(no subject)

Aug 27, 2006 21:51

Title: Only a cild, reckless and wild, needs to come home again
Pairing: Vam...well duuh
POV: April Margera=)
Notes: Male pregnancy... uh..and it's quite sad (I hope, or I havent done my job^.~)
and it's inspired/based on the Sonata Arctica song "Mary Lou" and it's SHORT!
NO I don't own them. They're as real as my love for maths. That means ITS FICTION!
Summary: "Only a cild, reckless and wild, needs to come home again"
Aprils POV. Her baby runs away with a boy and breaks her heart. Yeah.. something like that

I suck at summary's. It's short, just read it;)
Oh! and english is NOT my first language, theres bound to be grammatical errors, also, it is not Tony Kakko's first laguage (sonata arctica) so theres probably grammatical errors in the lyrics as well!

Mamas put your babies to sleep, story too cruelsome for
Them this is. In Junior high he said goodbye to his parents and ran
Away with a boy. He left his family warm and kind, all of his friends said
"You’re out of your mind"…

My baby boy, Bam, was the kind of boy who always came home dirty and with skinned knees.
At school he kept out of trouble, mostly.
He was too busy skating than making any serious trouble. Until HE came along.
My Bam never really seemed interested in girls, or boys for that matter, until a Finnish boy named Ville Valo started in his class. He was actually one year older than the others, but he was held back a grade.

Bam started talking more and more about him everyday. I thought it was good to see him making friends and hanging out with other people than just Raab and Ryan.
But that was until I saw him.
He had long, dyed, black hair, clothes that were much too tight for a boy that young, and more make-up than most girls. Also, he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I was not impressed.
But that was just on the outside, I decided to give him another chance since my boy told me that he had a crush on him. Of course I was surprised when he told me. I didn’t exactly expect it!
I figured it was just a phase he was going through.

Sadly enough, I was wrong. Very wrong.

Soon enough they became a couple, but Bam never brought Ville home with him.
They were always at Ville’s place. That worried me a little. Am I not a good mother?
I put up with all his pranks and I don’t say a word when he brings his friends over in the middle of the night, completely drunk. Why wouldn’t he want me to meet him? I let it go.
It hurt, but I didn’t talk to him about it. I figured it was his first serious relationship, and he just wanted some privacy.
I regret it now. I should’ve stopped it.
Stopped it before it got so far as Bam leaving us to live with Ville.
All of his friends told him he was out of his mind, and I cried.
What else could a mother do in a situation like this?
My baby boy was leaving with some boy I’d hardly ever seen.
I knew I couldn’t stop him. Bam wasn’t a bad boy. He didn’t scream or shout, no no, he sat us down and told us that he loved this boy and that he wanted a life with him. I cried more.
He was just a little boy, at least in my eyes. But I knew he would go anyway, not out of spite, but because he was so determined to make it work. And so my baby went away…

“Only a child, reckless and wild, needs to go home again…”

I didn’t hear much from him. I called him, and we talked for a little while.
I went to visit, but he was always away or busy. Soon I lost all contact with him, and it killed me inside.
About a year after he left I got a phone call from a woman I used to work with. She told me she’d seen Bam that very day. He was working in a little, greasy restaurant as a waiter. Apparently he looked tired, worn out and not very happy. That didn’t help my worrying. Not one bit.

I decided I would find him, but he was one step ahead of me. It was November, the middle of the night, when I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened I was met with the most heartbreaking sight you can imagine.
My baby boy standing alone in the freezing cold, with a big belly, and dark rings under his once shining blue eyes.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to! I just took him in my arms and held him. Rocking him back and forth.
In a lot of way he was a man now, but I still saw him as my little baby BamBam.
I still thank God everyday for bringing my boy back, safe and unharmed. Ville had promised him everything anyone could ever want! He promised him the moon and the stars, but they were all empty promises. That’s all.
He ran away when he found that Bam was pregnant.

But don’t worry my boy. I’ll take care of you; I’ll do my very best. You will always be my baby no matter what. Life isn’t always grey, honey. It can be good too. You’ve just had a bad start…

Mamas do your children still sleep, in the safe of their
cradles so sweet? Story I told you I have forseen, Your little angel ain't
always so clean. Days to come aren't easy to see, You can change 'em but
it isn't free. I see that you don't believe, ooo-oo, but you will see.

Yeah, so. I was kinda scared to post this. I'm not that good at writing but I do try;)
Constructive crit helps alot, as long as it's nice though=D

Cookies for all!!
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