Title: Screaming
Author: Loki_the_Sinner
Summary: Ville hates that the screaming never stops.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, I wish I did, but sadly I dont...
Rating: PG-13 a little swearing
A/N: This story is really abstract so it doesn't make the most sense in the world. I wrote it during Math because I finnished my test early.
Ville likes to tell Bam what he remembers, because Bam doesn’t remember much about himself )
There are a lot of spelling and grammar errors in this...but I ignored them for the sake of the story.
And DAMN YOU MICROSOFT WORD SPELLCHECKER!! its being dumb and wont work...
I hate my computer sometimes!
There is a reason my spelling is so bad and its my dog who was trying to hump my leg and was distracting me...
Nasty lil perv...
Yes my dog is gay to...
Also sry about the user name switch it might happen a lot...
but I am Loki
if not, i'm sorry for being a creeper.
if yes, i love that movie..and i'm still sorry for kinda just...noticing ur icon <3 lol.
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