The Stripper (The end)

Dec 27, 2007 18:12

Title: The Stripper
Paring: Vam, Jony
Disclamier: IF I EVER OWNED ANYONE IN THIS STORY I'D JUST ABOUT DIE! Oh...and yeah Ville Valo...well ummm read it cause he definatly wouldn't do anything in this. Though if he'd be hot. XP
Dedicated: Morphinesux and Midget666 (Just cause these people rock my socks off...Not to say no one else does!^^)
Rating: Pg-13
This is totally fiction....Fan Fiction...Go look it up....seriously -.-'

Ville smiled softly as he awoke from his sleep. He had a dream where he and Bam had gotten married on the beach. He was in a crisp white suit and Bam was wearing a crisp black suit. It was just him and Bam. No family, no one who objected. Their love was all that was needed; at least that’s how Ville saw it. He heard Bam’s parents talking outside with one of the doctors. The singer got up and moved over to the door. He could hear the conversation going on between them.

“Yes, we should be in schedule to release him today. I believe around mid afternoon.” The doctor spoke as April and Phil both nodded in unison listening to the doctor with great intent. Phil grabbed April’s hand in his as she smiled slightly.

“Well thank you. I’m sure his friends will be glad to hear that. They all came to spend time with him and well, it was sadly stopped short due to his accident. As I’m sure you can imagine.” April felt Phil run his thumb over her hand. The doctor nodded and looked at Bam’s parents.

“I’m sure. He has had one male staying with him. I was wondering about them, are they related?” The doctor looked at the couple with a great curiosity. Phil snorted and April shook her head no.

“No, they are close friends.” The doctor nodded as April spoke. They said goodbye to one another. They headed into Bam’s room and Ville quickly darted back to his seat. He grabbed Bam’s hand and smiled. He was so thrilled to know that he’d be having his Bammie come home with him. Ville looked towards the door as Bam’s parents came in. He smiled softly and watched them sit down. Bam had awoken and was clinging to the singer’s hand.

“Well, we have good news for you Bam.” April looked at him and smiled softly. Ville already knew but he was going to act surprised. The skater turned his head enough to see April and blinked. His bright blue eyes had little light in them.

“If it’s that I’m getting a better lunch than this place gives, I doubt it.” Ville and April both laughed slightly. Bam chucked with them and Phil just snorted. He ran his thumb over the singer’s hand and smiled at his mother.

“Bam, it’s much better. You might be getting released today!” April smiled and Bam felt tears well up in his eyes. Those words were music to his ears. He turned to Ville and opened his arms. The singer and skater embraced and both men smiled at each other. He looked at the doctor who came into the room. A silver clipboard was in his hands and he had a soft smile on his face. He walked over to Bam as Ville took his seat again. The doctor took a place standing at the foot of Bam’s bed.

“Well, we did some more looking into your files. And you are all set to be released now. I have your discharge papers here.” The doctor walked over Bam’s side and handed him the release forms. Bam signed them and smiled. The doctor walked out of the room and the nurse came in. She took out the catheter and placed a bandage over the skater’s wound. She left and Bam sat up. He looked at Ville and smiled.

“Willa, can you get me my boxers and clothes??” Bam looked at the singer. Ville got up and walked over to the mini closet. He grabbed Bam’s clothes and came back to the bed with them in hand. The skater smiled and took the clothes from the singer. He ran into the bathroom and changed. Never had Ville seen Bam so excited to go home. The skater came out and wrapped his arm around Ville’s waist. The singer blushed and looked down.

“Ape, Phil, I have something I want to tell you two.” Bam smiled his classic cheesy grin and the singer kept looking away. He knew what Bam was about to say. Phil would get extremely pissed and possibly throw a fit. April would probably wail from happiness. Both of Bam’s parents looked at him and Ville felt like Phil was going to bore a hole through his head.

“Ville and I are dating. He’s my boyfriend. Phil I’m sure you’re going to be upset, but I don’t care. I love him and that’s what matters.” Bam sniffed as April got up and threw her arms around the pair. She mumbled something about going home and that was all they needed. They arrived back at Castle Bam promptly and got out of the car. Bam took Ville by the hand and they walked upstairs. The skater looked around and saw Jussi making out with Tony in a corner. He sighed and dragged Ville with him into the bedroom. Bam dropped his bags and flopped down on his bed.

“I hate hospital beds. They are so uncomfortable.” Bam mumbled from having his face buried in a pillow. Ville sat down on the corner of the bed and looked at Bam.

“Well, you had to go and crash your car.” Ville rubbed Bam’s back. The skater moaned slightly at the touch of the singer. He flopped over and snatched Ville’s hand in his. He kissed the singer’s soft hand and looked up smiling. Ville laid down next to Bam and smiled.

“I’m just glad you’re back home. I was worried you were gonna be dead.” Ville sighed and felt tears well up in his eyes. He felt a soft kiss be placed on his forehead. The singer snuggled into the skater and sighed.

“Ville, promise me that you’ll never leave me?”

“I can’t tell you what tomorrow will bring. But I can only hope.”

“Ville, I love you.”

“I love you too Bam.”

“For how long?”


“Lets run away and get married.”



“Why not?”


Yes, this is the end of The Stripper. I finally got rid of my writers block long enough to finish this. :)

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