Prom is a Girl's Dream chp. 5

Feb 10, 2008 14:40

Title: Prom is a Girl's Dream
Author: danisgirl_cof
Summary: Bam and Ville are in high school. Ville has a huge crush on Bam, but is scared to admit it.
Disclaimer: I do not own any one mentioned. This is just my imagination, so please don't sue. This never happened, due to the fact that these two are in fact not the same age, and would therefore not have been in the same class o.O; Plus, Ville was in Finland when he was in high school.
Credit: This was drunkonhim's idea, but she let me write it. Love you, girlie! *huggle*
A/N: Sorry it took so long...I think I'm starting to lose my luster u.u;

Previous Chapter:
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

It was Monday. Oh, how Ville despised Mondays. Especially when he was too sick to even think straight. He found his way to a bench and flopped on it, leaning his back against the cool cinder-block wall for support. He felt so miserable, and wished he could have stayed home today. But, unfortunately, his parents were way too strict to allow him to stay home when it was getting so close to exam time. He let out a sigh, then coughed. How was he going to make it through school today?

“Hey Cutie!” a male voice shouted from across the hallway. Ville looked over to where the voice was coming from, and found Jonne running towards him. Ville sighed and leaned his head back against the wall, too sickly to get up and run from him. Jonne plopped onto the bench next to Ville, sliding uncomfortably close.

“I wouldn’t get too close to me if I were you. I’m horribly sick,” Ville stated. Jonne leaned his head on his shoulder.

“I don’t care. You’d be worth getting sick over,” he stated. Ville looked down at him, his statement reminding him of the weekend, and how he thought the same thing of Bam. Oh, how he wished Bam was here today. He was lucky his parents let him stay home for so long when he was sick. He sighed and stood up, heading for his first period class before the bell rang. Jonne jumped up and followed him like a lost puppy. Ville wanted so badly to yell at him and tell him to stop following him. But he was sure if he tried to yell, the most noise he would emit was a slight wheezing sound.

“So, Cutie, wanna go to the ice cream shop with me today?” Jonne asked. Ville shook his head as he tried his best to pick up the pace. Jonne was still on his heels. “Why won’t you come with me?” he pushed. Ville blew out a puff of breath and turned around to face him.

“I don’t want to go with you because I have a boyfriend. How many times to I have to tell you before you get that into your brain?” he asked. Jonne stared up at him with big blue eyes. If Ville didn’t know any better, he would have thought Jonne was about to cry. He didn’t know if he could handle making some one cry.

The bell suddenly blared just over their heads. Ville cursed under his breath before turning around and heading for his class. Jonne went in a different direction, probably to his own classroom. Ville relaxed with the knowledge that he was gone.

Unfortunately, he had to walk back through the halls to the tardy office when his teacher wouldn’t let him in without a note. Damn Jonne.

Ville sat in a different corner in order to avoid Jonne during lunch. But, even with his eluding skills, Jonne still managed to find him.

“Is your boyfriend getting you your lunch?” He asked.

“No, he’s still sick. Where do you think I got this cold from?” Ville asked. Jonne stared down at him for a moment, then a wide smile spread across his face.

“So I guess it’s okay if I keep you company then, isn’t it?”

Before Ville could answer, Jonne sat down on the floor next to him. He crossed his legs and rested his elbows on his knees. He placed his chin in his hands and gazed at Ville for an uncomfortable amount of time. Finally, Ville looked back. Those pink-glossed lips spread into a warm smile as he continued to gaze at him.

“W-What?” he finally asked.

“Oh, nothing. I was just admiring how beautifully green your eyes are. I should put some eyeliner on those jewels,” he commented. Ville looked away, longing for Bam to be there beside him and save him from this mad child. “Ooh! In fact,” Jonne stated, reaching into his tight back pocket and pulling out a long black pencil. He got up on his knees and pulled the lid off of the pencil, then leaned in close to Ville’s face. Ville pulled back slightly, not really wanting him to do anything to his eyes.

“Oh, don’t worry, Cutie. I won’t hurt you. Trust me,” he said with a smirk on his face. He started putting the make up on Ville’s eyes, taking his precious time with it. After a long moment of that, he sat back, satisfied with his work. “Goodness, you look great with eyeliner,” he stated. Jonne suddenly leaned in a pressed a hard kiss on Ville’s lips. Ville planted his hands on his chest and pushed him away with great force, causing him to skid slightly across the floor. Jonne stared at him in shock for a moment.

“I’ve told you before, I have a boyfriend. Keep your hands and lips away from me,” he stated with a scowl. Jonne simply smiled and stood up, brushing himself off.

“As you wish, Cutie,” he said simply before walking away. Ville watched him leave, not believing it was that simple to get rid of him. In fact, he knew it couldn’t be that easy to make him stop. He was sure he’d have to get Bam there to prove he was taken. He sighed and turned to his notebook. Just a few more lines until he was finished.

Ville threw his cell phone onto the passenger seat. Bam wasn’t answering his phone. Usually he would have picked up on the first ring if he knew it was Ville. That was strange. He decided he would go over to visit him anyway. Maybe his phone was dead or out of his range of hearing. He drove his car along the now familiar roads to his boyfriends house. He pulled into the driveway and got out, knocking on the door. Ape answered, standing in the doorway.

“Hello April,” Ville said with a warm smile. Ape eyed him and didn’t move. What was going on? “U-Um…May I go up to see Bam? I have his fourth-period homework for him,” he lied. April simply held out her hand.

“I’ll take it up to him,” she informed him. Ville blinked. Ape was always so happy to see him. Why was she acting so callous today? Ville ran back to his car and pulled out a random assignment given to him by their fourth period teacher, then handed it to Ape. He gave her another big smile just before she slammed the door in his face. Ville blinked a few times, not sure what had just happened. He walked around to the back of the house, counting windows until he found the one that was Bam’s. he grabbed a small rock from the ground and chucked up to his window. It tapped against the glass and fell back down to the ground. Bam glanced out and saw Ville. He ignored him and went back to whatever he was doing. Ville glared up at the window.

“You get your ass back before I throw something much larger and heavier through your window,” Ville shouted. Bam appeared in the window again, this time opening it up enough to lean out.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“What do you mean ‘what do I want’? Let me in!” Ville exclaimed. Bam shook his head.

“No can do, Ville,” he stated.

“Why not?”

Bam glared down at him for a long time, then shook his head. “Raab and Novak both saw you today at lunch. They told me you were kissing some other guy. I’m not mad at you…I’m just horribly disappointed that you would do something like that in my absence. On the other hand, I’m extremely angry at whomever put his lips on you,” Bam explained down to Ville. Ville could feel the blood drain from his face as Bam talked. Those two boys saw it? Ville was sure those two twisted it around to make it seem like he had wanted to be kissed by Jonne. That wasn’t fair.

“Bam, you know I wouldn’t do that to you,” he said up to him. “It was the same guy who was trying to hook up with me last week. He got a hold of me before I could react. Please Bam, you have to believe me,” he begged.

Bam shook his head before pulling back inside of his window and shutting it firmly. Ville’s eyes filled with hot tears. He stood outside under his window for God only knows how long, hoping he’d come back to the window and forgive him. Finally, after tired of being ignored, he walked back to his car and got in, placing his forehead on the steering wheel and weeping softly. He had only recently gotten his hands on Bam. Damn his group of friends. He hated those boys so much.

Why were people so mean?

The next day was no better. Bam had returned to school, but wouldn’t pay any attention to Ville. He would simply walk by him and join his group of devil’s rejects. Ville held back the tears that would sting the back of his eyes.

On top of everything, Jonne wouldn’t stop being the clingy little thing he was. He would constantly hang off of Ville’s arm as they walked around. Ville hated it, but didn’t push him off, hoping to make Bam jealous or something. He never got a single reaction out of him.

Except at lunch time.

Jonne was trying his best to climb into Ville’s lap, and Ville was trying his best to keep him off. Bam walked up to them both, his cheeks red with anger. The two of them stared up at him with worry.

“Get off of him,” Bam snarled down to Jonne.

“No,” Jonne said defiantly. “He’s mine. I won him, fair and square!”

Bam’s eyes shifted from Jonne to Ville. Ville swallowed hard, but refused to say anything.

“He was mine first,” Bam said through gritted teeth.

“You should have kept him, then,” Jonne said, a cocky smile across his face.

Bam growled and grabbed Jonne by the arm, yanking him up. He clenched a fist and made a move to punch him. Jonne caught his fist in his hand before it made contact with his face. Bam looked shocked that the little thing had such strength.

Jonne kicked a leg out and hit Bam in the back of the knee, then pushed him down on the ground. Bam landed on his back with a very audible thud. Jonne jumped on him, sitting on his chest, getting ready to swing punches on his face. Ville jumped up and pulled Jonne off of him.

“Stop it! Both of you!” he shouted. “This is complete nonsense. I’m not worth getting hurt or suspended over. So just stop it!”

Jonne mumbled something inaudible as he walked by Ville. Bam sat on the floor, gazing up at him. Ville simply stared back. Neither of them said anything for the time that they stared at each other.

“I never wanted to lose you,” Bam finally said. Ville’s jaw set in an attempt to hold back tears.

“You didn’t have to believe those lies that those two told you,” Ville said.

“Yes, but how do I know what to believe? Especially with that…that…twig all over you today!”

Ville pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “I guess I can’t make you believe me,” he said, “But I really wish you would.”

The bell rang to end lunch. Ville simply walked by Bam, making his way to his class with Jonne by his side.
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