Pulling Teeth Chapter 2

May 16, 2007 17:37

Okay so this is chapter 2 of my very first VAM fic.

Title: Pulling Teeth
Author: Corinne
Pairing: VAM, but may be mentions of others in later chapters
Rating: Still nothing over pg-13, again just swearing
Disclaimer: I have never met any of these people, they do not know this story exists, so please don't sue me. I'm broke!!
Summary: Basically, Ville is the victim of physical abuse at the hands of his girlfriend and Bam is suffering from serious cold feet about his impending marriage to Missy, so they attempt to save one another. (I officially hate summaries!!)

Pulling Teeth Chapter 2

“Yo assholes,” Bam greeted as Dico and Raab walked into the living room.

“Yo Bam. When did he get here?” Dico gestured toward a sleeping Ville who was stretched out on the sofa, head in Bam’s lap.

“Coupla hours ago. He’s depressed so we’re having a party tonight. Invite everyone,” Bam instructed, not taking his eyes off the TV.

“Yo can we make it like a dress-up party with a serial killer theme?” Dico asked with a maniacal grin. Raab stared at him as if he was from another planet but Bam didn’t bat an eyelid.

“Do whatever the fuck you want so long as there’s beer,” Bam replied. Dico saluted him and walked out, presumably to find a serial-killer costume.

“Dude sometimes he scares me!” Raab exclaimed, gesturing after Dico.

“He always scares me,” Bam replied, smirking. Raab laughed.

“Yo what happened to his face?” Raab asked, looking at Ville.

“He head-butted a microphone,” Bam answered, uncertainty in his voice.

“Really?” Raab laughed.

“Apparently,” Bam mused. He had the uncomfortable feeling that Ville had lied to him about his bruise. He just couldn’t understand why he would lie about something like that.

“What a dickhead! Wanna draw a dick on his face?” Raab asked, always up for a prank, no matter how small. Bam just looked at him, an eyebrow raised.

“Raab you know the rule,”

“Yeah, yeah, no one’s allowed to touch your precious ‘Willa’,” Raab rolled his eyes.

“Don’t call him that,” Bam frowned.

“You do!” Raab retorted.

“That’s different,”


“It’s my name for him, not yours,” Bam explained, still frowning.

“Why is he different Bam? What is it about him that turns you into a male version of April; always wanting to protect him?” Raab asked in a rare moment of seriousness. Bam looked down at Ville for a long moment.

“I don’t know,” he finally replied, “I really don’t know. Now fuck off and start inviting people to the party. Oh and make sure you get a keg. Or ten,”

Raab did as he was told, (for once in his life), leaving Bam and Ville alone. Bam watched Ville as he slept; contemplating what Raab had asked him.

Male version of Ape? I’m not that bad am I? Still… he has a point. Why am I so protective of Ville? He doesn’t need me to protect him. Does he?

Bam gently ran a finger over Ville’s bruise, a slight frown on his face. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he nearly jumped out of his skin when Ville opened his forest green eyes. He grinned up at Bam.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you,”

“That’s okay. Anyone else would’ve gotten some form of payback though, just so you know,” Bam replied, smirking.

“I appreciate it. You know it’s funny; all the times I’ve stayed here and I’ve hardly ever had any of the infamous cky pranks pulled on me. And never from you,” Ville mused, watching Bam closely.

“Yeah well… you’re my best friend, I’m not gonna pull pranks on you,” Bam said, a little uncomfortable with where this conversation was going. He never allowed himself to think too much about his relationship with Ville; he was too scared of what he might discover about himself.

“Yeah but Dunn was your best friend before I came along and you always played pranks on him. Still do, in fact,” Ville answered, sitting up and turning to face Bam.

“That’s different,” Bam replied shortly, feeling a sense of de ja vu. He’d had a conversation like this not 10 minutes ago with Raab.


“It just is. Dunn can take care of himself,”

“And I can’t?” Ville asked, slightly amused.

“I… don’t know. I guess so… I just… you’re my Willa; I want to protect you,”

Ville’s smile dropped off his face and Bam wondered if he’d said too much, revealed feelings he wasn’t even 100 percent sure he had.

“And what if you can’t always be there for me?” Ville whispered, fear etched onto his face. Bam tried to reply but found that his voice wouldn’t work. He could only watch as a single tear tracked a path down Ville’s face before the Fin got up and beat a hasty exit.
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