chapter 5

Feb 09, 2008 17:10

Chapter 5

As predicted, me and Bam were allowed out the hospital that evening. Migé, Lindé, Ryan and Raab came to pick us up in a rental car. I held Bams hand tightly as we climbed into the silver people carrier.

“Are you going to tell them or am I?” Bam whispered into my ear, Ryan and Raab climbing in after us.

“Oh yeah you’re just gonna say it and be the end of it? I actually think we should tell everyone in one go.” Bams sighs against my shoulder and nods, my hand travelled to his stomach and a feeling of pride and responsibility grew in my heart. The job of guarding these two was my top priority until the baby was born, and I was going to make sure to do that right.

We arrived at the castle a few hours later; I jump out first and hold my hand out to Bam who takes it.

April, Jess and Phil walk out and smile at us, Jess gave into temptation and runs to Bam, lifting him up and hugging him in his very own way of a brotherly hug.

“Jess be careful with him.” April said in motherly tone, making Jess stare at her in a weird fashion. I kiss Bam on the cheek when he’s out of Jess’s grasp and hold him close.

Burton pecks Raab on the cheek and walks over to us, he had an odd glint in his eyes like he knew something and I had a feeling I knew what it was.

We walk into the castle and sit around in the living/pleasure lounge. I was standing up looking at everyone, Migé and Burton were grinning and I glared at them. They knew the reason we were all gathered here, they KNEW what I was about to say. Seppo was here as well and I felt a bit uneasy letting him be near Bam, I didn’t have a clue why though.

“Okay, I’m gonna make this blunt and to the point. Seppo, I can’t go on tour this year because... damn Bam how the fuck did I end up saying this?!” I ask my boyfriend.

“We flipped a coin, you lost. Say it or your sleeping on the couch Valo.” I growl and stare at April and Phil.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Bam’s pregnant! There happy now Bam?!” I ask, my boyfriend grinned and nodded, opening his arms for a small hug.

“Wait, I didn’t get that... Bam’s pregnant?” Raab asked, staring confused at his boyfriend. Burton looked down and nodded.

“Holy fucking cow dude! Congrats!” Ryan says, jumping from Jess’s lap and lifting both of us up in a true brotherly hug.

“Oh my god my little Bammie is gonna give us grandchildren!” April screamed, running to us and hugging us tightly as well.

“That’s all fair and good but I’m choking here!” Bam tries to shout, I couldn’t help but laugh when we let go of.

“What about your fans Ville? Would they approve of you missing out on them for an unborn child?” everyone frowned at Seppo who was staring at us intently, Bam was sort of hiding behind me and I didn’t blame him.

“Bam and I have an interview tomorrow about the new album, we’ll mention it then.”

The whole world knew about me and Bam, it was going to be pretty intense if the world discovered we were going to be fathers.
again sorry for the shortness and errors!
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