Title: Fight To Live (7/?)
prettyboy_scarsPairing:vam, bam+dunn, others yet to be determined
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Bam is the son of a werewolf and a witch who just happens to be born a human. His mother dies giving birth to him, and under the protection of his father, he is allowed to live. When his father dies, the werewolves are left without a pack leader and Bam is left without protection from those who wish to see him dead…
Disclaimer: not real except for in my imagination.
Warnings: Swearing (lots of it!), AU (vampires, werewolves, witches and hunters, oh my!) Minor Character Deaths (in some parts)
Authors Notes: The title is taken from a Blitz song. Also, I am sans a beta; so if you spot any mistakes please let me know. Constructive Criticism is welcome. Flames will be used to roast unwanted memories. :)
A/N 2: Long time no post >.> sorry ya'll. I had a lot of drama going on IRL and well things have finally started winding down. Anyhow, thanks for your patience!
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 Part 7: you're just gonna have to take it