Title: Too Much Of Not Enough - Chapter 20.
emotionallysick, a.k.a
ecstatic_agonyRating: PG-13 through to NC-17
Pairing: Vam, eventually.
Summary: Ville is driving himself down the path to destruction and Bam is scared, but will his reaction drive them apart... Or closer? [The alternative tale of Ville's rehabilitation.]
Disclaimer: About as true as Don Vito is sexy Ville is fat...
Feedback: For this fic, I honestly need to know what your thoughts are.
Warnings: It will be a little angsty, a little painful, maybe a touch fluffy.
foxriverinmate and
slasher48 for their awesome help! And once again,
oanja for the Finnish.
Author's Note: Please see
Chapter 1 for my note.
Author's Note #2: So this is a long-ish chapter, and quite heavy on the dialogue. And that bloody Finnish sentence is finally translated! The end of the chapter may also have you all wanting to stab me in the eyeballs. Lastly, I'd love you to comment if you read this because I'm beginning to feel like the lack of smut is causing disinterest. *pouts*
Previous Chapters:
Here. Chapter 20.