
Nov 01, 2004 16:30


MY HIM HOODY CAME TODAY! Now. Because I'm so happy... you get story. Arent you happy? :D Yeah. You SHOULD be. :D

I was so proud of him. He was doing his best to hide his shaking underneath the gigantic CKY hoody he'd stolen from me as we stepped on the plane, but I knew he was scared shitless by the way my family had reacted. He'd told me how he expected his parents to react, and that he didn't really care about them. But I knew he was really nervous about loosing Jesse. In fact, as I'd hugged Jess goodbye, there had been tears in Ville's eyes. I told him that it was okay, he could take his time; tell them when he felt it would be best.

What we didn't tell anyone was that the main reason I was going back to Helsinki with Ville, apart from us being married, obviously, was that we were going house-hunting. We'd figured it'd just make so much more sense for us to be there than in America, because while my job was quite flexible and the contract with MTV for Viva la Bam was almost over, Ville's required him to be in Helsinki with his band all year round. I supposed I would miss my friends, but I knew I'd rather be with Ville. And April and Phil, well... I was 25. It was about time I got away from them.

So, after 2 weeks of what I can only describe as pure BLISS, Ville and I found ourselves in the airport, hugging my mom and dad and brother and friends, waving goodbye, and getting on a plane. A rather luxurious plane. I had really splashed out to make sure that Ville was more absorbed in the gizmos and stuff on the plane than in worrying about what lay before us. It seemed to work - he spent all 10 hours of the ride to London cooing over all the things that popped out of the seat backs, and all 3 hours of the ride from London to Helsinki cooing over me in the bathroom. Which, I must say, I didn't mind in the least.

In Helsinki, I discovered that when they said it was cold there in winter, they didn't really mean cold. They meant bloody well fucking freezing. Ville laughed at me and my chattering lips and kissed me to still them, not even looking to see if there were any paparazzi or anything. We hopped in the first cab we could find and rushed to Ville's appartment, where, instead of opening the doors to a cold empty house and disappearing into the bedroom for some serious tension relief, we were greated with a drunken band and various other friends.
"Surprise!" They shouted, or at least I think that's what they shouted, while they flicked on the lights, leaving Ville and I standing in the doorway, arms still wrapped around one another, completely freaked out. Especially since our anticipation of an empty bed was clearly showing, pressed up right against our pants. Which his friends did not fail to notice, may I add. They sort of fell silent and looked us up and down. Ville cleared his throat and said something in Finnish, which I took to be:
"Guys... um... meet Bam." Or something like that. Anyways, he said my name. My teach yourself Finnish books hadn't done much good, mainly cuz I was too lazy to work past the first chapter. They kept staring at us. Ville turned to me. He looksed slightly green. "I guess this is as good a time as any...?" I nodded at him, grabbed his hand and squeezed it. And then he said one phrase in Finnish that I did recognize: "This is my husband."

Complete and utter commotion follwed. Screaming girls (who I took to be ex-girlfriends), yelling men, congratulations, hugs, kisses, shouting, wierd looks, and me and Ville standing, clinging to each other in the middle of all of it.
"Well. We got that over with quickly enough," I commented rather dryly in his ear. He nodded slowly, his face drained of any color. Which I took as a cue, and used my rights to shout:
"RIGHT! EVERYONE BESIDES THE BAND OUT! NOW! SHOO!!!" People giggled, clapped us on the shoulders, and left. Eventually we were left alone with thee band, and we all switched to English.
"Married?" Ville nodded. Linde looked at him like he was crazy.
"Guys... please... we had a hard enough time with my parents..." I pleaded with them before they had the chance to ay anything. Mige and Gas looked at me with an odd expression on their faces. Burton was the first one to crack. He started shaking, and soon he was doubled over in laughter. Gas chuckled and Mige was crying on the floor. Linde was the only one who did not seem amused.
"Bam, we're not going to freak out. This is a relief," sputtered Gas. Ville looked at them, one eyebrow raised.
"Yeah. We thought you were up to something strange."
"And all that was wrong is you're married to Bam."
"And we were betting how long it would take you two to get together."
"And that means that I win 100 bucks!" cried Burton. All this had been spat out by the three laughing friends in quick succession. "I TOLD you they were ualready together!" Mige and Gas groaned and started pulling out their wallets. Ville had had to sit down, obviously not having expected this reception at all. But I was not liking the looks I was getting from Linde. I shook it off and was chatting with Gas, Mige, and Burton, hardly noticing when Linde slowly approached Ville and said something, and only turning my head slightly when ville stood up and followed Linde outside. I frowned and looked to Burton for answers.
"Ah. Oh dear. Poor Linde."
"Poor Linde?" I asked.
"Yeah... uh..." They all looked down at their feet.
"LindeandVillehadanaffiaronceawhileagoandLindenevergotoverit," said Mige, very quickly. Burton punched him.
"SHHHH! We don't know that for sure."
"Yes we do! I caught them at it!" cried Gas.
"You did what?" exclaimed Mige.
"What?!" I was very very lost, and now beginning to worry about Ville. I knew that in his present state of mind he would not be able to handle the guilt. Sure enough, not 45 seconds later, Linde came back, rather teary eyed, and I heard the front door slam. Ville.
"What'd you do?!" I yelled, quickly jumping to his defense, even though I had no idea what'd happened. I knew only that Ville had run...

Ignoring Mige and Gas telling me that it would probably be better to wait till he got back, and trying to forget Burton yelling something I couldn't understand at Linde, I sprinted out of the door and down the stairs. I caught him right before he collapsed against a fence that might have speared him straight through.
"Ville. Oof. Come on baby." I almost carried him to the park, where we sat down on a bench. Neither of us had coats, and it was so cold that I could have snapped my hair clean off. His tears were freezing on his cheeks, and his lips were blue.
"Heyyy, come on, don't cry baby. Look, they took it really well."
"Bam... he..."
"No, Bam... I... why does everything I ever do hurt someone?"
"What? Come on... don't be so hard on yourself."
"But Bam its the truth! I boke my best friend's heart!"
"Nooo... look. If anyone broke his heart it would be me. And look. You guys had your time, and there was obviously some kind of reason that it didn't work out, right?" Ville sniffed and nodded.
"Nope. No but's. Look. That was over and done with before we'd even set foot in the door. Be happy - they know, and we can be free. Unless..." my heart shuddered at the thought, "unless what Linde said changed something..." Ville sat quickly to attention.
"No Bam. Nothing's different. I love you. I always will." I smiled at him. That was a serious relief.
"Okay. So no more crying?" He shook his head and smiled.
"So can we go in now? I can't feel my nose." He chuckled and we headed back inside, shivering.

So our first day in Helsinki ended with us sitting curled up together by the fire, while the rest of his band laughed and screwed around around us. It was great fun - I loved this group of people. They were so funny - so much more mature than my friends, and yet they still managed to be hilarious. Ville was happy, his hands resting just underneath the elastic of my boxers while I leaned against him. He heaved contented sighs every few seconds. We'd sat down with Linde earlier, and he'd given us his blessing, and explained that it was mostly shock that had been talking before when he'd confronted Ville.

And because he was happy, I was happy too. We lived in a state of euphoria for 2 days, without leaving the house. Ville's parents didn't know we were back, so we were safe for a little. Or so we thought.

On the third day, someone knocked on the door. We happened to have been making out in the hallway, so we turned around, and with my arms around his waist we waddled over to the door, expecting it to be Linde or Gas with the beers they promised to bring. Instead, we found ourselves face to face with Jesse.

"Ooops..."I said, and slipped away, hearing Ville stutter his brother's name. I hid in the bathroom, and tried to ignore the raised voices coming from outside, because it would make me want to rush out there and help him, and I knew he didn't want my help... for now.

sorry for the shitty ending but i REALLY have to go.
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