Hidden - Chapter 11

Mar 11, 2007 01:45

Rating : PG 13 - NC 17 (Locked when needed.)
Disclaimer : To my knowlage, Bam has never killed a soul, and Ville so far in life, is childless, and so this would mean that this tale is pure fiction.
Summary : Bam is a mass murderer who has been able to avoid the law for some time.
Ville is a proud father to a teenage daughter, whos mother died during her birth.
When the law starts to catch up to Bam, he flees to Finland and takes refugee in the singers home.
By holding his daughter hostage, Bam is able to convince Ville to lead a normal life. But Ville is able to wear the man down, and soon discovers the kind hearted man behind the hardened image and just why he turned to a life of crime. But will he allow himself to fall for the man threatening his daughters life? And what happens when the police close in on Bam?
P.O.V. - Alters between chapters until characters meet. (Odd - Ville / Even - Bam)
This story is dedicated to those murdered recently by the Ipswich Ripper, for it is that tragic tale, that inspired this work of fiction.

Chapter 1 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2670091.html#cutid1

Chapter 2 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2672987.html#cutid1

Chapter 3 (Ville) -  http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2676471.html#cutid1

Chapter 4 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2680946.html#cutid1

Chapter 5 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2683666.html#cutid1

Chapter 6 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2685893.html#cutid1

Chapter 7 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2688306.html

Chapter 8 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2689371.html

Chapter 9 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2698464.html#cutid1

Chapter 10 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2702731.html#cutid1

"No I won't surrender, At any cost, You're something so sweet and tender, From my heart. Yes I've done my evil, I've done my good, Just believe me honey, I won't let go of you. You are the one, And there's no regrets at all, You are the one, And there's no regrets at all..." I sing to Lily as she falls asleep, alone, in her hospital bed. Its been four weeks since we got the results, four week of pure torture. Lily's cancer is aggressive, and despite the fact that we caught it early on, its spreading fast. Lily, still being so young, doesn't understand whats going on, I just told her the doctors are trying to make her strong again, and she trusts that. But she did throw a tantrum when I told her she'd have to lose her hair.

"No! Daddy no! I love my hair!" Lily cried, holding onto her dark locks as if her life depended on it.

"Sweetheart...Its gonna fall out....so we may as well cut it now...." I tell her, a look of sorrow and regret filling my face, yet, she doesn't care.

"Nononononono..." She cries, barely pausing for breath.

"I'll tell you what Kulta, we'll get you a wig...any style, and colour, I promise," I tell her. She beams at me.

"You mean I can have pink hair..?"

And so now, she has curly pink hair that reaches her shoulders. She still cried when I had to cut of her natural curls, and protested that I should cut some of my hair too. So I did, a strand, and I plaited it into her new wig. The plait, alternating pink and black hair, hangs at the side of her face, and Lily tells the doctors that her plait is lucky.

Lily is having stem cell transplantation, 6 months of chemotherapy and radiation therapy once a bone marrow match has been found. So far, there has been no match, despair every close friend and family being tested. Her treatment is costing me all the money I made from Razorblade Romance, over $100,000...but I'd gladly give my life for hers.

I stumble into my own hospital bed in tears, its so hard fighting my emotions in front of Lily, that I find myself breaking down in the evenings. And so here I lay, sobbing uncontrollably into my pillow, clutching it for dear life as if it were Lily.

"Ville..." I hear a familiar voice say. Looking up, wiping my tear stained eyes, I find myself shocked at the site before me,

"Jules..." I whisper. And its true, Jules, the only woman I've ever truly loved, the mother of my beautiful little Lily, is standing in front of me, despite having died just five years ago. I reach out and touch her, shes real... I burst into tears upon the realisation. "It can't really be you..." I sob. Jules, or whoever she is, pulls me into her arms.

"It is me Ville....but I can only stay for a little while....I need to give you strength, hope....Lily knows something is wrong my darling, you need to tell her. I know you my love, and I know you'll be able to tell her, without scaring her." Jules whispers, rocking me back and forth.

"But...there's no doner...she might not live..." I cry. I hear Jules chuckle.

"Just wait Rukas, wait until tomorrow, and I promise all will be well..." She tells me, and despite the fact that I know her to be dead, I find myself believing her. So I nod.

"I trust you Kulta....Darling, I'm sorry, so sorry....for this...and for Lauri and...." But Jules shushes me.

"I know Ville, it was not your fault, never your fault, and nor was my death...It was in my blood to die young...you know it was...." She tells me. By this point the two of us are curled up together in my bed, the sheets warming us like on the night Lily was conceived.

"But...you didn't have to die...not then...not ever....I wanted to.....was going to....I ever brought..." I try and get my words out, but my grief has become to much, and I break down yet again.

"I know sweetie, you were going to propose...Darling, you know I would have said yes. In your heart, forever believe that we married and became one, for it was to happen, had I not died...believe me Ville, I keep that thought in my heart."

"I will...I wish men had children darling, then you would be here, and I would be there...." I tell her. She chuckles and shakes her head.

"No Ville, it was meant to be this way. You have far more purpose in life...your music darling, it touches so many...has saved so many...darling, people need you. Lily needs you. I need you. Promise me you'll never wish you were me...."

"I promise...." I tell her, and I know that she smiles.

"What you did Ville...with my remains...the ring, the ashes....The Elan Valley, it was beautiful darling....just what I wanted." I smile and nod.

"I thought so darling...now we'll be together forever..."

"We'll always be together Ville, for I'll always be with you, watching over you and Lily." Jules tells me, hugging me tighter to reassure me.

"I'll remember that....when things get bad, I'll know that your there...somewhere...."

"Things will get better Ville, I promise. Your going to meet someone special soon...I want you to make me another promise....don't let that special person go...you'll only regret it..." Confused, I simply nod. Someone special? I hear Jules chuckle at my confusion, then I feel her hand in mine, a cold ring of metal is being pressed into my palm. The engagement ring I'd brought her....

"How...? Darling, I had you cremated in this..." I cry, the shock in my voice clearly heard. Jules simply smiled.

"You need it more than I do..." She tells me. I smile too, and slowly, but surely, I plant a small kiss on her lips. The kiss is simply, yet sweet. "When you wake up, I'll be gone..." Jules tells me as I lay down in her arms, drifting off at last. I nod, having come to terms with the fact that I'd lose her again already.

"I know...and Jules, I love you, so much, Death will never truly separate us..."

"I love you too Ville, I'll be with you always, never forget that..."

When I wake up, Jules is indeed gone. At first, I believe that it had all been a dream, but upon opening my hand to find the ring that should have been cremated with Jules, I know that what had happened was real, and that love and death had embraced once again.
Yes, another sad one...what did you think? (Comments are like mad hot sex with Ville Valo...hehe)
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