What it is to Loose

Nov 01, 2006 03:10


Title- What it is to loose.
Author- Sparky
Pairings- Ville/Jonne ( for awhile ) Ville/Bam, Jonne/ Jussi
Warnings - Rated NC-17 (or whatever) Also, The personality of Jussi is based mainly upon a friend of mine, because I have not done much research on him aside the fact that he is sorta playful.

Chapter 1

It had already been a rough enough tour so far for Ville.
They were already into the second half of their American Tour, and only 2 out of the 8 shows had been even been close to selling out. This, along with the unstable relationship Ville had with Jonne, who was also currently on tour with him, made his stress levels peak.

Ville had been begging Seppo since the tour dates were released to change the show in Westchester, but Seppo insisted that Ville would have to get over his little quarrel with a certain blue eyed American. This didn’t sit well with Ville’s depression either. Facing Bam again, how could he? After all the memories he had managed to push away.

It didn’t matter now. Ville glanced around the slightly crowded tour bus. There were 4 in all. One carried all the equipment, then one for each band, though they swapped around. Ville, Jonne, Midge, and Jyrki were bunked in the first bus, while the other band members were split around the second two. Jonne was currently drooling on Jyrki’s leather jacket. It was quite a sight. Even though the two swore up and down they hated each other, they always seemed near one another.

On the other side of the bus, Mige was sitting with a wireless Xbox 360 controller in his lap, Jyrki beside him on the small loveseat. It was around what, 11 o’ clock. Ville looked out the tinted window he was sitting beside just in time to see a small decorative sign that said “Welcome to Westchester” in pale lettering. Another sigh escaped Ville’s lips, along with a mumble,
“Another shitty show...”


Bam had attempted to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock, but found his whole hand a mass of duck tape. To the left of him, a mass of giggles erupted.
“ Missy, yeah MISSY” Dunn fell over laughing, stumbling his way out of the door.
“Sweet Revenge Bam!” Dunn chuckled from somewhere down the hall.

Ape appeared in the doorway, and Bam gave her an helpless look.
“You finally got a taste of your own medicine!” Ape smirked from the doorway, then tossed down a envelope.
” Some mail, it’s from Seppo.”

Bam groaned softly, thinking back a few years. Ville and the boys had told him that he couldn’t use the heartgram anymore. After that, their connection quickly faded, and the Finnish band was soon forgotten around the house. That was mainly because every time someone mentioned them, Bam would literally throw a lamp at them.

“What the hell would Seppo want?” Bam thought aloud to himself. He managed to roll over and out of the bundle of sheets on the half pipe that he claimed his bed. Bam stepped threw and over the piles of clothes and skate accessories to the letter and picked it up. After ripping the envelope to shreds, he got to the letter. From the folds of the letter, a few tickets fell out.


“Ville, relax. A quick meeting and that it! That’s all I’m asking!” Seppo’s voice was rising as he argued over the phone with Ville.
“No! I will not speak to that arrogant brat!” Ville snapped back, and then closed his flip phone, ending the conversation. Ville stormed back into the Venue, Mige following him from the hall to the prep area. They had already went threw the sound check, and the crowd gathered outside the stage was noisily chatting away. Ville peeled the sweaty black beanie away from his skull, his wavy brown hair falling to his shoulders. A woman tried to brush it quickly but Ville waved her away, replacing the beanie and walking out on stage to join the rest of the group.

On stage, Jyrki and Jonne were chatting with the crowd, causing a scream now and then. As Ville and the rest of the group walked on stage though, the crowd erupted into applause. The feeling of being on stage made Ville smile slightly, a warmth seeping into his depressed and dark bones. The rest of the band members exchanged hugs and handshakes as Jonne and Jyrki left the stage to go to a practice room. Ville stepped up to the microphone. The lighting and smoke made it so that he could only see the first three rows. That was good though, for in those first three rows, there was no sign of a specific blue eyed American.


Bam screamed along with everyone else as Ville Valo himself walked onto the stage. He hadn’t changed a bit. He still walked the same, smiled the same. Hell he even wore the same scarf and beanie. Bam was already on his third beer, Dunn and Raab only on their firsts still. Don Vito was throwing popcorn down at the crowd, screaming words that jumbled together to make nonsense. Staring down at his idol, the music started. That was a good thing for Bam though, the loud beat of the drums drowning his sorrows.


Heh, First fic, Comments will make me want to write more though!
I expect to write another chapter though , just work with me.
(Constructive of course))
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