A one-shot for you lot...until I finish typing the 2000-word Chapter Three of Dead To The World

Aug 18, 2008 21:31

Tittle: I Miss You
POV: Third 
Author: Me, Myself & I
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, don't sue.
A/N: Angst  
Originally an Eicca/Perttu fic, but I changed it up.
Despite what my beta said about my having a vendetta against happy endings, this does have a happy ending.

Ville sighed sadly and stared out the window of his Helsinki apartment. Snow was falling in a flurry of flakes; driven by hard, biting winds, obscuring almost everything, making the whole city a bleak, desolate landscape of blanket white. He could just make out the spire of a nearby church, a light grey silhouette against a dark grey sky.

He felt hot tears prick at the corners of his emerald green eyes. It had been months since he had seen Bam. Months since he had felt warm, powerful but gentle hands caress his body. Months since he had been kissed, months since he had been warm during the dark nights. But most of all, it had been months since he had been loved.

Ville refused to cry; he couldn’t, not with his track record. Still staring out the window, he thought he saw movement in the blizzard. No, it was his mind, playing tricks like it had been for what seemed like an eternity.
“I miss you, Bammie, my love,” Ville whispered sadly. “So fucking much.”

He refused to change the lock on the apartment’s door. He hoped, wished and waited for Bam’s return. Nights grew longer. Ville refused to sleep. And he became thinner due to his stubbornness over not eating.

Maybe tonight Bam would come home…

Tiredness overcame him and he finally slipped into bed and pulled Bam’s pillow to his chest. The pillow still smelled like Bam. Burying his face into the pillow, Ville fell into a troubled sleep.


Morning brought relief from the snow and howling winds of the night before.

Morning also brought a surprise for Ville.

The vocalist cracked his eyes open and blinked several times before the room came into proper focus. He slowly looked around, taking in the room; he had the feeling something had changed.

There! Sitting in the soft, velvet armchair facing the window was a very familiar figure. A strong, curly-haired figure. It was Bam. Ville sighed. He thought his mind was playing evil tricks on him again. It must be. There was no way Bam was there in the room with him. Not after so many sleepless nights.

“Ville??” The figure in the armchair spoke softly.
Ville recognised the voice. It was Bam. No one else said his name that way. With such sweet love and tenderness. He got out of bed and wandered cautiously over to the waiting figure.
“Bam? Is that really you?” He asked.
The figure turned to look at him and smiled. “Yes, Willa. It’s me.”
“You came back!” Ville squealed incredulously, launching himself at Bam.
Bam caught him with ease and pulled him close.
“Of course I came back, babe,” Bam smiled, kissing Ville softly.

The kiss broke and Ville lay on Bam’s shoulder.

That was how they stayed for the rest of the day, watching people come and go, glad to be in each other’s arms once more.


Okay, yeah, I know it sucks. But it was either this, or a very angsty suicide fic.

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