chapter 3!

Feb 06, 2008 21:13

Chapter 3

“What?! You’re fucking with my head aren’t you?!” the nurse chuckled and shook her head.

“No I’m not; the baby is fine and lucky to be alive. Mr. Margera’s awake and that was the first thing he asked, after he asked for you of course. Well, he didn’t actually ask he demanded.”  Oh my god my lover was pregnant. This made me more determined to find him and hold him close, and shower him with kisses... maybe slap him for not telling me... maybe...

“Bam’s awake? Can I see him?” I asked, stretching my sore muscles. Even if I couldn’t I would do it anyway.

“I don’t see why not, you need to stretch your muscles a bit. We won’t tell your doctor, the mean man almost asked for Bam to be sedated because he was trying to shout for you.”

I laughed and slipped out of bed, Bam shouting for me sounded definitely like my Bammie.

I noticed I was still in my stained jeans from the attack and shook my head; I didn’t want to think about it at that moment. The nurse opened the door and I walked out, letting my hand trail across the wall almost like a support.

The kind nurse signalled for me to follow and I did just that, following her till we reached room 675, my room was room 666 lucky me. I peaked in and saw Bam fast asleep, he seemed so peaceful. His hand was on top of the small bump on his stomach and I couldn’t help but smile.

The door was unlocked and I stepped in, walking towards Bams sleeping form. I sat on the edge of the bed and gently swept my hand across his cheek. Smiling down at my little Bammie. Beautiful...

Bam’s crystallized blue eyes opened and he stared up at me, I leaned down placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

“You’ve been hiding something from me Mr. Bammie Margera.” I said with a smile. Bam stared up at me wide eyed then smiled softly, blushing slightly at the way I said his name. Cute, positively cute.

“You know about the baby?”

“My nurse told me, didn’t think it was possible.” I whispered.

Bam grabbed my hand lightly and laid onto his back, he rested my hand on top of his stomach.

“Our baby, weird huh? Means we have to stop our late night banter.”

I couldn’t help but laugh; I pulled Bam gently into my arms and kissed his lips, the tears overflowing and I started to cry with joy.

“Stay with me, please?”

I nodded and moved over, trying to avoid the wires, and letting Bam snuggle up with me. I couldn’t believe I was going to have a family, the family I always dreamed of, with the one I always loved.
again for the shortness
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