Yes, these are my boys. I love them to pieces. They're so easy to write *squees*
Ok, first off, tenshinoreyire made some art that seemed to fit the fic. *grin*
Now.....On with the fic!
Title - Thunderstorms
By - PheonixFireBlack
Summary - You guys know by now that I base stuff off random scene-flashes in my head.....This is no different. *laughs*
Disclaimer - I'm trying to get the rights to own a person. It hasn't worked yet....
Rating - R
Feedback - *crossing fingers*
Critics - Why not?
Notes - Weeellll.....I'm back with another fic. *dies* These two are so easy to write for/with/about/etc! LOL!
The night seemed calm enough at first. But then it came. And it wasn't good. It was loud. Made a sort of....Crack! type sound. And it sounded so close! God, I hate this. I hate thunderstorms. I always have. Ever since I was a kid. I can't belive they still scare me. But they do. I felt myself tense again when another clap of thunder came.
I don't even know what it is about them that scares me. I just know that they scare the hell out of me. And I hate them. And I hate being scared of them because it makes no sense. I'm twenty-five, for Christ's sake! What's there to even be-- Oh, God. Not again.
I shivered again. That wasn't a good idea. Nope. Especially not with someone behind me. Right next to me. With an arm around my waist. Nope. Definitely not a good idea. In fact, it was an incredibly horrible idea.
My eyes widened. Shit. "Y-yeah?"
"What're you doing?"
"Nothing." I said quickly.
Maybe a little too quickly.
"Bam...are you all right?" Ville asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said. Damn it all to hell. I lied. And not only did I lie, but I was prove wrong five seconds afterwards when another really loud clap of thunder sounded. I jumped. Dammit!
"Bam...don't lie to me."
"It's nothing, ok?" I said, separating myself from him, removing his arm from my waist and turning onto my other side.
Ville sighed. "Bam--"
"Don't worry about it, all right?" I snapped.
A bit of lightning flashed--lightning isn't the scary stuff. Just the thunder.--and I could see Ville wince when I snapped. Oh, God. Did he have to look so hurt? I swallowed. "Ville, I....I didn't mean for that to come out like it did, I just...." I stopped and winced myself when another loud clap of thunder sounded along with a bit of lightning. Shit.
Ville grinned, "What's wrong?"
"Right." I could hear him biting back a laugh.
I glared at him. It's not funny. It's stupid.......and scary.
Another clap and another jump. Dammit!
Ville let out a light laugh. "What...are you doing?"
"Nothing." I muttered, pulling the blanket over my head.
"No, honestly. What are you doing?"
"No. Honestly. Nothing."
Ville laughed. "Right, then."
I scowled up at him from under the blanket. Oh, this is not funny. Ville. Once this damn thunderstorm--shit!--calms down, I'm so--fuck!--kicking your tall, scrawny ass--Holy fucknuggets! Dammit!
Suddenly, Ville was under the blankets with me. "What are you doing under here, love?"
"......" I decided to say nothing. It seemed to be in my better interest.
"Baa-aam..." Ville practically sing-songed. "Talk to me."
"Nmm-mm." I said in the negation.
I attempted to say something, but failed when I jumped at another clap of thunder.
"What the hell is up with you tonight, Bam?"
"Nothing..." I managed weakly.
"It's nothing, Ville." I barely whispered, "Don't worry about it."
After a few minutes, Ville decided to try again, "Bam," He started softly.
"Thunder." I said, my voice kind of shaky.
"'s the...thunder."
Ville smiled a little, "You're...afraid?"
I turned away from him after nodding a little.
I could hear the grin--not to mention the quiet laugh--when he spoke. "That's so adorable."
"What?" I shook my head, "No. It's not! It's stupid!" I turned back towards him.
Ville smiled, "No. It's not stupid. It's cute."
"I'm twenty-five, Ville! I shouldn't be afraid of something I was scared of when I was five!"
Ville grinned, "It's only...a twenty year difference in age."
I slapped his shoulder, "Shut up! This isn't funny!"
"No, it's cute!"
I groaned, "Ville!"
"I'm sorry, but it is!"
"It's not!"
Ville laughed. "Maybe not to you. But it is to me."
I jumped again. ".....It's annoying."
Ville pulled me towards him. "It's--"
"Perfectly adorable." He grinned, kissing my forehead.
"'s stupid. And I don't think I should be afraid of something like that...."
"You can't help what you're afraid of, sweetheart."
"Vi-ille!" I complained, feeling the heat go to my cheeks.
"Oh, right." He chuckled, "I forgot." He ruffled my hair a bit.
I jumped again and groaned. "God....if any of the guys get wind of this, I'll never be left alone..."
"But they won't." He grinned.
"Good." I flipped onto my other side, my back to him and leaned into him as he wrapped his arm about my waist.
"I think....that I should figure out a way to create thunder." Ville whispered in my ear.
"Don't even think about it."
Notes - Weeeeellllllll there we goooooooo! That *dies* Too repetitive, wasn't it? I think so. *nods* That's what I think. *shrug*
Let me know what you think!
Later days,