My triumphant

Mar 06, 2007 23:03

Title- Maddening Shroud

Disclaimer- I own no one except for the characters I will make up later on in the story. Song is "Fair" by Remy Zero

Summary- “Hey, you need to listen to this song, it’ll change your life I promise.” A chance encounter on a plane to San Diego lands Ville in a seat next a strange young man that will turn his whole world upside down.

Rating- R

Pairing- Vam

Chapter- 6/?

After they had, had their fill of egg rolls and rice, the two made their way down to the beach to work on Ville’s tan.

“This is your tanning intervention,” Bam said as they pulled off their shoes and socks and put their feet onto the blistering hot sand. “Now take off your shirt, you don’t want a farmer’s tan do you?”

“A what?” the Finn asked.

“Off with the shirt,” Bam said as he grabbed the hem of Ville’s T-shirt and began to pull it up, revealing creamy white skin underneath.

“Alright, alright,” Ville said with a laugh as he quickly pulled off the shirt and placed it on top of his shoes to keep it from getting sandy.

The Finnish boy shifted uncomfortably as he noticed Bam staring at him intensely. His blue eyes slowly taking in every small detail of the other teen’s slender body.

“Wow,” Bam said softly.

“Is it that bad?” Ville asked.

Bam shook his head and forced his eyes away from Ville’s body, he focused instead on his vibrant emerald eyes.

“Oh, um…well it’s bad but fixable,” Bam said quickly, trying to cover his embarrassment.

“So how do we fix my lack of pigment?”

Bam grinned “We play.”

Ville was surprised as Bam turned and ran across the burning sand towards the crystal blue sea.

Hey, are you lonely?
Has summer gone so slowly?
We found the ground,
but that damage was done.
It's cold as you fade into the sun.
Where'd you go? To me?
But you're alive!

The skater dove into the warm salt water before coming back up to the surface, ready to splash Ville with a face full of sea water. But the Finn was still standing on the beach where Bam had left him, a small smile on his face.

“Ville, come on,” Bam yelled to his friend.

The Finn cautiously made his way down the beach to the water’s edge, where he stood at the shoreline, only letting the waves touch the tips of his toes.

Bam laughed at the foreigner’s reluctance to come into the water with him. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, I promise I’ll protect you,” Bam said with a smile.

Ville bit his lip, looking a bit sheepish about being afraid to go into the water. He knew Bam wouldn’t let a shark get him or anything. So very calmly Ville walked into the warm water, letting the pull of the waves draw him closer and closer to Bam.

Bam, however, was moving farther and farther away from him, drawing Ville out into deeper and calmer water.

“How far out are we going, Bam?” Ville asked as the tips of his toes left the sandy floor beneath him.

Bam didn’t answer; instead he slipped beneath the warm water and began to swim towards Ville.


The skater resurfaced in front of Ville with a big grin on his face. Before Ville asked what he was smiling about, Bam splashed him in the face with sea water and began to swim away to avoid retaliation.

“You jerk,” Ville yelled as he began to swim after his new friend.

Bam laughed as he dove beneath the water and turned around, swimming right under Ville before resurfacing again.

“You’ll never catch me you slow poke,” Bam yelled as Ville turned stopped swimming and turned to see the other teen. Ville had never seen someone so happy before in his life. Bam seemed so comfortable in all of his surroundings he might have been a chameleon, adapting to whatever life had to throw his way.

Well, it's only
fallen frames, they told me.
You stand out, it's so loud...
and so what if it is.
It's cold when you fade into the wind.
Where'd it go to?

“So you think you can catch me?” Bam asked his voice cocky as he swam around Ville in a slow circle.

“Oh I know I can,” Ville said as he lunged forward only to have Bam slip through his arms.

They played for hours, Bam always one stroke ahead of Ville. Finally fatigue overcame them as the sun began to set and they made their way back to the shore.

Ville wasn’t expecting the weight of his own body after being almost weightless in the water, and he stumbled and almost fell flat on his face if it wasn’t for Bam who caught him and supported him until they both collapsed on the cool sand.

So what if you catch me,
where would we land?
In somebody's life
forsaking his hands.
Sing to me hope as she's
thrown on the sand.
All of your works
are rated again.
Where to go?

“Thank you, I’m not used to actual physical activity and I beyond wore myself out,” Ville admitted breathlessly.

Bam laughed “Yea you don’t look like someone who’s into sports or anything, more the smart bookwormish type.”

“More into music than anything else,” Ville said as he stared up at the periwinkle sky.

“What kind of music?”

“Mm well Heavy Metal and Rock you know that kinda stuff,” the Finn said, as his eyes drifted close, the fatigue and oddly comfortable ground finally getting to him.

“That’s cool I like that stuff too.”

A comfortable silence fell between them and Ville’s mind began to cloud over with sleep when a nagging question entered his mind and wouldn’t let him rest.

“Why did you ask me to go with you?” he asked as he lifted himself up on his elbows.

Bam opened his eyes slowly and stretched, his muscles rippling in the last rays of sunlight. “You want the truth?”

“The truth would be nice.”

“I can tell you’re unhappy, you long to do whatever it is you want and I know that feeling all too well. I just…you seemed like you needed a change of scenery,” Bam said, feeling a bit sheepish.

Ville was stunned at the detail of Bam’s answer “You’re really observant do you know that?”

Bam grinned “It’s in my nature even though it doesn’t seem like it, hey you’re pink.”


“You’re skin finally has colour,” Bam said with a chuckle.

But it's all wrong, you're so strong.
But this life's work
and choice took far too long.

Where'd it go to?

“I’m pink!” Ville said in horror.

“It’s not that bad,” Bam offered.

“Not that bad, my skin is gonna fall off.”

Bam laughed “No it isn’t it’s gonna peel a bit but you’ll be tan.”

“If it meant deep frying my skin I would have bathed in a tub of sunscreen,” the Finn poked his skin, cringing when his finger print left a mark on his skin for a few short seconds before changing back to pink.

“You big baby, you’re going to be fine.”

“M’not a big baby,” Ville mumbled.

“You’re right I’m sorry, you’re a very big boy.”

“Damn straight.”

Bam giggled before shifting to lay his head on Ville’s stomach. The Finn smiled softly at the feel of Bam’s soft purple hair on his pinked skin. Slowly Ville moved his hand until his finger’s slid into the skater’s wet curls and he began to massage his friends scalp.

You know I love you.
You know I love you .
I want you oh so much.

It's so fair.

“Mmm,” Bam mumbled sleepily as he shifted his head slightly causing Ville to withdraw his hand completely.

“Sorry,” Ville said embarrassed.

“No, don’t stop,” Bam said softly, his blue eyes meeting Ville’s green, causing the Finn’s heart to melt in his chest. There was so much compassion and knowledge hidden in the skater’s mischievous blue eyes. Ville wanted nothing more than to drown within the blue ocean held in Bam’s two irises.

When I was sure you'd follow through,
My world was turned to blue.

The Finn smiled softly, his fingers finding their way back into Bam’s curls. Looking down at the skater he noticed something he hadn’t before, a brightly colored metal anklet.

“An anklet?” Ville asked, hoping to find out why Bam was wearing a piece of jewelry normally worn by women.

Bam glanced up at him and smiled “You like it?” he asked “It’s a Meenakari anklet, I got it while I was in India.”

“You’ve been to India?” Ville was struck with sheer wonder at this statement, he had never imagined that Bam had gone to that area of the world.

The skater smiled at his awe “Yea when about a year ago, I met a girl their and she gave me one of her anklets to remember her by.”

“I can’t believe you’ve been to India, tell me what it’s like their, did you see the Taj Mahal, what kind of food do they eat?” Ville was filled with questions and he was hoping that Bam would tell him some stories of his adventures in the foreign country.

The skater only laughed and laid his head back on Ville’s stomach. “I’ll tell you another time, I’m really tired right now dude.” The Finn sighed in disappointment and the two fell back into a comfortable silence.

“It’s getting dark,” Ville said as he stared up at the stars above him. Their light diminished by the lights of the city around him, not like his home in Helsinki where the sky was light with tiny fireflies.

“Yea, do you need to go?” Bam asked, sitting up reluctantly from his comfortable position.

“I told my grandfather to pick me up around 8:30 so yea I think so, if I don’t meet him soon he’ll get upset.”

Bam nodded, his eyes flickered with sadness for a moment before he stood and offered Ville his hand. The Finn accepted and got to his feet, brushing sand of his body as best he could as they walked up the beach to the boardwalk where Ville’s grandfather was waiting.

“I had a good time today,” Ville said as he spotted his grandfather’s car further down the boardwalk.

Bam grinned “I’m glad, maybe we can hang out tomorrow too?”

“I’d like that, you wanna just meet at the skate park again?”

“Yea, and I can take you to the zoo they have here if you want, it’s wicked awesome,” Bam said excitedly causing Ville to laugh.

“Alright the zoo tomorrow then.”


When you'd hide
your songs would die,
so I'd hide yours with mine.

And all my words were bound to fall.
I know you won't fail...

The two continued to walk in silence until they reached their destination. “We’ll I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Bam said as he look into the car to see Ville’s grandfather staring at him with a stern look on his face.

“Yea, anyway bye Bam thanks for today.”

“No problem.”

Ville watched as Bam turned to leave “Bam!”

The skater turned abruptly “Yea?”

“What’s your real name?”

Bam smiled, waved goodbye, turned, and walked away.

see, I can tell...

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