Title: Our Heaven Is Worth The Waiting
Fizzy64Pairing: Vam
Rating: R/ NC-17
Summary: Ville and Bam are soulmates but they know this world won't accept that, or will it?
Disclaimer: I do not own Ville or Bam and if I did I would have Ville writing it all in minute detail for us all to drool over.
Warnings: Quite a lot of Angst, Smut
Authors Notes
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Comments 9
But, my love, it most certainly never is. Every bruise and scar from love is different. Some are easy to brush away, some are...not so easy.
I am quite enamored with this story. I love your writing and though it sounds a bit English (I don't know if Bam would have said "I sorted it"...but I doubt it.)...I adore every word.
Please let Ville make it up to Bammieboy!
*hugs* Love you!
I need to watch out with that, I try to keep in character with them talking in my head, but I guess my Britishness creeps in too, but either way I'm estatic you adore each word, it means a lot.
Ville will go back to Bammieboy everytime, it's love!
*hugs tight* Love you too! Thank you for a wonderful comment!
*laughs* Yeah. But yeah, I adore all words. (British or not. Perhaps you need the opposite of a britpick to go through it?)
*smiles* Yes, it is. and he will. And that's what rocks.
*cuddles* You're so welcome! ♥
you know willa loves you
he wouldn't have kissed you else...
lovely :)
Thank you :]
(The comment has been removed)
Willa loves his Bammie so of course he'll make it up, nothing will stop true vam.
Thank you, more will be done soon, not sure when yet, but soon.
I'm sure Ville will fine a way to cure Bam's heartache... *cough* in some way.
*evil smile*
A little love makes the world go round.
*rubs hands...plotting*
I can't wait.
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