gash on his left forearm and he was cursing loudly as the blood streamed out of the wound. I must admit, it felt wonderful to hurt him, to cause him pain…and perhaps humiliation. I mean, if I were a cop, I would be pretty embarrassed after getting cut by a hooker.

“Didn’t think I would actually do it, did you,” I couldn’t help but taunt, giving him a wicked smile.

“No, not really,” he admits with a small laugh. “But I’m glad you did. Because now I have just cause.”

“W-what do you mean? Just cause for what?” I ask, pointing my blade at him once more.

“To do this,” he replies.

Before I even had a chance to blink, Christian dove at me, taking us both down to the ground and making me drop my weapon. I grunted in pain as the wind was knocked out of me and Christian began to straddle my waist. I punched and clawed at him, hitting him a couple of times before he caught my hands and pinned them down on either sides of my head. He leaned down over my body so that his face was merely inches over mine. My breath was coming in quick, desperate pants now and it was becoming a struggle to breathe.

“You shouldn’t fight this William,” he whispers, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. “You should have known that it was going to happen one day.”

“Get off of me!” I scream with all of the air left in my lungs. I’m hoping, praying, that someone would have heard it. It doesn’t really seem like anyone is watching over me though as Christian slaps my face with an open palm.

“Shut up,” he growls. “You can struggle all you want though…this is going to happen whether you like it or not. In fact, I kind of like the way you’re fighting me. It’s getting me all excited.”

“Help me!” I scream into the night. “Help-”

My second cry for help is cut off by Christian pressing his lips harshly against mine. His vile tongue squirms its way into my mouth and I cry as it gags me. Christian is moaning into my mouth and there is the feeling of bile rising in my throat. Warm tears begin to slip from my tightly shut eyes as I feel his arousal grind viciously into my crotch. Please God, help me! Please!

Christian pushes his tongue deeper into my mouth to where I can practically feel it in the back of my throat. Doing the only thing I could think of, I bit down onto his tongue harshly until the taste of blood filled my mouth. Christian screams in pain and pulls off of me. I gasp for air, coughing out the blood from my throat. Looking back towards my attacker, I see that there is blood spilling from the corner of his mouth and down to his chin. The look in his eyes says that I have just sealed my fate….

“You shouldn’t have done that,” he says calmly, blood spits from his lips and lands in small spatters on my cheek.

“If you harm me, Viggo will kill you,” I whisper. It was the only thing that I could say…my only defense. It has worked in the past…I can only pray that it will work again.

“For what?” He laughs. “I didn’t do a damn thing….You were stupid and one of your customers got too rough with you. I did what I could to revive you, but I was too late….That’s all that Viggo is ever going to know. You’ll be just another whore killed in the line of duty.”

My eyes widen in the worst feeling of pure fear that I’ve ever felt…. He wasn’t kidding. He really intended to kill me here tonight. Christian had always made threats against my life, but that’s all I thought that they ever were…threats. No! He can’t kill me here! Who will look after Jonne and Bill? They need me….

“P-please don’t,” I beg in a shaky voice, fighting the tears back. “Don’t kill me, please.”

“What would you trade for your life then William?” He asks, tilting his head to the side curiously. “What would you be willing to give me if I let you live?”

Of course it would have to come down to this decision….It always does. If I want to survive, then I’ll have to give him my body. This is the last ultimatum that I ever wanted to face. I’ve traded my body in order to survive before, but it has never been like this…. Someone up there must really hate me.

“A…alright,” I say, closing my eyes tightly and nodding.

“What was that?” Christian asks, pretending as if he didn’t hear me. The bastard just wants me to say it again for his amusement.

“Alright,” I reply a bit more loudly. “I…I’ll do it.”

“Good boy,” he smiles, stroking my cheek with mocking affection.

I had hoped that he would let me up after agreeing so that I might have a chance to escape, but he moves so that he is sitting on my chest, his body weight forcing the air out of my lungs. He grins as he reaches down and undoes the button and zipper from his jeans. Holding back the bile in my throat, I watch in horror as he pulls his manhood from beneath its confines. His dick looks painfully hard…it looks as if its throbbing as he strokes it lightly. Smirking evilly, he brings his grotesque, leaking member to my lips, moving it along the lower lip slowly. Some of his precome leaks its way into my mouth. It felt like acid on my tongue.

“You’ve got such beautiful lips,” he says sweetly. “Let’s put them to good use, shall we?”

As he pressed his veiny member at the entrance of my mouth, I couldn’t help but think that this must be the lowest point of my life. Sure, I’ve done some terrible things in the past, but none of them has ever hurt me quite as much as this. I’ve always told Christian that I would rather be dead than to ever service him, but as it turns out I can’t put my money where my mouth is.

“Come on,” Christian growls, backhanding me across the face. “Do what you were made for.”

His words stung a bit more than the slap on my cheek. I couldn’t help but take his harsh words to heart. It seems that this is what I am made for, the only thing that I am good for. Let’s face it, I’m lithe, feminine and easily manipulated. It seems like I was pretty much destined for this life, destined for spreading my legs to anyone for the right price. Amazing really that I had never seen it before.

Letting a warm tear slip from my eye, I gently close my lids and let him push his arousal between my lips. He doesn’t take it in too far, just enough so that the tip is touching my tongue, the taste of his seed slowly leaking onto my palate. Christian moaned softly and moved his member in a small circular motion inside my mouth, slowly pushing more of his shaft inside. At the moment, I was more than happy to let him do all of the work…it made me feel a little less dirty inside.

“Come on William,” Christian moans. “Use that pretty mouth of yours.”

Squeezing my eyes shut a bit more tightly, I lean my head forward to take in more of his erection. Soon enough, his large shaft was filling my mouth, almost setting off my gag reflexes. I close my lips around the shaft and hollow my cheeks, licking the underside of the erection in a way I know will get a reaction. There was no need for formalities or foreplay right now. I just wanted this over with as quickly as possible. Let him get off so that I may be able to go home and wash away this dirty feeling.

“That’s good William,” Christian moans, thrusting slightly into my mouth as I suck him. “Harder.”

His fist grasps my hair and he pulls my head into an awkward angle, cramping my neck terribly. He decides to throw all of his caution to the wind I suppose as he starts to viciously fuck my mouth. The tip of his penis is hitting the back of my throat, gagging me in an intolerable way. I try to breath through my nostrils, but no air is coming through and it feels as if I have to throw up. It was beginning to become a problem. I couldn’t breathe! Was this his plan? To fuck my mouth until I suffocated?

My eyes shoot open and a flood of tears falls from my eyes. Christian’s eyes are closed and he’s moaning like a wonton whore, his fist tightening its grip to the point where I believe he’s about to pull out chunks of my hair. It hurts! Everything hurts! I can’t breathe and his weight on my chest is slowly suffocating me. I need to do something, anything! Squeezing my eyes tightly shut once more, I panicked and did the only thing I could. I bit down, hard.

My attacker screams violently into the dark alley and pulls out of my mouth. He falls over onto his side next to me and my chest immediately expands as I take in a deep breath of air. Rolling over onto my left side, I released the bile that had been building up in my throat out onto the ground. Thank God! I thought I was going to die there….It would be the worst irony, wouldn’t it? A prostitute being choked to death on some violent client’s penis…. Chances are though, that will be my fate one day…. But not today damn it!

Christian is still curled up in pain on the ground, grabbing at his wounded dick. I’m pretty sure that I drew blood with that bite, so I need to get my ass out of here before he recovers. Rolling my body to the other side, I crawl up to the wall of the building and use the brick as leverage to get to my feet. Once standing, I start to wheeze badly. I need my inhaler! Its at the apartment…. If I could just get away right now, then I might be able to make it back to the apartment before I go into a full asthma attack.

My head is spinning, but I try to walk forward on my shaky legs. I stumble a bit, but inch by inch, I’m slowly drawing back towards the light of the sidewalk. If I can just get out there, I might be able to wave down a car for help. The bile is coming back up in my throat, but I swallow it down. I can’t stop to vomit right now. I have to get away!

“William!” Christian growls from behind me. I don’t dare turn to face him. “Get your fucking ass back here!”

I’m almost there! I’m almost out to the open sidewalk. I’ll be safe soon. Just a few more steps and I’ll be ok….

“Don’t walk away from me you fucking whore!” This time, his voice was much closer. Shit! He had recovered more quickly than I expected…. I need to get away now!

“I said, don’t walk away from me!”

My hands hit the corner of the building, the glow of a streetlight on the sidewalk illuminating my skin, and I thought that I had made it. I thought that I was safe…. But just as I was about to step into the light, a strong bicep wrapped around my waist and dragged me back into the dark abyss that was to be my grave.

With all of the strength that he could muster, Christian threw me against the wall, my arm hitting it first and my head hitting next. I wanted to scream at the force of the hit, but I couldn’t. All I could do was let out a low grunting noise and fall to the ground. Every bone in my body was throbbing horribly in pain and the impending asthma attack that I had feared was about to commence. There was a malicious laugh ringing in my ears as I tried my best to calm down, despite the pain.

“You’re pathetic,” he scoffs, standing over me. “You’re worse than the trash lying on the ground here…. At least the trash was once something useful. You’re nothing but a pathetic whore…. And now, I’m going to kill you and rid the world of one more worthless hooker.”

“P-please,” I cry. “Please don’t.”

“Don’t try begging,” he says dryly. “I gave you your one chance, you blew it.”

Christian leans down and wraps his large hand around my throat, squeezing my windpipe tightly as he pulls me up by my neck. My fingers grab at his hand, trying to pull him off of me as he pulls me into a standing position. Once we are eyelevel, he wraps his other hand around my throat and pushes me against the wall. By this point, my head is spinning and I’m gasping for air. Its becoming too much…. My eyes are starting to roll back in my head and everything is going black….

Suddenly though, the grip around my neck is gone and my body instinctively draws in a large gasp of air. I cough and wheeze at the large intake of breathe, but my God I am thankful that I at least have air again. But it does make me curious as to why he had stopped.

“W-what are you going to do?” I ask. My voice is so strained and hoarse though that it sounded so foreign to my ears.

“I’m not going to kill you yet,” he states. “That would be too good for you.”

“Whatever you do,” I whisper. “Just please, do it quickly…” Please. Just put me out of this misery once and for all.

“Oh no…,” he laughs. “After the stunt you just pulled, I think I’m going to enjoy drawing this out a bit. I’m going to kill you in the way most befitting a whore…. I’m gonna fuck you to death.”

“With what?” I scoff. I might as well at this point, the man is going to kill me anyway. “That pathetic excuse for a dick? You couldn’t even choke me with it properly. What makes you think that you could fuck me with it?”

My questions are answered with a direct punch to the gut. I doubled over in pain and let out a choked scream. Why the hell did I have to be so stupid like that? Sometimes I think that I just try to cause myself pain.

“If you don’t like having my dick in you then, William, I can always use that lead pipe over there,” he says, pointing towards the rusted piece of metal lying on the ground. “In fact, since I disgust you so much, I think I will use that.”

Grabbing my hair once more, Christian throws me to the ground, kicking my stomach after I hit the concrete. He steps over my wounded body, limping towards the discarded metal. I tried to raise up to my knees, but my arms gave out instantly causing me to fall back down. The clank of the metal hits my ears and my heart begins to race like that of a jackrabbit. He moves quietly towards me, but to me, his footsteps are pounding, vibrating off of the brick walls in the alley. I don’t dare look at him…. There is nothing I can do, nothing that will save me.

Christian stands over me, kicking me lightly in order to turn me over. After a moment, he manages to flip me onto my back so that I am looking up at him. His eyes are blank, showing no emotion whatsoever, yet he still wears his superior, malicious smile as he looks down on me. Please Lord, don’t let this be the last sight I ever see….

“You should have just let me do this long ago William,” he says calmly. “We could have avoided this whole tragedy.”

“D-don’t do this,” I stutter in nothing more than a whisper.

“You didn’t leave me much of a choice, did you?”

With that last question, Christian goes down onto his knees next to me. He doesn’t do anything at first…. He just stays in that position, staring at me thoughtfully. After a moment, he reaches a hand out and I flinch instinctively. His fingers gently caresses my cheek in an almost loving manner as he gives me a sweet smile.

“You really are beautiful though, William….Ville,” he says, using my real name for the first time ever. I didn’t like the sound of it on his lips…it made me feel dirty. He could violate William all he wants; William is just a hooker. Ville though is someone’s friend, someone’s brother, and was once someone’s little boy. Only those whom I cared for were allowed to refer to me as Ville, not my murderer.

“I am really going to miss you,” he whispers.

Christian doesn’t say anymore as he flips me back onto my stomach. I let myself go limp and wait for him to kill me. I just wanted this to be over and to bleed to death in an alleyway like I always thought that I would end up. He drops the pipe to the ground and his hands go under my shirt, tracing my skin and sending a cold shiver down my spine. The calloused fingers traced down my back to the waistline of my jeans, delving beneath the waistband to the cleft of my ass. I closed my eyes and prayed to black out from the pain.

The hands move to my lower stomach, one caressing the flesh whilst the other sets to the task of undoing the button of the jeans. As he popped the button loose though…I heard something. I didn’t know if it was just my imagination or not, but I thought that I had heard voices coming from the sidewalk. As Christian pulled down my zipper, I held my breath, hoping and praying that I wasn’t just hallucinating. It took a moment and by that time he had pulled the zipper down and was beginning to pull my pants down, but I heard it again. I heard a voice!

With all the strength I could muster, I turned my head to the other side so that I could see the sidewalk and saw shadows coming closer. Christian hadn’t taken notice yet. He was too busy trying to remove my tight clothing to notice that someone was coming. The voices and the shadows were there though, and they were coming closer. They were almost here.

“Help,” I cry in a hoarse voice. By now, my throat was so raw that I don’t think that even Christian heard my plea, but I was determined.

“Help!” I called a little louder. “P-please, help me!”

“What are you doing?” Christian hisses.

I ignored him though and cried for help a little louder. The voices stopped and the shadows on the sidewalk stopped in their tracks.

“Dude, did you hear something?” A voice says around the corner of the building.

“Help me!” My raspy voice screamed. “Someone please!”

“Shut up,” Christian growls.

“I heard something,” the voice says again.

Suddenly, a figure pokes their head around the corner of the building and looks in our direction. I couldn’t see the person’s face against the light, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care who the hell it was as long as someone was here!

“Fuck! Rick, call 911, I think she’s getting raped,” the person screams.

Christian’s hands froze in place and I could practically hear his heart stop. I shifted my glance towards him and saw that behind his eyes was pure terror. He looked towards me, the figure, and back again. After a tense moment, Christian got to his feet and ran out of the alleyway. Whoever it was that had discovered us tries to stop him, but Christian easily shoves them away and takes off. I see the flash of another person running after him, but the other person stays.

Thank you God! Thank you for letting this person stumble upon my attack! I honestly didn’t think that I would be this lucky. Christian was one good tug away from having my pants off from around my ass and then there would have been nothing to save me. I suppose that it just wasn’t my time yet….

“Miss,” my savior calls, stepping slowly towards me. “Miss, are you alright?”

I groaned in response…. Partly because he had mistaken me for a woman, but mostly due to the horrible pain and aches that I was feeling throughout my body. The man leans down over me and puts their hand on my back. I flinched at the sudden contact and the man pulled away. They were trying to speak to me, but I couldn’t focus on the words. All I could do was whimper whilst I waited for the hurt to go away.

“Its ok,” the person whispers in a soothing manner. “Its ok…. We’ve called the police. Help is on the way. We’ll get you to the hospital.”

“N-no…” I mumble towards the ground. “No hospital…”

I can’t go to the hospital…. That would be the first place that Christian will look. All he would have to do is flash his badge and then he would find me and finish what he started. I can’t go there, I can’t! I just have to get home…. Jonne and I are used to treating each other’s wounds and we have an emergency medical kit…. He’ll be able to help me…. I just have to get home.

“It’ll be ok,” he whispers again. “We’ll get you help…”

“No,” I cry, shaking my head. “No, I can’t.”

“Its alright,” he tries to soothe. “No one is going to hurt you.”

“I-I have to go home,” I whimper, trying my best to turn over.

“We’ll get you home. You just have to go to the hospital first…. To make sure you’re ok.”

“No!” I say firmly.

“A-alright,” the man says. “Just calm down…. D-do you think that you can stand up?”

“Jeff,” another voice calls. “What the hell are you doing? Don’t move her!”

“She wants to stand up,” he calls back. “I think she’s in shock. Where the hell did Steve go?”

“The idiot ran after the guy!”

“What the fuck!?”

All of their shouting was hurting my already pounding head. I groaned and mumbled for them to shut up. He didn’t hear my words, but thankfully he heard my groaning and he took the hint. The man tried again to touch my back, so this time I relaxed and let his hand make contact. His hand begins a slow, soothing motion between my shoulder blades and it does feel a little nice…its taking away some of the tension. As good as it feels though, I don’t really want to be touched right now. But I have to remember that this man is just trying to help and doesn’t know what to do.

“C-can you help me stand?” I ask in a raspy whisper.

The man doesn’t answer me at first though. He seems to think it over in his head for a moment before finally nodding. He slips his arm under mine and wraps his arm tenderly around my side. I hiss a little when his hand touches my rib. Shit, I hope that it isn’t broken again. The last time I broke a rib, I was bedridden for a week and Viggo was beyond pissed about having to pay the hospital bill. Ever since then, whenever Jonne or I have gotten sick or broken a bone, we had to pay for it ourselves.

“Are you sure you can stand?” The man asks. I reply by nodding and he continues to gingerly lift me to my feet.

My legs feel like jelly when he finally gets me into an upright position and I have to lean on my hero for support. God, my chest hurts like hell. I need to get a puff of my inhaler. Why the hell did I leave it at home again? I should have learned from the last time I had an asthma attack while working. I’m such a fucking idiot! That’s why things like this keeps happening to me, because I’m so fucking stupid that I keep letting it happen to me. Why can’t things ever be easy?

“You hear that?” The man asks. “Do you hear the sirens? The ambulance is coming. Everything will be ok.”

“What?” I ask. Indeed the sounds of police sirens are coming our way…. I can’t let them see me, I can’t let them talk to me! Its not only the fact that most of them are Christian’s cop pals, but also because they will ask too many questions. They’ll get me into trouble with Viggo.

“No!” I cry, squirming in the man’s arms. “No, let me go!”

“Hey, calm down,” the man says in a soothing manner. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I don’t care! Just let me go!”

“I can’t do that Miss. You can barely walk. Just stay calm and the ambulance will be here soon,” he says, tightening his grip on me to stop my squirming.

He squeezed a tender spot on my body and I hiss loudly in pain. The man immediately loosens his grip and apologizes vehemently, but as much as it hurt, it also gave me the chance that I needed. With all of the strength I could muster, I gave my hero a forceful shove away from me. The man stumbled back and somehow, I managed to sprint away from him.

“Hey!” He called after me. “What the hell are you doing!? Rick, stop her!”

The larger man at the entrance to the alleyway tries to block me, but I duck out of the way and run out into the street. Both of the men are calling after me, shouting for me to come back and the sounds of the police sirens are growing louder, but I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t let anyone catch me.

The men chased after me for a bit, but as I was running, I saw a cab coming down the street, heading towards the direction I was running. Stopping in my tracks, I waved the vehicle down, and thankfully, it stopped for me. As I put my hand on the door, I saw the men that had helped me coming after me, a couple of cops running along behind them. I quickly jumped into the back of the cab and slammed the door behind me, locking it once I was inside.

“Where can I take you?” The elderly cab driver asks.

“Just fucking drive,” I reply, panting for air.

“Where to?”

“Anywhere! Just fucking go!” I screamed.

The driver complied with my request and punched the gas. We sped off down the street so quickly that I was forced back into my seat. Taking one last look out the back window, I see that those who were chasing me had stopped running and were slowly disappearing from my vision.

“Hey,” the cab driver says, looking over his shoulder towards me. “Are you alright? You don’t look so good.”

“I-I’m fine,” I nod, trying to hold back a sob. “I just need to get home.”

I gave him my address and the cab driver didn’t say anything more to me. I was thankful for the silence for once. Christ,… Jonne was going to be so upset when he got home. He worries about me so much, and I about him, so when something like this happens, our nerves are always so shaken that we won’t let each other out of our sights.

Letting out a small sob, I reach into my pocket and pull out the contents, the money I had made and my cell phone. I had lost my knife in our struggle back there…. Its alright though I guess, I can always get another weapon. I am a bit bummed that I lost my hat though…. That is something that can’t be so easily replaced. That is stupid of me to think though, I shouldn’t be so upset over a hat. I could have fucking died!…. Though I know that its nothing new to this life, I think this is the closest I’ve ever come to death. Or at least, this is the first time I’ve ever cared so strongly whether I lived or died.

Flipping open my cell phone, I quickly dial Viggo’s number. He’s the only person that can help me right now…. Christian knows where I live, where I work and where I go during the day…. Hopefully, he will send Andreas over to deal with the problem. I need someone to help me, to comfort me right now…. And right now, nothing would be better than a familiar set of blue eyes…. Even if its not the one I want…

Third Person (POV)

Meanwhile across town, Bam was having troubles of his own. The night he had been waiting for was quickly approaching and he didn’t have a thing planned or ready. He didn’t know what the hell he was going to tell Ville, but worse, he didn’t have a way to get his friend’s out of the hotel for the night. He had thought about just getting another room for the night, but that would raise too many questions. His friend’s were already starting to get suspicious over his behavior and he didn’t need them looking into this.

Bam wasn’t acting like himself lately, and his friend’s quickly took notice of it. He wasn’t as active in filming or writing lately and the past few nights, he had dismissed their plans to go out to the bars at night and he was acting very paranoid and edgy. Bam had been trying to soothe their worries, claiming that he was still distraught over his breakup with Jen, but it was to no avail. They knew that something was up….

Bam didn’t know what to do…. Nothing seems to be working out the way he wanted it to. That first night after Ville, he had just wanted to pick up and move on, but the Finn had managed to pop his way back into his world. When he had tried to speak to him, he had expected Ville to hear him out, but the bruises that he was still carrying proved that theory wrong…. Maybe if he would just stop being so fucking impulsive then things would start to turn around for him…. Nah…that just wasn’t his style. Problem now is, how the hell he was going to clear everyone out so that he could have a chance to talk to Ville alone?

The skater had planned to ponder these thoughts a little longer, but his cell phone began to ring. He picked up the device and let out an audible groan when he saw who was calling him…. Jen. Bam had been avoiding her calls for the past few days and had been hearing horror stories from Dunn and his mother about the hell she had been putting them through. Apparently, she had been on a vandalism spree, breaking into Bam’s home and smashing things. Whatever she didn’t break, she stole and sold on eBay. Bam had instructed his mother and Dunn to call the cops, but the restraining order they filed wasn’t helping. Honestly…he just wanted this woman out of his life now.

Sighing, Bam thought over the situation in his mind for a moment. The last thing in the world he wanted was to talk to her, but he couldn’t let her keep harassing his family and friends. Deciding to bite the bullet, Bam flipped open his phone and gave a less than enthusiastic, “Hello.”

“Its about time you answered your phone,” Jen spoke in a slightly odd, calming tone.

“What do you want Jen,” Bam groaned, sitting himself down on his bed. He might as well get comfortable, because chances are, this was going to be painful.

“You haven’t been answering my calls,” Jen replies with a small giggle. “We need to talk if we’re going to get past this ordeal.”

“There’s nothing to get past. You said it was over, so that’s it. I’m done with this shit.”

“Come on Bam,” she coos into the phone. “We’ve fought like this before and we’ve always managed to get over it.”

“Yeah, we’ve fought like this before because that’s all we fucking ever did!” Bam exclaims. “We fought, we made up for about a week, and then we would fight again. It was a never-ending circle.”

“Don’t say it like that,” she says. “We had some good times too. Do you really want to throw all of that away because of one more little argument?”

“Little argument?” Bam repeats, not really believing the audacity of the woman on the other line. “I told you something about myself, something I’ve never told anyone, never trusted anyone enough to tell, and you freak out.”

“Well what the hell did you expect Bam!?” She shouts so loudly into the phone that Bam has to pull it away from his ear. “You can’t possibly believe that you could drop that bomb on me and that everything would be alright.”

“No, but I thought that you cared enough about me to not turn your back on me like that. But I guess that was too much to expect from a selfish bitch like you,” Bam hisses.

“Don’t you dare call me a bitch, you fucking prick!” She screams. “And how the hell am I the selfish one!? I’m the one who for years has put up with you and your dumbass friends because it made you happy.”

“Big fucking deal!” Bam shouts back. “You played nice around the camera. What about when the cameras were off? What about all of the times you would scream and go into a fit because I wanted to go out with my friends? Did those times slip your mind?”

“Look, Bam,” she sighs. “I didn’t call just to get into a screaming match with you…. I miss you baby.”

“Bullshit,” Bam scoffs. “You’re the one who walked out on me, you don’t just get to change your mind and expect me to take you back with open arms.”

“I was wrong and I’m sorry,” she says, sounding as if she’s on the verge of crying. “Please Bam…come home so we can work this out. I love you.”

Those words stung Bam a little…. What did they really mean to him, coming from her? Sure, there were times when Bam thought that Jen would be the girl he would spend the rest of his life with…but somewhere along the lines, things changed. As time passed, he realized that her love had to be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, they had their moments of happiness, but more often or not, they were overshadowed by he moodswings and violent temper…. And Bam had grown accustomed to these things; he saw them as normal daily life…. But then he met Ville…a man who was dealt the shittiest hand in life, and yet was still so caring and loving.

He really hadn’t intended to bed with the Finn that night, but he was glad that he had. Making love to Ville was nothing like making love with Jen. For Bam, the passion in their relationship had been gone for a long time and he had just been going through the motions, but that night with Ville was a wild, uncontrollable passion that he had never experienced before…and he liked it. Maybe that was what had scared him away….

“Bam!” Jen shouts into the phone. “Are you even listening to me?”

“Yes,” Bam groans. “I’m listening.”

“Good…. So what do you say? Will you come home?”

“No,” Bam scoffs. “No…. I’m done with this Jen. This is the same song and dance that we’ve done a million times and I’m so sick of it! Get your shit out of my house, leave my family and friends alone, and don’t fucking call me again!”

“Bam!” She screams, but that was all he heard. He flipped his phone shut and tossed it to the other side of the bed. Fucking bitch calling him, giving him another headache….

Bam let out a large sigh and flopped himself back down onto the bed. That probably wasn’t the best way to handle the situation with her, but he didn’t know what else to do. Unnecessary force and aggression was the only thing that the girl seemed to understand, and at the moment, Bam was more than happy to use it. Where the hell did she get off telling him to come home when she was the one who walked away? Whatever…. Bam meant what he has said, that he was done with her. He was ready to move on with his life, ready to find someone else…. And at the moment, Bam couldn’t help but think that the someone else could be a tall, beautiful Finn…

Bam was getting ahead of himself once again though. He liked Ville… that much he figured out when he realized that he couldn’t stop thinking about him. But unfortunately, he had pretty much destroyed any feelings or trust that the Finn had in him when he had done something so unbelievably horrible and cruel. Shit… if he was Ville, he would probably hate him to. He had to make Ville understand though, that at the time, Bam was frightened and stupid…. He hadn’t meant to hurt him, honestly….

From the next room, Bam could hear the sound of his friends returning for the evening. Letting out a small sigh, Bam got up from the bed and went to go and greet them. They sounded as if they were a little hammered, but that was to be expected after all. Bam didn’t feel much like drinking with them that night, so he made the excuse that he wasn’t feeling well. They accepted the lie without question, but Jeff was still a little skeptical, so Bam let out a small groan and tried his best to look as if he were sick.

Peaking out of the door from the master bedroom, Bam shifted his gaze to the entrance of the suite and saw his friends coming in one by one. Johnny was the first in one in, followed by Preston and Ehren. They came in single file, save for Wee-man as tonight was his turn to use the penthouse, with Steve-O and Chris bringing up the rear. Bam smiled when looking upon them, seeing that they were all in good spirits, laughing their asses off…. Well, all except for Steve-O, who for some reason was wearing a top hat that Bam had never seen before. Bam thought it strange, but didn’t ask.

“Hey!” Knoxville shouted. “Look who’s out of bed.”

“Hey guys,” Bam greeted with his ‘sick’ voice. “Have fun tonight?”

“Oh yeah, it was a real blast,” Knoxville said with a roll of his eyes. “We went to a sushi bar and Steve-O snorted some wasabi…. Other than that, the night was kind of a blur.”

“Sorry I missed that,” Bam laughs. “You guys are kinda back early though.”

“Yeah, so?” Pontius asks. “What did you have a date coming over or something?”

“No!” Bam defends, though the blush that spread across his cheeks wasn’t helping him.

“Look at him!” Knoxville points to his red cheeks. “He totally does!”

“No, I don’t!” Bam says in exasperation. “It just seems kind of early for you to be stumbling back in…. And you’re not even that buzzed. What’s up?”

“I saw some heavy shit go down tonight man…” Steve-O sighs, plopping himself down on the couch. His best friend Chris sat next to him, putting a comforting arm around his shoulder.

“What happened?” Bam asks, curiosity getting the better of him.

“It was crazy…. Jeff, Rick and I were walking down some street after I did my whole butt piercing thing-”

“How’d that go?” Bam asks, giggling. He was sorry that he had missed that one.

“It hurt like hell, but not the point of the story,” Steve-O replies. “So anyway, these idiots gave us the wrong address to the sushi place they were at so we ended up going down this shady street. I look down and found this,” Steve-O points to the hat atop his head. “I thought, ‘What the hell is this doing out here’, and all of the sudden, we hear someone screaming for help. Jeff fucking peaks into this alley and he sees this guy trying to rape a girl.”

“Oh my God!” Bam gasps. It wasn’t really that shocking of news, seeing how it is a sad tragedy that happens everyday, especially in a city, but the fact that his friend had stumbled upon the scene was still shocking. “Was the girl ok?”

“The guy got scared off and ran when he saw us. I ran after him, but he got away. By the time I got back to Jeff and Rick, the chick was gone. Jeff said that she ran off as soon as the cops and the ambulance came.”

“The girl almost got raped and she ran away?” Bam repeats, not really believing it. “That’s fucking crazy.”

“Seriously,” Steve-O agrees. “Jeff said that he tried to help her but she freaked out as soon as she heard the sirens.”

“Do you think they’ll catch the guy?”

“I hope so,” Steve-O sighs. “The cops found a knife in the alley, so they think they can find some fingerprints on it. Apparently there was some blood on it.”

“You probably shouldn’t have taken that hat then,” Bam comments. “It was probably evidence.”

“Nah….,” Steve-O waves off his friend’s concern. “Cops didn’t even look at it twice. Besides, its pretty fucking sweet, right?” Bam nods but still feels concern about his friend’s stupidity.

“You missed a hell of a night Bam-Bam,” Pontius comments. “What the hell’s up with you anyway. You’ve been acting really weird.”

“I-I just haven’t been feeling well,” Bam lies. “I’ve got a lot going on right now.”

“You still upset about the whole Jen thing?” Knoxville asks, patting his friend’s back. “Don’t worry about that skank. You’ll find someone else who makes her look like a dog anyway.”

“Yeah,” Bam sighs. “I know I will….”

And just like that, like so many other times this week. Bam’s mind shifted back to the set of green eyes that had been haunting his dreams….
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