The Predator of the Hunter

Dec 31, 2006 19:51

Yay for vampire stories! ^_^ Happy New Year everyone! *throws confetti*

Title: The Predator of the Hunter
Pairing: Vam, however, not the usual...
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own nothing pertaining to the themes of this story nor do I own the famous people whether they be real or not. This was inspired by the Van Helsing movie.
Summery: Forget everything you knew or have heard about vampires, werewolves and their hunters. Everything has an origin, however not every candle burns out, and what you would conceive as fiction, is very much fact. All in all, it's still a game of predator and prey.

Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1:Premonitions

Ville blinked a few times as the vampire who answered to Dracula smiled deviously and proceeded to slowly circle him, the creature of the night's envious eyes absorbing every detail of his rail-thin body with quick, sweeping glances up and down his figure. A soft growl vibrated menacingly in the green-eyed demon's throat, warning the other creature of his growing annoyance. The faint noise of perturbation caused the elder vampire's ears to briefly twitch, his vulture-like circling ceasing post-haste. The bridge of Ville's nose wrinkled slightly as his eyebrows knitted together in a mild fit of anger, another low growl surfacing in his throat as a warning to the vigilant creature to mind his distance. The creature, christened as Dracula, curled his thin, pale pink lips into a crooked smile as he crossed his clothed arms across his bony chest.

"I suggest you mind your distance," the green-eyed vampire growled, the upper right corner of his upper lip curling up over his slightly longer canine.

"My dear boy," Dracula cackled. "Do you honestly believe you are of my class?"

"What do you want?" Ville spat, straightening his spine.

"Were you not paying any heed to my words?" the elder vampire sighed, shaking his head. "I have chosen you to be the heir to my throne."

"Thanks for the offer," the green-eyed vampire quipped, cocking his head to the right. "But I already have the heir position filled for my father, so if you will be so kind as to excuse me..."

"And where will you go?" Dracula questioned.

"Back to my castle," Ville answered.

"I don't think so," the elder vampire whispered, causing his chosen heir to halt his progress. "Look at yourself. Do you honestly believe the mortals will accept you back with open arms?"

Ville thought over the simple question before glancing down at the rippling surface of an idle puddle, the results it bared shocking him to wits end. He exhaled in a panicked sigh as he stared intently into the mediocre pool, his very existence in the form of a reflection no longer existent. His breath became slightly more labored as his limbs quivered in shock, fresh tear trails cascading down his eternally pale complexion.

"You are no longer mortal, my dear boy," Dracula's voice cooed as he knelt down beside the green-eyed vampire. "You have no reflection, no soul; when you weep, you shed tears of blood..."

"Why did you do this to me?" Ville questioned as the trails of blood stained his porcelain features. "I was happy and I had a wondrous life, until you had to tear it away from me!"

"It was for the best," the elder vampire whispered, gently resting his right hand on the green-eyed vampire's left shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Ville screeched as he viciously swatted away Dracula's hand. "You ruined my life! For that I shall kill you!"

Unsheathing his sword, the green-eyed vampire charged the one named Dracula. The elder vampire merely smirked before swiftly dodging the ravenous Ville's attack. The younger vampire's eyes widened in disbelief before his sword was briskly knocked out of his hand by an unseen force twisting it to the point of snapping his wrist bones. Ville shrieked in pain as he watched his trustworthy weapon cascade into a cavernous valley below, the object disappearing underneath a thick shroud of clouds and shadows.

"Come to your senses boy!" Dracula chided, tossing the disarmed and disoriented vampire onto the ground. "Out here we live by one rule: Kill or be killed! If you have any chance of surviving one day on your own, you had better follow my lead before I kill you myself."

Ville glared into the piercing yellow eyes of his predecessor before bowing his head and submitting.

"Alright," he sighed. "Teach me, I'm ready to learn."

"That's everything that you would need to know," the king concluded sighing.

"Gee, do you think you gave me enough to remember?" the blue-eyed hunter questioned as he finished polishing his silver weapon.

"Say, what do you call that thing you're polishing?" the ruler questioned as he glanced at the glistening weapon.

"That's for me to know," the hunter began. "And only me. Sorry your highness, but I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Whose secrecy?" the king questioned.

"My own," the blue-eyed hunter commented.

"Oh," the king replied. "Mighty hunter, if I may question you, why do you hunt these demons of the dark?"

"Someone has to right?" the hunter questioned smirking.

"I suppose so," the king answered nodding. "To what do I owe your service?"

"Hold up there your highness," the blue-eyed hunter commented replacing his weapon behind his back. "I can't exactly guarantee the safe return of your son, especially since it's a vampire we're dealing with."

"What are you talking about?" the king questioned hysterically. "With your marksman skills you should be able to easily locate my son and bring him home safely."

"Your majesty," the hunter started raising his right hand. "Your knowledge of vampires is obviously minimal. Vampires don't keep hostages, they don't work like that. These demons either kill on the spot or if they have other members of the immediate family, which can be quite large, they stun their prey before carrying the victim back to their home and dismembering the victim piece by bloody piece."

"Holy mother of God!" the king gasped before fainting.

The blue-eyed hunter cocked his left eyebrow as he gazed down at the fainted form of the brave ruler sprawled out across the throne room's floor. He smirked before slowly shaking his head.

"So much for the brave aspect of your title, your highness," the hunter quipped before walking out of the throne room and pushing open one of the massive doors that led outside.

The hunter sighed heavily as the snow that cascaded from the atmosphere had picked up the intensity ever since his meeting with the king had began. Upon becoming privy to the missing prince's entire history, the hunter proceeded to formulate a possible solution to the boy's whereabouts and the previous hour's events following the scene in the throne room. A soft pale orange glow slowly captured the horizon line as the sun proceeded to rise over in the East. Briefly rubbing his tired eyes, the hunter checked his silver arrow count, said arrows maxing at a round number of over 350. Sure he had placed an order for 500 more in three month's due time, however hunting vampires and werewolves isn't exactly a one-shot and done job, even with silver arrows. His ears twitched slightly as the haunting cry of a wolf's song echoed through the landscape. He smiled softly and bowed his head before he proceeded back into the small village that had since proceeded to awake from their slumber.

"So let me get this straight," Ville began as he watched Dracula flip an hourglass over for the fifth time. "According to legend, my great, great grandfather was originally a vampire who came into power under the guise of a human mortal, and was able to rule for a few years until he was exposed and sentenced to death by being doused in holy water. However he was able to get my great, great grandmother pregnant before his death?"

"Correct," Dracula commented smiling. "So technically, you are the royal heir to the vampiric throne by bloodline."

"But how?" the green-eyed vampire questioned as his gaze fell upon the lavishly decorated hourglass, the sand a vibrant shade of crimson.

"Ugh, must I spell it for you?" Dracula retorted, his patience wearing thin. "Your great, great grandfather was of vampiric decent, he and his human mate produced a son, however he was born a mortal instead of a vampiric child. He then assumed control of the royal throne and married another human mortal. However, he did not impregnate your grandmother. Instead she fell in love, secretly, with an incognito vampire who mated with her to produce your mother."

"My mother!" Ville cried. "How did she inherit the throne then? I thought a kingdom couldn't be ruled by a queen only."

"That's why she was married at the young age of fourteen," Dracula answered as he flipped the hourglass for the sixth time.

"Then what happened to my grandmother and grandfather?" the green-eyed vampire questioned.

"Your grandmother died in childbirth and your grandfather died after falling off of his horse while scouting out the rather rocky grounds surrounding the far perimeter of his kingdom," the elder vampire answered. "Luckily for the family, your mother was already married and pregnant with you by the time your father came into power."

"So, what happened to my mother then?" Ville questioned as he stared intently at the hourglass, the beautifully crafted dragons adding visual appeal to the simple keeper of time.

"She died giving life to you," Dracula answered. "The nurses were frightened of you because of your unnaturally pale complexion, your longer than average canines and your blazing emerald eyes."

"What are you talking about?" the green-eyed vampire questioned quickly, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Oh come now young Ville," Dracula quipped smiling. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed how people react to you. Always shying away from your path; afraid to look you in the eye otherwise resulting in them either turning to stone or being lured to their death by your hand."

"What?" Ville spat. "That's ridiculous! Besides, it's common courtesy that the lowly don't look directly into royalty's eyes. It's the law!"

"Is it?" the elder vampire questioned. "Or is that the sugar coated lie that was preached to you to make it seem like everything was in order."

"Will you stop talking in riddles!" the green-eyed vampire screamed, balling his hands into fists.

"Alright then," Dracula began sighing. "Ville, vampire is in your blood. Your father feared for the worst, so he mostly kept you inside the castle and only let you outside for a few minutes at a time. The only times you were allowed to go into town was if a royal guard was to accompany you, am I correct?"

Ville sighed and buried his face in his ice-cold hands. The elder vampire's gaze softened slightly as he circled around the lavish desk in the extravagant library he and the green-eyed vampire were in.

"I know it's a large amount of information to absorb Ville," Dracula cooed as he gently rested his right hand on the troubled youngster's left shoulder. "However, it's time to move on and take your rightful place by my side on the throne as my heir."

"But how can I control a whole race of vampires?" the green-eyed vampire questioned. "I can't even order my royal subjects around without the feeling of guilt dangling from my neck."

"Come, I have something to show you," the elder vampire commented.

Ville glanced up from his hands and watched as Dracula rose steadily into the air before glancing down at him and extending his hand towards him. Cautiously he accepted, and they rose into the air and out through a window.

"Now look out there," Dracula commanded stretching his arms out wide. "All of this land, as far as the eye can see, will one day belong to you."

"Everything?" Ville questioned, his mouth hanging agape.

"Everything," the elder vampire concluded smiling.

The blue-eyed hunter sighed and rapped his knuckles on a small wooden door with large termite holes and rusting hinges. He quickly glanced behind him as he waited for a person to answer his call. A few moments of waiting, a tall, well-built man opened the door.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Hey Jacob," the hunter greeted smiling. "How's my dear friend this morning?"

"My dear friend Brandon," Jacob commented as he placed his hands on his hips and shook his head, a smirk spreading across his features. "Why do you always have to wake me up at the crack of dawn?"

"Aw come on old friend, you know what they say," the hunter, christened as Brandon, replied. "The early bird always catches the worm."

"Well you got me there," Jacob quipped as he stepped aside. "Come on in."

"So what are you working on today good old friend?" Brandon questioned as he glanced around at the quaint living space filled to capacity with iron swords, axes and arrows.

"Well, I was told earlier that some hunter requested five hundred arrows made of silver by three month's time," Jacob responded. "Hmmm, I wonder who THAT could be..."

"Well, these werewolves and vampires don't exactly die with one arrow a piece," Brandon quipped crossing his arms.

"Oh calm down Brandon," Jacob replied slapping his friend on the back. "I was only fooling with you."

"If you were fooling with me," the hunter began. "Then why didn't you enlist to be one of the royal jesters?"

"Because I can't crack a joke or riddle to the rhythm of a limerick whenever the royal family can't entertain themselves with some daring story of the times past," the blacksmith replied.

"Good point," Brandon agreed, nodding his head. "I knew I wouldn't be able to do that. I'd go crazy."

"You are crazy my friend," Jacob replied. "I mean really, who has the mental sanity and bravery to go after werewolves and vampires anyway?"

"Uh, I do," the hunter commented raising his hand. "Besides they aren't that scary."

"Oh really?" the blacksmith countered. "What about the time you encountered two of them during the mating season?"

"Uuugh," Brandon replied quivering in disgust. "You just had to bring that up didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did," Jacob commented smiling.

"You're lucky you're my friend Jacob," the hunter quipped, pointing his right index finger at the blacksmith. "Otherwise I would have killed you long ago."

"Oh mercy me for that fate," the blacksmith mocked smiling.

"Just have my order done on time," Brandon concluded, crossing his arms.

"Yes your highness," Jacob responded as he dramatically bowed before the hunter.

Brandon rolled his eyes before casually stealing a large chunk of the blacksmith's loaf of bread. Ignoring the constant threats to his health, the hunter casually exited the small blacksmith shop and headed toward the outskirts of town, the forest being his destination for the time being.

There you go, another installment. I hope you liked. ^_^
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