A Title-less Tale of Titilating Tribulations

Mar 04, 2009 10:45

Title: None. One-Shot
Pairing: Vam implied vaguely.
Rating: G
Summary: Inspired by the song When Love and Death Embrace. I had to write something infinitely more fictional and this is what came out. If Ville were the immortal embodiment of Love and Bam were Death.
Author's Notes: I hope you enjoy this piece. It is different than my current story by a long-shot. Just testing the waters a bit with some reality-pushing boundaries.

Sitting upon the Wall of Indecision, Love was contemplating the fate of two star-crossed lovers. It was very Shakespearian and the nature of their wild youthful hearts was making Love resist putting his seal of approval on their meeting. It was left in his hands to bring their souls together knowing full well they were meant to be together but that was not always enough. Love was Love, he was not Happiness or Prosperity and certainly not Longevity.

As he sat in his perplexed state his multi-hued eyes hazed over and his body became still as a statue. He remained that way for quite some time even in a realm where Time was a buxom blonde with incredible lips and a giggle that grated on the nerves.

Love did not notice when Grief, Solace and Insanity came by to touch him and pass on their blessings. He did not even budge when Elation and Bliss placed kisses to his cheeks and begged for his wakening, the twin boys stomping off in uncharacteristic tantrums. Love could not be swayed.

The lovers-to-be did not know their fate was in the balance as Love sat undecided. They lived their young lives as they were meant to but without their prospective loves. They passed the moment of youth and soared straight into adulthood and still Love was immovable. None of the other immortals could figure out why Love had stopped. The world was spinning as it always did and lives were being lived, many with great happiness and wealth, but love between the youth was not blossoming. No true love could be found and the young humans were losing their faith in marriage and all love was whispered as if it were only a fairy-tale.

Finally one day a darkness came over Love and he did not blink as a familiar voice began to speak to him. Death. “Love, you have finally caught my attention.”

Love’s pupils dilated but his muscles did not even flinch.

Death’s voice broke the silence yet again, “Were you trying to get my attention?”

The question made Love’s heart ache and finally a change occurred as Love’s full lips turned down. Death got a reaction, which was more than what any other immortal could say. However, it was not for the better.

Love spoke not a word.

Death managed to sit upon Indecision’s Wall as well, waving her off as she looked ready to come and kick them both off of her lawn. His feet kicked out much as a child’s as he contemplated how he could get through to Love. There had to be a reason behind his sudden downturn and Death had never even considered retiring.

“What is it, Love? Tell me. If I can take it away, you know that I would.”

Death was infamous for his permanent solutions. The thought of Death fixing Love’s problem brought tears to Love’s eyes. Death’s sudden glare made Regret step right back behind the tree she had been hiding behind. Looking to Love, Death sighed heavily and then said in a tone belying his reluctance, “Fine, I promise not to take anyone’s soul. But you have to talk to me.”

Love finally turned his head, his long dark hair bunching at his shoulder as his glassy eyes peered at Death. Whatever tears had almost come had retreated and Death smiled a playful smile as he looked to Love and said, “See? There are things worth moving for.”

Love’s gaze faltered before he was looking down at their feet. The immortal jumped when he felt Death’s hand grabbing hold of his, squeezing there and making him have to look back up.

Death shook his head and said, “Don’t do that, Love. You have to come back. You have to.”

Love closed his eyes and fought off the welling emotions within him but could not and soon his head was pressed to Death’s shoulder and Death’s arms were wrapped around him. His own arms moved until he was hugging Death around the torso.

Death tightened his embrace and sighed again before he said, “If I could keep you with me in my realm you know that I would.”

Love’s breath hitched in his throat and he finally pulled back to look into Death’s icy blue gaze. He couldn’t remember when or how they had gotten here. Not to the Wall of Indecision but to this existence. Any of it. “Did we have souls once? We did, didn’t we?”

Death’s blue eyes were very knowing. Love knew Death’s memory was unfathomable. He would know if anyone did. “Yes, Love, we did. It was long ago and we agreed to give them up. Don’t you remember?”

Love looked down and then back up to Death before he moved his head in such a way that it was indiscernible whether he was nodding in agreement or negating his answer. “I think so.”

Death turned and looked away then before he took a deep breath and said, “What happened, Love? You’ve never… hated what you have become.”

Love reached up with one hand and cupped Death’s face before he smiled slowly and said, “I don’t hate what I have become.” He moved from the wall and took Death’s hand in his before he walked through the Woods of Confusion. Love left Confusion behind before he drew Death along with him to peer into the Mirror of Soulmates in his own realm. They were standing side by side before the two lovers appeared at Love’s request. Each of them were living on opposite ends of the earth.

Death’s gasp brought Love’s attention back from seeing his two souls waiting for his touch. Looking to Death, Love whispered, “You see?”

Death closed his eyes and turned away before he sighed and had to look at Love again. “They can’t be treated any differently, Love. You know this.”

“I know.” Love looked down and then peered through the mirror again. “I’m trying.”

“You’ve got to do it.”

Love’s salty tears poured from his eyes then before he was being held again, Death’s arms around him before he said, “If I can do it, you can do this.”

Love knew Death was right. How could he deny their own very souls reincarnated the chance at true love when one day Death would have to take one from the other? Perhaps they could go together as they had long ago.

Love finally reached down to the mirror and caressed over the human who bore Death’s resemblance so blatantly, keeper of his one-time love’s soul. The dark-haired boy was soon receiving a phonecall that would lead him half way around the world where he would find himself propelled on a journey to find the boy who claimed Love’s soul.
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