“Maybe Someday”
Author: Jordan [insane-pyro-grl]
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: I don’t own the people who are referred to in this piece, nor has it actually happened to them, although it is based off of something happening in my life currently.
Pairings: Vam and implies some Dugera [Bam Margera / Ryan Dunn]
Summary: What the hell is going on with him? We haven’t had a real conversation since my birthday, and that was months ago. I used to be able to talk to him on the phone for hours, and now we can’t even have a simple chat like we used to. What did I do? What did I say? [Bam’s POV]
Notes: Hey babes, I had to write this, I really did. This is still kind of happening with me and one of my best friends, whom I’ve been friends with since 6th grade, and now we’re seniors. I had to get this out or it was going to rip me apart. The Ancient Greeks believed that when you wrote, you purged everything from your soul. They were right.
“Maybe Someday”
He was my best friend on this planet, the one I could talk to about anything and everything. I had watched him grow from a shy young rocker into this phenomenal person and rock star, and it sure as hell hasn’t felt like eight years have passed since I’ve made his acquaintance. I remember when we first became really good friends we would spend hours on the phone talking to one another for hours and hours at a time, getting to know every little detail about each other. I would sit in the kitchen, on the floor with my back against the fridge, because that was the only quiet part of the house where I could focus on every word he said.
We would talk on the phone for hours on end, laughing about the most random things we could think of, and even if they didn't make the most sense, they were funny to us. As time went along we became better friends than we could have ever believed; he helped me along through a time when no one else could. He understood me when I said I was depressed, that I really didn't know why I was living any longer. A long time ago, yet it really wasn't so long ago, when I was a cutter, he helped me through it, reassuring me that I wasn't the only one who had these feelings, that he was depressed at times too.
I thought of him as my older brother, helping me, protecting me, guiding me towards a better me, a happier me. The two of us were almost inseparable, if I went somewhere with my friends, he came along, whether we went out to a movie and then ice cream afterwards, or even if we were going to randomly go to the local elementary school near my house to play on the playground. I knew him better than he knew himself, and vice versa; he knew what I was going to do before I even did it.
Years passed, and we grew older, wiser, taller, and in my instance, a little chubbier. We were still brothers; we would hug every time we would see each other, link arms and walk to our destination, wherever it might have been at that particular time. The amount of phone calls lessened by the week, until we barely talked on the phone at all - there was nothing left to talk about. Although the number of phone calls turned into zero, we still talked almost every day, though now it included more random things to make each other laugh, rather than meaningful conversation.
One night we sat on the playground near my house, facing each other on adjacent swings, talking about things that bothered us. I struck up the topic about how I worried about what would happen if the man I loved found out about it. He immediately raised his eyebrow and asked me whom I was in love with, before I could even respond with the answer, he asked me if I was in love with him. He’d thought for a while that I had grown to love him as more than a brother, and more than a friend.
I stared at him with confusion for a second, all right, maybe I had been in love with him for a two second period, but it was only normal to fall in love with your best friend, right? My feelings had lasted a short microsecond period, I never told anyone, so who cared, right? Others had been suspicious, asking me whether I had loved him or not, and of course I said that I didn’t. That pang of love had subsided years ago, didn’t apply to the situation at hand.
It seemed that years had passed as stars twinkled above our heads and we swayed to and fro on the swings. I took the deepest breath I had ever taken within my twenty-six years of life and told him that I was in love with Ryan. There it was. The biggest secret I ever kept from my ‘brother’ and there it was in the open. Another seventy years passed before he answered with a general response of, “Oh really?”
After that night under the twinkling stars on the playground, things seemed to change between us. We didn’t talk; we couldn’t even keep a conversation for more than two sentences. I don’t know what changed between us, but it seemed like he changed overnight ever since I told him whom I loved. Some how our friendship changed that night, and I didn’t even know it changed within a whirlwind of words.
I’m hoping that somehow we’ll repair our friendship to what it once was. Maybe someday we’ll be the brothers we once were, and maybe someday I’ll tell him that I loved him for a two second period, and maybe someday he’ll tell me what went wrong that twinkling night on the swings.
Maybe someday we’ll tell one another we love each other and hug like on those warm nights so long ago. Maybe someday we’ll skip around the playground near my house and play on the seesaw like kids. Maybe someday I’ll be happy once again with my best friend by my side.
[More of my one-shots] [After clicking, scroll above and below for more of my vammy writings. ] [/shameless plug]