(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 00:49

Title: Cherry-Flavored Popsicles
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: PG-17 Things get smutty pretty quickly....
Pairing: Vam all the way!
Summary: Bam decides to surprise Ville with his favorite frozen treat. But will he get more then what he bargained for?
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: You may never look at popsicles the same way again.
Authors Notes: This is sort of an interlude between 'Love On The Rocks' and the actual sequel which will be called: 'Shout In The Night.'

(The Next Day)
Bam whined bitterly as he moved to the next page. Phil could only do so much for him, in the end, he still had to read over everything; finalize it, and sign it. Damn it all to fucking hell! Who really wanted to deal with this shit, when there was a god upstairs waiting to fulfill your every desire? Your every fucking fantasy! Yet he was down here and Ville was upstairs. By the time Phil had finally left, it had been extremely late, and Bam had a pounding headache from talking to stupid people on the phone. Even if he hadn't wanted to swallow a whole bottle of pain reliever, to end the stress headache that was threatening to rip apart his brain, Ville had long ago fallen asleep; spread out over the whole bed.

His plan to surprise Ville with a fuck fest the next morning never came to be either. All the guys had come, belly flopping on Bam and Ville to wake them up. By the time he got them to go away, Phil had come with the rest of the paper work. By the time Phil left, everyone under the fucking sun had started to call Bam, wanting SOMETHING from him. He needed to start keeping better track of his horoscope... something wasn't right with his moon and planet alinement's.

Then there was the icing on the fucking cake. Ville fucking Valo: Sex on two legs. He took great pleasure, any chance he could, to taunt and tease Bam with his pouty lips, slender hips, and brooding gaze. Then again, Bam couldn't really tell if that was his hypersensitive imagination, or Ville's devious mind. Bam was pretty sure Ville could get drug through a thistle patch and Bam would still want to fuck him senseless... today especially.

Too much work, and not enough popsicle had left Bam a very sexual frustrated person, hence why he was reading the same paper twice. The sudden sound of footsteps, brought Bam's attention further from his paperwork. Tossing his pen down, Bam rubbed his face. Peeking through his fingers, he watched as Ville entered the kitchen, popsicle stick protruding from his mouth. Something looked strange about Ville's face, but Bam couldn't quite figure it out, overall Ville appeared quite casual. "Didn't Ape ever tell you, not to chew on those sticks? It's not good for your teeth." Bam said, turning his eyes back to the pack of papers in front of him.

A gargle mess of a sentence was Ville's reply, causing Bam to look at him again.

"What?" Bam asked, his annoyance was quickly turned to amazement as he watched Ville. His jaw dropped and his pen(that he had picked up again) fell from his fingers, rolling unnoticed to the floor. A chill swept through his body and went right for his groin. A whimper escaped his lips and he cursed every god he could think of.

Ville carefully took the end of the popsicle stick in his slender fingers. Opening his mouth just a little wider, he pulled the whole fucking popsicle from his mouth. Ville carefully licked his lips as he moved closer to Bam.

"I said, I wasn't chewing on it." Ville replied, running his tongue along the popsicle. "What?" He asked when Bam continued to stare at him. Silently, Bam reached up and took a hold of Ville's jaw, slowly pulling it open so he could look into it. Ville chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully.

"How the hell did you do that?" Bam asked, shaking his head, that had to be one of thee sexiest things he had ever seen. Now that he had gotten over the initial shock of it, he couldn't help but think of what Ville could do with that talented mouth of his.

Ville half smirked, half smiled. "Practice love." He replied, leaning against the counter top. "What are you doing?" He asked, popping the popsicle back into this mouth, (though not as deeply) poking through Bam's paper work.

Bam sighed, "I was reading paperwork to finalize the merchandise for the new Viva La Bands tour." He replied, letting his eyes roam over Ville. God he wanted Ville too much for his own good. He should start some sort of support group. AVVA....that's what he would call it. Addicted to Ville Valo Anonymous. He could be the Founder, Chairmen, and President, maybe even the banker. Oh wait, that's Monoloply, it was hard to beat a whole house dedicated to your love interest.

"But now that your here... you can distract me." He turned so he was facing Ville, pulling Ville closer. Ville moved so he was facing Bam, grinning around his popsicle. Carefully Bam pulled Ville's shirt up, smiling as he admired the other man's flat stomach and the top of his heartagram tattoo. He leaned in and ran his tongue over Ville's nipple, grinning when he heard the soft moan that escaped his lovers lips. He kissed Ville's chest a few times, dragging his teeth over the soft flesh as he pulled Ville closer.

Ville ran his hand through Bam's hair, playing with it, unable to stop himself from enjoying what Bam was doing. Soft noises of pleasures escaped his lips, his mouth dropped open when Bam started sucking on his nipple. It made his skin tingle with excitement and his body desperate to end the game he had started so Bam could properly ravish him.

Bam looked up at Ville, grinning at the look on Ville's face. He let his hands slowly slide down Ville's back, before slapping his hands on Ville's ass, and gave it a firm squeeze. Ville gasped, nearly choking on his popsicle, shoot up to his tip toes for a moment. He gasped in happiness and surprise and grinned down at Bam. Bam chuckled, "Can I have a bite of your popsicle?"

For a moment, Bam thought he would get his answer in the form of a kiss. How he had hungered for those lips. As Ville leaned down, Bam leaned up. His hand went to the side of Ville's head, as Ville drew in his lips and wet them. Bam gasped as Ville brushed his lips against his. Ville could feel Bam trembling and he wondered if Bam could feel his own shakiness. "I can't love." He whispered against Bam's lips, pulling away from him. He quickly stuck the popsicle back into his mouth. "As soon as you get your work done... you can have all the popsicle you want." Ville added, running his fingers over the stack of work Bam still had to do.

"Why can't you? I'll concentrate better if you just give me a little popsicle. Just a taste..." Bam tried, realizing this was quickly turning into a situation, where he wasn't going to be referring to the frozen fruit juice on a stick in Ville's hand. No, Bam could think of a 'popsicle' far sweeter then anything you could find at a store.

"Your father will kill me if you don't get your work done, especially if it's because of me." Ville replied, now on the other side of the island that was currently Bam's work place. He leaned against it, sucking on the tip of his popsicle. Bam couldn't get over how pornographic that was. Ville's lips wrapped around that blatant phallic symbol, wasting his talents on it, when he could be sharing it with Bam.

Ville's eyes finally meet Bam's, and he felt a shiver race through his spine, at the pure wanton lust that had filled those pretty blue eyes. A grin formed on his lips around his froze dessert. Maintaining the eye contact with Bam, he slowly started pulling out and inserting the popsicle. He noticed Bam wet his lips, and the way his lover chewed on his lip anxiously, which only made Ville more daring. He started moaning softly, but only for a minute, as a devilish grin spread over his lips. With a final wink at Bam, he sunk his teeth down on the very tip, taking off a chunk of the popsicle in the process.

Ville chuckled as Bam jerked in his seat. He propped his chin on his free hand and meet Bam scowling look with his amused one. He took another bite from the popsicle, chewing it as Bam whispered: "Must you eat that in front of me?"

"You didn't mind me eating it in front of you a moment ago." Ville remarked, as Bam adjusted the way he was sitting.

"Well I do now." Bam said, trying to relax after what Ville had done to him.

Ville was leaning against the island now, holding himself up with both forearms. "What's the matter Bammie? Can't take a little pressure?"

Bam quickly rose to Ville's hidden challenge, "I can too!"

Ville shrugged, trying to appear unimpressed by Bam's assertion. "Doesn't appear that way to me. I think you can't help but be distracted."

Bam caught the look in Ville's eyes and smirked, "How about a new game?"

Ville looked to Bam fully, the popsicle between his teeth. "Depends on what?" He tried to refrain from returning the grin Bam had finally caught onto the game again, and the exchange was exhilarating. They both could feel the heat radiating off each other, yet they were both so intrigued with acting like they didn't know it, that they couldn't help but keep it going until one of them snapped.

"If I can get my work done in the next..." Bam paused to check the clock. "... hour. I can have all the popsicle I want." He posed with the careful raise of one eyebrow. He was chewing on his pen now, his eyes undressing Ville already.

Under the weight of Bam's gaze, Ville wanted to scale the island himself and rip Bam's clothes from his body. Yet he stayed right were he was and continued to try and remain cool and confident. "You really think you can resist me for a whole hour? And get your work done! Done correctly I might add. Just signing everything does not count." Ville's said, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I've resisted you all morning." Bam pouted out, his body alive with the thrill of the hunt.

"I haven't been trying to distract you all morning." Ville countered, well maybe he had a little when the guys had been over, but that was hours ago and barely counted. "Remember as soon as I walked in here, you had your hands and mouth..." He smirked a little, his eyes lowering to Bam's lips for a moment. "All over me."

"You were also deep throating a popsicle!" Bam reminded Ville, causing his lover to blush. "How can any warm blooded human not get aroused by that?" He challenged, knowing that it had left him more then a little aroused.

"Fair enough." Ville consented. "So one hour to concentrate souly on your work. If you do... you get to fuck me senseless?" Ville replied, dropping the act that this was for his popsicle.

Bam grinned, "You bet your sweet fucking ass."

Hang in there... smutty goodness is but a chapter away! And not even a full chapter away either.
Sorry to all the lovely stories I have been missing out on... I haven't been feeling well.





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