Title: Frozen Sunlight
Pairing: vam for now
Rating: 15 for now. It'll probably go up later on.
Summary: Ville has been tracking down and killing the undead for years now. After his last kill, he hasnt been quite the same. That is until he gets a newbie for a partner, Ville now has a second chance, to save the world, and his life.
Disclaimer: Don't own, Don't sue.
Warnings: Horrible Language
Authors Notes:Just a preview of sorts. I'd love to write more if you like it.
Bam walked into the bar. He was filled with emotions, mainly his nerves were on edge, it was his first kill after all. He thought back to what Ville told him "Try to make as little of a scene as possible, once your in the bar, follow your instincts." Bam sighed, It was amazing how Ville was still doing this, after 6 years of this most men would crack.
Bam sat down in a booth, closed his eyes and started surveying the people in the bar.It was a talent he'd had for many years, there was no description for it, just being able to read a person.He soon realized Most were just desperate men trying to get away from nagging wives, but there was one, Bam couldn't place it, but there was something strange about this one. Bam got up from the booth and started walking over to the man. "Ville did say follow my insticts."
When Bam came upon the booth, the man looked up. His face was cold, eerie almost. Bam kept his cool "Hey man, Could you show me where the bathroom is?"
Hope it wasn't too horrible. haha