
Jan 01, 2005 00:29

Ok, here's the deal: tenshinoreyire and mio have decided that we will write a fic together. And so we've started it off. *laughs wickedly*

Chapter One: ...it was a fleeting remembrance of my dream...

Haven't slept in a week
My bed has become my coffin
Cannot breath, cannot speak
My head's like a bomb, still waiting
Take my heart and take my soul
I don't need them anymore

The one I love
Is striking me down on my knees
The one I love
Drowning me in my dreams
The one I love
Over and over again
Dragging me under

Hypnotized by the night
Silently rising beside me
Emptiness, Nothingness
Is burning a hole inside me
Take my faith and take my pride
I don't need them anymore

This bed has become my chapel of stone
A garden of darkness to where I'm thrown
So take my life, I don't need it anymore

Ville stared up into the dull brown eyes of the man he grasped, panting heavily.

"Are we finished?"

"Finished? I suppose so. You're a pretty good fuck, Mr. Valo." the man grinned, his eyes lighting up in a weird way. He pushed Ville's naked body away from his and got up to take a shower and dress.

Ville could only lay motionless on the bed and listen to the silence of the room. The only sound was the soft falling of the water from the shower nearby. His thoughts always haunted him now. He curled up in a ball, shivering, as some voice in his head screamed over and over.

...you filthy slut...

Ville saw cold ice blue eyes stare through him. Always this same nightmare followed him.

...whore...dirty whore...

His heart pounded in his chest, loudly. Each breath was a gasp. Everything seemed to be in slow motion.

...i hate you...

The voice whispered to him, the eyes now hidden as the person looked downward. He cringed and covered his ears, knowing what was next.

...I hate you!...

He screamed as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. The man took a step back and glared.

"Stupid little bitch. Look, here's your money. I'm leaving it on the table." Without another word, the now clothed man promtly left the room, the door slamming behind him.

"Why..." Ville choked on his words, sobbing into his pillows until exhaustion finally overtook him and he slept.

Bam looked at the airplane window as he waited for them to announce that he could get off the stupid plane. He was going to visit Ville. Last time they had talked on the phone, Ville sounded very distant. Worried and without telling Ville he was coming, he quickly got on a plane to go to Helsinki. It was more impulsive of him then usual since he didn't really know where to find Ville, since he knew the singer had moved out the apartment he was so familar with.

Luckily at the airport, Bam reached Linde's wife on his cell phone.

"Is Linde there?"

"...Who's calling?" she asked cautiously.

"Bam Margera."

"Oh, Bam! It's you. I thought it was another one of those crazy American fans who got our number again. No, I'm sorry. Linde's not home right now. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I know Ville moved into a new apartment, but I don't know where it is. Could you tell me?"

After a long pause, Bam began to wonder if his cell phone had cut out. "Hello?"

"Sorry...yes I can tell you the address." She gave out the address slowly and Bam scrawled it on his hand with his HIM pen. "I have to go now, ok?"

"Sure. Thanks so much for the help."

"Anything. Bye." she hung up.

Flinging his bag over his shoulder, Bam quickly set off to grab a taxi. He had never heard of the address before. It sounded pretty far away from Ville's old apartment. He thought over this as he dodged people as he ran.
He got to Ville's apartment at about ten in the morning. He knocked on the door and waited. No one came.

"Ville?" he called, knocking again.


"Ville, c'mon it's Bam. Let me in." There was still silence and finally he checked to see if the door was unlocked and it was. He let himself in, grumbling, thinking that Ville was probably passed out after a night of drinking. Bam looked around the apartment as he set his bag on the floor. It was very tiny, with a little bit of furniture. There was really only four rooms. The living room and off from that a small kitchen, where dishes were stacked and unwashed, amongst thousands of beer cans and millions of cigarette butts and ashes. He saw two doors, and both were open. One obviously led to a bathroom, that didn't look all that clean either, and the other...it was closed a bit too much for him to see directly in.

Bam walked over to the door quietly. "Ville?" He looked in, pushing the door open with a creak. He found Ville sleeping soundly in bed. The Finnish man was curled in a ball, his arms wrapped around a pillow. Bam moved into the room a bit more and also found out his friend wasn't exactly wearing any clothing. Not to mention his bed was a mess. He stared for a moment, blushing. He crept back out of the room and took a seat on the couch as he wondered exactly what had happened the night before, and why Ville was living in this terrible apartment. Sure Ville might be a messy guy but...this was bad, even for him. He stared for a moment before realizing that Ville was waking up.

Ville was slowly starting to come to. He was vaguely aware of the possibility of someone else being in the room. He blinked a few times to let his eyes adjust and sat up slowly. He looked around a little and soon enough, his eyes landed on Bam. His eyes widened and he fell to the floor in shock. "Holy fucking shit." He muttered. "No, way...no. He is...not here. When I get off the floor....the room will be empty."

Ville slowly managed to gather himself and eventually stand up, picking himself up off the floor. "Oh, Lord. He is here. Shit." He muttered to himself. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. He walked over and picked some random clothes from the dresser and put them on. He muttered to himself, "I can't believe this..." before talking to his friend that had magically appeared out of nowhere. "What the hell are you doing here, Bam?"

Notes: Give us love. Or we give you hell. XD

genre:angst, fic:ville/non-bam, author:p, rating:nc-17, fic:hiatus, author:t, author:m

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