
Dec 29, 2007 11:59

Title: Untitled
Raiting: PG
Paring: Vam
Disclamer: I don't nor will I ever own anyone mentioned in this story. It's just fake, a random thing written by a fan. :)
Summary: Dealing with the loss of his fame, a downward spiral into depression happened. While Bam's fame crawls in an upward spiral everything goes wrong for Ville. Can Bam save him and realize the love they both have for one another? Or Will Bam be blind until the very end?
Dedication: slasher48, jezebel1368, gah you know what...it's just dedicated to everyone who reads and reviews on my stories

Chapter 1- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/3219877.html#cutid1

So, I got a call from Gas. He said he’d be bringing Bam soon. I don’t care. He’s been a jerk to me for so long. Why should I care? Why should I be forced to open my home to this jackass? Because I love him, that’s why. He always knows just what button to press. He always knows how to make me fall in love with him more. I hate him! I just hate him! No, no I don’t. I love him. I hate how much I love him. He makes me feel alive…no bad Ville. He’s mean, that man would never love me. He just uses me to make himself feel good. What do I go and do? I let him use me. I do it because I love him, and in those moments I feel like he loves me too. This really sucks for me, you know.

There goes the doorbell. He’s here. I know it. Well, I guess I better move from my spot on the couch and let him in. I honestly don’t know why I’m letting him. He’s gonna take every inch of me over again. I know what will happen. We will talk and then one thing will lead to another. He and I will end up in bed making massive amounts of noise and just having sex. It’s not making love. He doesn’t love me. So I can’t call it that, because it’s just not right. He’s here, lovely.

“Willa!” He gave me his cheesy fake grin. Those strong arms gave me an embrace and those bright blue eyes looked full of life. That silver band lined with diamonds is prominent on his hand. It’s like a sign to tell me to back away from him. That ring is like my poison. He wears it like it’s a sign of love. It’s not! It’s evil and shouldn’t be on his finger. The rings I had planned for us should be on his hand and mine. He should be waking up in my bed every morning. Not next to her. She’s…no, it’s his fault. It’s not her fault. She’s the victim in all of this. I’m just some lover he’ll never know about. Gas is standing behind Bam. He gives me a look of sympathy. He’s known all along about my secret crush on Bam. The whole band did. I guess it’s because I never shut up about him after the very first meeting.

“Hey Bam, come on in.” I smile and make sure to hide my aching. Gas waves and puts Bam’s stuff at the door. He nods to me and leaves. That’s his sign Bam’s gonna talk about his child that he is expecting. I’m hoping that he won’t. Bam sits down on my couch and sniffs it. He wrinkles that adorable nose and looks at me with those bright pools of blue. Oh how I wish I could actually be his and he could be mine. Then I could tell him everything. How hot he is and just how perfect he looks. Though, if I were to say any of that to him; he’d leave me. There’s one thing you must do around him, you must keep you’re tongue firmly planted in your cheek.

“So, Gas was saying you haven’t been out of the house. Much less moved from the couch.” Bam touches the spot where I sat for a week. He sees the imprint of my body and sighs. Those beautiful blue pools look at me again. This time a look of concern is apparent on his face. Man he really is beautiful. Curse him for his beauty. It’s so damn arousing.

“I ate and watched DVDs.” I lied. I didn’t really eat much, I mostly drank soup. I’m not about to tell him that. The less that American brat knows the better. He looked at the television and saw Spongebob talking to Sandy. He looked back at me and sighed. Why is it always when I do something he disapproves of he sighs? I mean, he’s got such a cute sigh. No, bad Ville. He hurt you. He’s not cute, he’s a monster. This American is a cold hearted monster. Sometimes, I find myself dreaming about what could have been. Then I look at his hand and know that it never will be. He patted the seat next to him in a motion to make me sit next to him. If I dare, I know what will happen. Well, I dared. He’s sitting here looking me over. That look of lust is in his eyes. This time I’m not going to let him get to me.

“I don’t see why they are saying anything is wrong with you. You look good to me.” Stop it, you’re married to her. This is wrong, very wrong. I can’t let this get out of hand. I want him though, I want him so badly. This is torture, that ring on his finger says he’s taken. She has him now. I had my chance but, I let it get away. Well, I do really regret it. But, what am I going to do? I’m not going to let him cheat on her. He will have to choose. I know who he will pick though, one hint. It won’t be me. Every time someone even mentions her name his eyes light up. If someone mentions my name it’s not even like he gives a hoot.

“Look, Bam. I’m sick of you playing games. Either it’s her or me you love. You can’t have us both.” Oh great. I word vomited. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I’m gonna chase him away like I did the last time. Then he will ignore me for months on end. It will just make my depression worse. He’s gonna run from…holy crap. He just kissed me. It feels like the most amazing piece of satin running across my lips. His tongue feels like velvet. Could this possibly mean he wants to be with me? Or is he toying with my emotions again?

Yeah, I know it's short. But I can't give too much away now can I? After all, it is only the second chapter. ;)
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