Cruel Intentions Ch 5.

Dec 04, 2006 23:39

First and foremost, sorry for the lack of updates
I've been so busy with my work and personal issues here at home to where I haven't had time to write. Plus I had major Writer's Black, but I'm over it hopefully. But I do have a new Chapter! It's short, but I needed to get it in before I continue with the rest of the fic. So Read and Enjoy!

Title: Cruel Intentions
Pairing: more
Disclaimer: Do not own and we'll just throw in there that I don't know them as well. But a girl can wish, right!
Summary: Yes, I got the idea off of the movie...but it's not going by the movie. Yes it involves step-siblings. Yes it involves sex or sexual intentions. Ville in a school uniform and Bam's a whore, what more can you ask for? HaHa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Five
He wanted nothing more then to slam the door behind him as he left the office, but decided not too. Adjusting the strap to his bag over his shoulder, he scanned over the crowded hallway. A heavy sigh left his lips before he began to push his way into the hallway.

“What’s with the long face?” Lauri asked, only a few feet down the hallway, as his friend tried to fall into step with him.

“He still won’t let me drop.” the words were mumbled through clenched teeth. As he answered his friend, he did not even bother with facing him.

Lauri shook his head as he continued to watch his friend out from the corner of his eye. “You’ve been trying to drop that class for a week now.” he stated matter-of-factly. And he was right. It had been a week since Ville had found out that he shared more then one class with Brandon. Ever since, he had been trying to drop his Physical Education class.

“And? I don’t understand why I need to gym classes.” Ville huffed as he pushed past a couple of students to get to his locker.

“Because it’s required?” Lauri responded, following after him, slightly unsure of his own words. Ville just ended up rolling his eyes in reply as he threw open his locker. “Besides, Brandon barely goes to class.” Lauri added, hoping to lighten Ville’s mood as he leaned against the lockers next to Ville’s.

Ignoring his friend, Ville shoved books that he needed into his bag with a soft growl. A few words were also mumbled from his lips before he gripped the edge of his locker. With all his might, he slammed the metal door closed causing it to echo through the hall. A couple random passer-bys turned their heads to see what caused the noise, but did nothing expect for continue on their way. Ville said nothing else was his disappeared into the decreasing crowd. Lauri stayed behind against the lockers and watched his friend slip away. Usually people could not get to Ville like this, so he was slightly lost on what caused this to go on between the two of them.


The soft sound of something hitting his desk caught his attention. Inwardly groaning, he slowly lifted his head from his arms; which he had been using as a pillow for wood does not make a nice pillow. Pulling his eyes open, he quickly closed them before blinking them a few times to adjust to the lighting of the classroom. Yawning, his eyes finally focused upon a manila folder, which sat next to his arm. He pushed himself into a sitting position before nodding to the student still standing next to his desk.

He waited until the student left the classroom before reaching for the folder. The first thing he noticed was the small tab sticking from the side of the folder. Ville Hermanni Valo. He instantly knew what it was and opened the folder. The first sheet of paper told him the basics. Ville’s name. His parents and sibling. Helsinki, Finland. Well he was right on the foreign exchange part. Skimming over the page, he flipped to the next one. The next one did not seem to catch his attention so he continued to flip through the rest of the papers. However, a page reading ‘Criminal Record’ caught his attention quick.

Pulling the piece of paper on top of the rest, he began to read over it. Vandalizing property. Illegal racing, which put some kid into a coma. Battery, which he received from beating some student up. He continued to read through the papers but was interrupted by the bell ringing signaling that class was over. Closing the folder, he gather the rest of his belongings before climbing out of his desk chair. He soon blended in with the rest of the students as he slipped out of the classroom. Maybe there was more to this student then he thought. With that thought in mind, he only had one goal and that was to found out more. Was it because of his record that he was here in the States? Was he in hiding? Was the law involved some how? Still lost in his thoughts, he continued on his way to his next class.


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