one-shot; LETTING GO

Oct 03, 2006 21:27

DESCRIPTION : angsty one-shot.
DISCLAIMER : this story is as real as a porn star's tits.
A/N : i'm still alive! it's been a while..
i am unsure of my accuracy with the geography mentioned surrounding finland, but believe it for the story's sake. kthnx.

He sits by the ocean, alone. Withdrawn from the world. The wind presses against his bare chest and gets tangled in his short brown ringlets of curls that shine and dance in the dull sunlight. The waves gently roll in to kiss his toes. The only sounds heard to human ears are the soft crinkling of a paper he holds in his hands and the restless sea. Yet perhaps if an ear was pressed tightly to his chest, the sorrow of his broken heart beating a wounded thump-thump could be heard as well. He slides his pearly white teeth back and fourth over the soft pink flesh of his lips as he reads the tattered paper from years before. A lost, burning gaze from his icy eyes is thrown out over the ocean as he stares into the giant abyss of dark blue, contemplating the words the note holds and man who once wrote them.

Dear Bam,
I’m leaving. I can’t stand to watch you destroy yourself and deteriorate before my eyes. You can’t try to stop me, the damage is already done. The second your eyes trace these curls of ink, it will be too late. It is too late, Bam. I know you’re going to hate me for this, but that is not where my intentions lie. Am I breaking up with you? Yes. But you broke my heart first. Perhaps we never really were together in the first place. There’s a difference between loving and being in love, you know. I feel as if I have loved, yet maybe the love wasn’t as mutual as I would have liked. Nevertheless, it is better to regret what you have done than what you haven’t done, and I have no regrets. I meant everything I said and will not take back one word, kiss or touch. I know you won’t understand now, but as you grow older and our memories lose clarity in your mind, you'll understand. I’m going back to Finland and I will not return. Don’t dare to pursue me. You'll soon realize this is for the better. Get married to your fiancee. Love her. I know you will. I’m afraid I’ve given you all the love my heart could ever muster and there’s none left for another to take. I love you, endlessly.

Clutching the paper ever tighter in his hands, he reads the last line, a frown etched deep into his features. He crumples the paper between his fingers in one simple motion and stands, taking a few footsteps before tossing the paper into the tumultuous ocean. The paper unfurls and the ink blurs. His eyes linger on his response at the bottom of the page. His response which Ville’s eyes
never viewed. The swirls of his ink blur less quickly, but soon fade away along with the paper which is soon swept out into the ocean.

She’s gone. You’re gone. I’m afraid I still have all of the love your heart could ever muster. But I don’t have you, so it’s all meaningless. I love you. I’m sorry.

* * *

An older Finnish man adorned in black clothing walks the shoreline of his home country on the far outskirts of the capitol, Helsinki. The icy waves of The Gulf of Bothnia race toward his feet yet fall short of touching him before retreating back into the huge body of water. He adjusts the velvety scarf tighter around his neck as his boots crunch softly in the light powdery patches of snow scattered along the beach. A rumpled piece of paper interrupts his gait and he bends over to pick it up. He pieces together the tears and smoothes out the wrinkles to find faint traces of writing.

You’re gone.
I love you.

“The loss of a loved one to sea, perhaps.” Ville unconsciously mumbles sympathetically to himself as he gently releases the paper, allowing it to fall from his hands and back into the frigid water. His glassy green eyes scan the horizon, finding no patch of land to interrupt the continuous span of ocean. The same span of ocean that united two lovers as well as separated them. Endlessly.

so, word on the street is comments are pretty trendy.
make a statement with your words.
no pun intended.
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