
Jan 05, 2005 21:03

Hey, read. Cuz. It's Vam. XD

We are so dead. But we love you. You can't kill us because we have to finish the story. Ok on with the story!!!

Chapter Four: ...i kept on shouting your name so sad and painfully...

Bam looked around the living room for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Finally he fell onto the couch and attempted to sleep. Maybe something would happen in the morning. Right now, he felt too drunk and too tired to think anymore. Slowly but surely, he drifted into a night of restless dreams.

Ville awoke the next morning with the sun shining in his eyes. He was shaking all over. He knew what that meant. With Bam arriving and everything...he had totally forgotten. He lay in his bed for a moment listening for noise coming from the living room. There was nothing. No footsteps or even the tv. Slowly, he got out of bed and made his way to the door to peek out in the living room. He saw no one. He took a seat back on the bed for a moment to catch his breath.

Finally, Ville thought, he's gone. Maybe I can get something done now. He got up from the bed, walking over to the small closet. He pushed the clothes aside, revealing a small door. What it had been there for originally, Ville didn't know, but he used it to hide things. Things no person should find out about.

He opened the door to find a small, black case. He took the case out and sat down on the floor of the closet. Before opening the case at all, he leaned forward to close the door a little more than it already was. Couldn't take a chance here.

Ville was sitting Indian-style with the case in front of him. He opened it to reveal a small syringe, already filled the the drug of his choice from last night. He hadn't been able to satisfy his need last night because Bam had almost caught him. And considering their most recent yelling match, that wouldn't be good.

Ville picked up the syringe and studied it for a moment. In that moment, he wondered if he should really do this any more. That didn't last very long when he realized how badly he needed this. He couldn't go without it. He knew it. And his body knew it even more so.

Ville took the syringe in hand and, so as to not have time to change his mind, quickly injected the heroin into his arm.

The feeling that somone had just lifted a huge weight from Ville's shoulders took a few seconds to rush over him, but Ville was glad when it finally did. It was like all was right in the world again. And that was a good thing.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the other side of the closet door. Then a voice came. "Ville, Look, I know I was--" And the voice stopped. When it started again, it was different. Worried, now. "Ville? Ville, what the hell are you?" Lots of moving was heard and a few seconds later, Ville could see from the crack left in the doorway, the owner of the voice leaning on the window sill, supported by his arms, head ducked down. "Willa Walo, where the fuck did you go?"

Penguins! Twinkies! Love! We *heartagram* you so review. V.v Or other wise we will be more evil then this! >D HAHAHA!


author:k, genre:angst, fic:ville/non-bam, author:p, rating:nc-17, fic:hiatus

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