The Accident Of A Lifetime

May 31, 2008 12:40

Title: The Accident Of A Lifetime

Author: Mé Fé in! Unloved_Metal

Disclaimer: D/O N/H PDS!!

Summary: Ville has stopped writing, because he has hit a wall, when he finds out that Bam has been in a bad accident on his vast property, he goes to visit, and inspiration ensues.

A/N: Based upon true events. And the doctor is totally real, based on the family GP. Second A/N under the cut!!

Dedication : Meduusje, who told me Saturday was too far away, to be waiting for an update!! Here ya go!!

Chapter 4

The journey home, a mixture of piss takes and jokes, was really enjoyable. If Bam didn’t look so beat up, one would think he was in great nick. That is, except for the large casts adorning his left leg and right arm. Sooner than expected, they pulled up outside Bam’s castle, and were all shuffling, -one slower than the others- inside the large house.

Bam made for the couch, with Ville at his side, in an effort to get his breath back. The sheer weight of the cast on his leg was unreal - Plaster of Paris was heavy!!! As he plopped down, Ville put a cushion on the coffee table and heaved Bam’s leg onto it.

“Comfy?” He asked, sitting down next to him, and budging as close as he dared. He didn’t want to tempt The Fates too early.

“Yeah, but I’m not looking forward to lugging this cast around for the next nine months, nor am I looking forward to the fucking physiotherapy.” Bam’s voice was sounding so fed up, and he had only had the cast for a week or so. Ville wanted nothing more than to give him a kiss and a hug and tell him it was gonna be OK.

“Aw, sweetheart, its gonna be OK, its only nine months, at least your not permanently injured,” Ville was doing his best to comfort his friend verbally, rather than physically. He wasn’t sure how a hug would actually go down.

“Fuck, yeah, I suppose. But a year without skating is gonna be totally shitty. I just want to find something that will keep me occupied, so I don’t go completely mad.”

I could arrange something
Ville thought that would keep both of us occupied, and make you feel better at the same time.
“Mm-hm, we could play video games, or something, I don’t know, I can’t think under pressure!” Ville was chortling, not knowing where he was going with this conversation.

“Sure lets watch a DVD and we can see if that’s any fun, to fill my nine months of boredom, and your nine months of what will turn from amusement, to annoyance, and probably finish with you not speaking to me for a long time.”

“I highly doubt that,” Ville chuckled, “Do you want to watch The Flying Circus?”

“Sure, dig out season 3, and throw it in!” Bam was getting into a better mood at the thoughts of three hours of Monty Python. As crap as the near future looked to him, The Fish Slapping Dance was his favourite gag.

Ville settled next to him, and the DVD proceeded to play. Soon enough, the pair were laughing as hard as if they were drunk an one of them had fallen over, things were reaching hysterical.

As the Fish Slapping Dance ended, bringing the DVD to a close, Ville cleared his throat and checked his watch.

“Bammie? I forgot to ask, where am I sleeping? In the usual room?” Ville was praying that the answer wouldn’t be the one he usually got.

“Eh, you can crash there or in with me. Remember the CKY crew are staying here, so your room might be taken. Best to crash with me just to be safe.” Ville was ecstatic. Maybe there is a god, who heard my plea, or maybe, just maybe, Bam wants this too Ville thought.

“Sweet, I forgot that, Dunn told me before I went in to see you. Before I even flew out here!” Ville’s face was nonchalant, but inside he was singing a thousand harmonies.

“I’m going to bed, you coming?” Bam had already said it before he realised that it had sounded A) smutty and B) like something that would be said to a partner, not a friend. But, oh how I would love to ask Ville that for real Bam thought, his face flushing.

“Sure, I’m pretty fucking tired, jet lag and what have ya!” Ville yawned and helped Bam complete the task of getting up the stairs - and making total arses out of themselves as they did so. Moments, and giggles later, they had made it to Bam’s room and were getting undressed, some, more easily then others.

Eventually, they were both semi naked, and under the covers. They bade each other goodnight, and settled into deep, restful slumbers, where their dreams were filled with each other.

A/N 2: So there’s the 4th chap. I hope everyone is enjoying it. It shall be going for a good long time! And the reference to, nine months, that’s the length Bammity shall be in his cast, whereas the year, will be the length of time minus skating. PS don’t worry, smut soon… PWOMISE!!
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