Because I know you love me (haha)

Dec 09, 2004 04:38

Hello faithful __vam-ers. Here's part two of my long awaited fic! *gasp* Ok not really. Just click if you love me, skip me if you don't. (Meanies!)

Ahhh my disclaimers. DO, DK, NH. NC-17 as usual. I screwed up everyone's characters for my amusement so kill me if you wish. Since I have all the oranges and bottles of vanilla lotion I want now, I request that you throw random things at me. ^_^ Enjoy my weirdness! Yey!

My Sweet Prince

Chapter Two:
...i smiled a little...

Loud, annoying music blasted from inside, but so did heat. Ignoring the pounding sounds making their ears ring, they pushed their way through the crowd to take a seat at the bar.

"What kinda drinks do you have here?" Screamed Bam over the music.

The bartender glared at him and handed him a list of drinks. Obviously, he didn't hold high regard for skaters from West Chester or Finnish rock stars. They ordered, ignoring the prejudiced bartender. Anything to get them drunk in a short period of time would work. Less then an hour later Bam was loudly voicing his opinion about the music.

"This shitty music is getting on my nerves."

"Then leave the bar, asshole." some guy growled from nearby.

"Shut the fuck up!" Bam raised one drunken fist.

The random guy, also drunk, raised his fists. "You wanna fight bad boy? C'mon then!" Bam screamed and took a swing at the guy's head.

"Bam, stop it!" Ville yelled. Migé just stared. Ville attempted to grab Bam's shoulder, but Migé pulled him back.

"Let me help him!"

"No! What if you get hurt? I can't carry you and Bam out of here!" Ville just nodded and turned to look as the two drunken men took more swings at each other. Finally Bam's fist connected with the guy's jaw, sending him flying back against a nearby table.

"Now I'm pissed." He jumped back up and punched Bam. Bam fell backwards into a chair and then fell on the floor. Ville flew to his side. Bam smiled at him.

"Did I win?" he asked before passing out.

The guy looked over Ville's shoulder at Bam. "Wow. I didn't think I hit him that hard."

Ville glared up at him. "No, you fucking idiot, he passed out because he's drunk."

"I'm calling the cops." The bartender's shaky voice said, a phone already in his hand.

Ville looked toward Migé. "Let's get out of here, and quick." Ville struggled but managed to pick up Bam and half drag him out of the bar.

When they finally got Bam a few streets away from the bar, they sat down on a bench so Ville could get a rest.

"He's heavier then he looks." Ville said after they had been sitting in silence for awhile.

Migé sighed. "He's dumber then he looks too."

Ville laughed. "Yeah. He's such a handsome guy, but not very smart sometimes."

"Yeah." Migé murmured back, looking away from Bam to Ville. Ville kept looking down at Bam, a slight hidden smile on his face. Ville's mind wandered as he pondered new thoughts that raced through his head. "...Ready to go?"


"Want me to help carry him?"

"No, I got him." Ville picked up Bam in his arms, making one of Bam's arms wrap around his neck. One of his arms supported Bam's back and the other was under his legs. He struggled slightly under Bam's weight before finding his balance. "Let's go."

Less then forty-five minutes later, they were finally walking down the hallway of their hotel. They paused at the door to Migé's room.

"You'll be ok?"

"Yeah, my arms are starting to feel kinda numb, but I can make it to his room. Good night."

"Night..." Migé took one last look at Ville's back as he sadly shook his head and went into his room.

Aww I'm evil. Bother me and MAYBE I'll post sooner then usual. *gasp* I have the whole story finished by the way. I am just loving to be evil. Put the word penguin in your review if you read this note. Yey, I'm random. *dances her happy dance* And you guys can be jealous of Asuka (Manx) because she got to read the whole thing already. And if she tells any of you what happens, I'm going to kill all of you. *smiles* I love you and have a nice day! ^_^

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