Kosto (Revenge)
By VillesPrincess
Summery: when Ville was 7 years old, he was hit with the trauma of his mother's death. Soon after he is sent away to The Tuoni House, a foster home for orphaned children where he meets Bam. Together the two of them go through a living hell there, fall in love and then end up batteling a demon from his past. *
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I love your icon btw, it is soooo cute! heheh "Dear Santa-Ville, this year cor christmas I want (you and Bammie fucking under my tree) I mean a nice new mp3 player! yes yes thats it! and mp3 player! Always a good girl, Sabrina
I would DIE if I could have that dvd too lmao but yeah.... I am getting an mp3 player... it isn't the one that I originaly wanted, it is small and... well... kinda ugly... but thats not the point... at least I am getting one! which is and improvemnt for having to lug around all my cds :D I seriously can't wait for x-mas this year!
yes yes mine is this one http://sandisk.com/Products/Item(1205)-SDMX3-1024-Sansa_m240_1GB_MP3_Player.aspx I believe they already picked it up for me yesterday... but they won't give it to me yet...
wow, I just sounded like a stuck up little brat who is throwing a tantrum about not getting what I wanted! lol, sorry, it is just kinda a big deal for me cus I almost never get what I want...
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