
Jul 15, 2008 22:16

Title: Stargazing (one-shot)
Author: Alicez
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: PG
Summary: During a party, Bam goes outside to gaze at the stars. Things happen.
Disclaimer: I own neither of them, however much I wish I could. This is pure fiction, it has only happened within my mind.
Warnings: Fluff, OOC-ness.
A/N: This is my first attempt to fanfiction, so please don't be to harsh. Furthermore, Bam and Ville are both very OOC, but that is just something I wanted for this story.


Bam Margera was currently shouting his best friends name. He had called Dunn’s name at least ten times, getting louder every time he called. Unfortunately for Bam, Dunn still didn’t hear him. They had been at this party since fucking ten o’clock and Bam was as bored as hell. He was desperate to talk to someone, even if that meant disturbing Dunn during an intimate moment.

“DUNN!” Bam screamed, desperate for some kind of response.

Finally. Bam got a reaction from Dunn. With a whispered “wait”, Dunn turned around, facing Bam. His eyes were narrowed, and a vein in his neck was pulsating rapidly.

“What?” Dunn snarled.

Bam didn’t respond, but looked around Dunn. His grimace slowly turned into a smirk. A girl. He should have known. The girl was almost looking as annoyed as Dunn. He continued to stare at her, hoping for some kind or reaction. The girl’s eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a sneer. Bam winked at her, getting a horrified expression in return. His grin turned wider, when he finally returned his attention back to Dunn.

By now, Dunn was positively flaming in anger. He stalked over to Bam, grabbed his arm, and pulled him away from the girl. He dragged Bam into a corner and released him.

“What the hell, is your problem?” Dunn spat.

“Nothing,” Bam replied innocently.

“No, let me finish,” Dunn said, a dangerous undertone in his voice. “I was just about to have the most amazing sex and then you come and interrupt me. So, I ask again, what the hell is your problem?”

Bam suppressed a grin, but answered anyway. “I was wondering if you wanted to come out and watch the stars.”

Dunn stared at him, his eyes wide.

“What?” Bam said, annoyed by Dunn’s stare.

“Bam. Dude. Look, did you take something? You can tell me. Go out and watch the stars? Why?!” Dunn exclaimed.

“Because it’s fun. Ville and I do it all the time. Or we used to,” Bam said, a sad note in his voice.

Dunn’s expression softened.

“Look, I know you miss him. You haven’t seen him in what, six months?”

“Six months, two weeks and three days.” Bam said softly.

Dunn stared at him.

“Dude. You count the amount of time you haven’t seen him? That’s really weird.. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Where was I? Oh yeah. Look, I know you miss him, but you both have a busy schedule, so naturally it’s hard to find time to see each other.”

Bam gave him a small smile.

“Thanks man. Look, you should go back to her. I bet that either she’s still waiting for you with a lecture about why you left her, or she’s met someone else.”

“Are you sure? I could stay here with you,” Dunn said, but he obviously wanted to go back.

Bam shook his head.

“No, you go back in. I’ll see you later. I just want some time on my own.”

Dunn clapped him on the shoulder and turned around.


Dunn looked over his shoulder.

Bam grinned.  “Go get her.”

Dunn grinned, and gave a thumbs up. He stalked back to the girl and continued where he left off.

Bam sadly watched his friend. He gave a soft sigh and turned. He looked through the window. It was a clear sky, no clouds at all. The moonlight illuminated the landscape that surrounded the house. Thousands of stars helped the moon to illuminate everything.

Bam grabbed a beer, and went outside. The moment he stepped outside, he felt better. The cool evening air felt good on his skin. He walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked up at the sky. The moon shone down on him, making him feel so tiny.

It was a good night to think some things over. Thoughts and memories swirled through his head. Ville. That was the first thing that came into his mind. His beautiful Finnish friend, was currently on tour. The band was more popular than ever.

Of course, Bam was glad for Ville, with all the successes and stuff, but it also came to a high price. Two years ago, he and Ville hung out way more than they did now. Their phone conversations grew less and less, and when they did call, there were just the standard questions, such as “how are you?” and “what are you up to?”.

And then there was another thing to think about. His growing affection, for his Finnish friend. Bam exactly knew when it happened. It was a night, a year ago. He, Ville and his friends decided to have a night out, and went to a bar, to have a couple of beers and laughs. At one point during the evening, Dunn had decided see how fast he could drink down five beers. This unfolded to a lot of laughter and encouragement for Dunn. When he was drinking down his fourth beer, Bam was laughing louder than ever. It was then, that he caught Ville’s eye and stopped laughing all at once. Ville had been staring at him, not laughing at all at the scene. He hadn’t even been focusing on Dunn. He had just been staring at Bam.

When Ville noticed that Bam caught him staring, he quickly gave a smile. That was the moment. One smile, and that was enough to start a whirlwind of emotions in Bam’s mind. Bam had stared back at him, his mouth slightly open. He had never realized how beautiful Ville was. The way his hair curled around his face, the way the pink lips softly curved when he smiled. The way his green eyes sparkled with laughter when he saw Bam. Bam had swallowed, and suddenly felt like his stomach plummeted a few feet. He had excused himself, saying he was feeling nauseous. The others didn’t even notice, they were still cheering loudly for Dunn, who by now, had turned green. He rushed out of the bar, completely missing Ville, who watched every movement with his eyes.

Bam shook his head, as if trying to shake the memories out of his head. He wished his head was as clear as the sky.

Suddenly, he noticed something. A falling star in the sky.

“That means, I’m allowed to make a wish,” he said softly so himself. He smiled at the childish thought. Still, he made his wish. I wish he was here, Right here, with me. Now.

Bam smiled, that suddenly froze. He heard a movement behind him. He shook his head.

Must be the wind or something, he said to himself, as if to reassure himself.

Suddenly he felt a warm breath, near his ear. He froze again. He was about to turn around to see who, or what it was, when two hands landed on his shoulders, holding him in place.

Bam could feel his heart racing. Then he relaxed. Dunn. Of course.

“Dunn. Very funny. You can let me go now,” Bam said, grinning.

But the hands didn’t let him go. Instead, they started to move down, smoothing over his back. Finally, they came to rest at his waist. Bam froze again. This couldn’t be Dunn. Even he wouldn’t scare and touch him in this way.

“Who are you? Let me go!”

Bam struggled against the hands. They released him for the slightest second, but it was enough for him. He whirled around, ready to give his attacker a good beating.

His fist was already half raised in the air, ready to aim a swing at whoever had assaulted him. In mid air, his hand was caught in a strong grip.

Bam froze again, but this time, it wasn’t because he was afraid. It was because he could see who his attacker was.

“Still planning on hitting me?” Ville said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. He was still holding Bam’s wrist in a tight grip.

“V-Ville,” Bam managed to stutter. “W-what are you doing here? I thought you were on tour.”

Ville gave him a smile, that made Bam’s insides squirm.

“I was on tour, yes. I decided to take a break and see how you were, Bammie. I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Bam blinked at the pet name; Ville hardly ever used it.

“W-well. It’s good that you’re here. W-what do you want to talk about?” Bam said, his voice shaking.

Ville didn’t answer. He gazed intensely at Bam. Bam squirmed, uncomfortable by the look.


“Nothing,” Ville murmured. “I was just looking at the moon that is reflected in your eyes. You really have extraordinary eyes, you know. They’re so blue, I could drown in them..”

Ville blushed when he realized what he’d said. Not that it mattered, Bam was blushing enough himself.

“What did you want to talk about?” Bam said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“About us.” Ville’s voice was barely more than a whisper.

“A-about us?” Bam whispered.

“Yes. About us,” Ville said just as softly.

“W-what about us?” Bam stuttered.

Ville stared at him, and then leaned in. Bam’s eyes widened, but it was already too late. Soft lips touched his own, moving softly against his. It was a sweet, timid kiss. Ville pulled back, his eyes downcast.

“This.” Ville whispered.

Bam let out the breath he had been holding. This was it. How many times hadn’t he fantasised about this moment?  How many times hadn’t he dreamed about this moment?

He snapped out of his thoughts, when he realized Ville was staring at him. It was the intense stare again, only this time, Ville eyes held something else. Bam leaned closer, trying to read what it was.

With a shock, he registered, it was hurt.



Ville and Bam both spoke at the same time. They stopped in mid-sentence, staring at each other.

“You first,” Ville said to Bam.

“Ok,” Bam said. He swallowed. “Look, I don’t know what just happened, but I want to know if you felt the same as I did.”

Ville’s expression turned to one of confusal.

“Felt what?”

“If.. you felt.. a spark. Love....”

The last came out as a whisper. Bam swallowed again, and averted his eyes from Ville’s.

“Your turn.”

It was Ville’s turn to swallow.

“I.. I thought you … were rejecting me. After the kiss, you just stared at me in schock. I thought you didn’t feel the same as I did.”

Bam attempted to swallow the lump he had in his throat. Then he realized Ville’s words. “Thought you didn’t feel the same as I did…”

Bam stood for a moment, replaying the words in his mind.


Ville was cut of, when Bam flung his arms around Ville’s neck, holding him tightly. He smiled and wrapped his own arms around Bam’s waist.

Bam leaned back slightly, his smile radiating of his face. Ville returned his smile, and leaned towards Bam. His lips met Bam’s and his tongue slipped out, sliding against Bam’s bottom lip, begging for entrance. Bam’s lips parted, and Ville’s tongue slipped in. His tongue swirled around Bam’s mouth, exploring and mapping every with.

Bam tightened his arms around Ville’s neck, while one of Ville’s hand slid up to cup the back of Bam’s head, deepening the kiss. His other arm tightened around Bam’s waist.

Eventually, both of them had to pull back for some air. Bam gave Ville a smile, and he looked back up at the sky.

“All because of a falling star…” he murmured.

Ville gave him a puzzled look.

Bam just laughed and leaned in for another kiss.

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