
Oct 04, 2006 15:25

Nic insisted that I post this here, so, yeah... Briefly coming out of hiding.
WARNING: Mpreg, kinda. Don't like it, don't read it.

Title: Realization
Author: sadeinightshade
Rating: G
Pairing: Vam, duh
Summary: You need your rest, especially if you’re to keep on being who you are; my love and an excellent father.
Notes: Drabble (606 words) from Ville's POV. FLUFF! Fluff, fluff, fluff...mommy-Bam fluff, because it's cute, mostly for breakmouth, though, because I said so and she'll understand it best...but mostly because I said so. Written after a long, hard day at school and a remotely more relaxing Saturday while sucking up the sounds of Kill Hannah and just wanting to write something cute thanks to seelentraene. Not the best thing I've ever written, but it was a quicky. I still think it's kinda cute, though... Good lord, just ignore these notes. o.o'

It seemed to take an eternity, but I finally realized something.

I noticed something about you as our daughter and I sat by your bedside and you nursed our new baby boy. You were so loving and tender with him, where just the night before, you had been beating up on one of your dearest friends and laughing because he couldn’t fight back. I noticed how soft your voice was when you spoke to him, noticed that it was a voice that you also used with our daughter and often times, when I truly needed it, you used it with me and you never raised it when you spoke to us over the tiny child’s head. I realized how wrong I was to assume that maybe, just maybe you might mess up and hurt one of us one day, forget that we’re your family, not your crew.

I noticed something when the pair of you returned home later that week. I saw how you cradled him to your chest and sang until both of you fell asleep and our daughter and I shared knowing looks and whispers of how tired you were. I noticed how you were ever-so-careful when you had to change or bathe him and you were quick to respond when he cried. I watched as you and he created something of a schedule until he was sleeping through the night in his own little room, and you stared at the monitor until I folded you into the blankets and my arms. You needed sleep, and I was going to make sure that you had it.

I remembered when he had his first cold, how quick you were to get him to the doctors even though you hate them yourself. I saw how your eyes darkened with worry whenever he coughed and how our daughter frowned when he cried, asking us if her baby brother would be okay. I admired the way you smiled at her and assured her that he would, and with your meticulous care, he was. I loved the way you fixed everyone’s problems, from his to hers to mine and all of the ones between.

Now, as I watch the three of you, with our daughter curled up beside you and our son on your chest, I realize that you are the father you always wanted to be. I’ve just come home again from another tour where you’ve all but retired to take care of our family. They’ve both grown and the little pooch of your stomach has begun to its proper state, so I realize that a few months has been far too long, but I also find that he isn’t so asleep. He’s got his big green eyes, my eyes, trained on me and he’s burbling softly. He still recognize me and I realize that it must have been your doing, but I realize how much he recognizes me moments later, when the burbling turns into one soft, repeated word around two little teeth, one simple word that nearly brings me to my knees.

“Da,” he’s saying. “Da, da, da…”

Not only that, but he’s reaching for me, babbling on and on. It’s the perfect way to end a tour gone well, even though you’re not quite awake yet to enjoy it with me. It’s okay, though. It was as our daughter and I had said when we realized this, too. You need your rest, especially if you’re to keep on being who you are; my love and an excellent father. It took me far too long to realize that you’d grown up, but I had too.
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