Let's give this a try...

Jul 28, 2006 00:13

Title: Night After Night (AU)
Pairing: Vam<3
Genre: Not sure really...
Words: 1,560
Summary: Ville is miserable. He feels haunted and alone, until he meets what he thinks might be his guardian angel.
Notes: Inspired by The Rasmus' Night After Night (Out Of The Shadows)
Lyrics Here
I, also, do NOT own any of them.. sadly enough

And, I know I'm not the best writer. This is my 2nd fic and it is once again a short one, mostly written as therapy because Ive had the day from hell. Hopefully someone will like it.
I appreciate all kinds of comments, even if it's critisicm *not sure I spelt that rightXD*

‘I’ve done it again. Again I’m abusing myself and I don’t even care. I have almost everything anyone could ever want. Fame, money, more bitches than I could possibly know what to do with, and still I’m so goddamn miserable. I drink too much, I smoke too much, and I’ve tried to end it all so many times. This time it was drugs and alcohol at some random, dirty strip club’ He walked out of the club and down the street, or tried to anyway. He could hardly keep his balance after the dangerous mix he had consumed earlier that night. His vision was blurred, and he couldn’t remember the name of his hotel.

‘It’s okay with everyone that I sing about killing myself, or dying from a broken heart--’ He walked in to a dark alleyway trying to dodge trash cans and cheap whores that were placed along the way. ‘So why does it come as such a fucking surprise that I actually feel this way? How can anyone write things like “this life ain’t worth living” and still shock fans all over when they say it’s how they feel?’ He suddenly stopped and leant against the dirty brick wall. His asthma was acting up again, but he couldn’t even see his inhaler because his vision was so blurry. ‘Oh fuck! Where is that thing!?’ He tried reaching for his back pocket, but found himself unable to keep his balance. He fell hard against the ground. ‘So this is how it ends, eh? I die in a dirty alleyway amidst trashcans and prostitu-‘
He felt a pair of hands on him, and a soft voice whispering something like “It’s alright” Next thing he knew he was breathing into his inhaler, and then he passed out..

“Hey there, you awake?” A soft voice whispered to him, and he tried to open his eyes without his head exploding.
‘Where the hell am I?’ He sat up and rubbed his aching head. The stranger had obviously taken him to some hotel when he passed out last night. But why would he care? Unless he’s a fan. But then he would probably have to explain himself to some emo brat who thought it was his right to know. ‘If he’s a crazy fan I’m screwed, if he’s a rapist I’m screwed! I just wanna go home’ He mentally screamed to himself and lay down again, while the stranger spoke again.
“You’ll probably want something for that headache, huh? I’ll be right back” He walked into the next room and Ville took this opportunity to get out of bed and take a look out the window.
‘Hey wait a minute! This is the hotel I’m supposed to be staying in!’
“Nice view isn’t it? I’ve been to a lot worse hotels than this one” The stranger laughed a bit as he startled Ville, who hadn’t heard him re-enter the room.

“Uhm… yeah.” Ville’s head hurt way too much for him to even bother making an half intelligent reply.

“Here” The stranger handed him some pills and a glass of water.

“What’s your name?” He spoke again and took the now empty glass from Ville.

“You…you don’t know?” Ville asked him surprised.

“Nah, sorry, my psychic powers are a little off at the moment!” The boy laughed at him, and Ville found himself almost getting lost in his beautiful blue eyes, before he answered him.

“My name’s Ville. Ville Valo. Before you ask, it’s Finnish” he said almost, just almost, smiling. ‘Can it be that this boy really doesn’t know who I am?’ His thoughts were interrupted by the boy speaking.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Ville! I’m Bam, from America” Ville looked out over the busy city below them. ‘London. It’s very nice but I miss Helsinki’

Ville and Bam spent the afternoon talking about everything and nothing. Ville loved the fact that he didn’t know anything about him already, and that they could talk about normal stuff. But then came the inevitable question: “What happened last night?”
‘If I tell him what he was doing he probably won’t wanna talk to me anymore. But if I lie to him and he finds out, he still won’t wanna talk to me! Damn… how am I going to get out of this one?’ He looked down at his feet, like they were the most interesting things in the whole world, before shooting straight up at the touch of Bam’s hand on his back.

“Don’t worry; you don’t have to tell me. It’s pretty obvious anyways. I can see it in your eyes that something’s very, very wrong” Bam started stroking Ville’s back carefully, as not to scare him away.

A strange feeling came over Ville. ‘It’s probably a mix between the feeling of this beautiful boy’s touch, and the fact that I for the first time, in like forever; want to tell someone about my feelings. I mean without making it into some tragic love song’ He looked Bam straight in the eyes and tried to keep himself from crying as he told this boy, that he had just met some hours ago, everything.

“I shouldn’t feel this way. I should be grateful that I’m not stuck in some horrible job I hate, that I have to go to everyday until I’m too old to do anything! But I’m still miserable. I guess I feel like I’m being haunted. There are always people just waiting for me to fuck everything up so they can write about it in some magazine! It’s such a horrible, paranoid feeling. My friends all tell me to ignore it. To not care what others think of me, and I pretend to do exactly that. But inside I really do care. No matter how much good I do, it feels like there’s always people ready to tear me apart at the smallest mistake or accident. It all just stays bottled up inside of me, and my way of releasing it is taking it out on myself…”

Ville started crying and shaking as he finished. ‘He probably thinks I’m some psychotic, paranoid weirdo that thinks everybody’s af-‘ His thoughts were cut short by Bam gently placing a finger under his chin to lift his face towards him. Before Ville knew what had hit him they were kissing. Only a single thought came to his mind; ‘wow’
After a few seconds, which felt like forever to Ville, they parted.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to, I hope I didn’t freak you out too bad?” Bam said as he moved further away from Ville, hoping he hadn’t fucked everything up.

He didn’t even know why he cared to be honest; usually he would leave drunks on the street up to the police to handle, but for some reason he couldn’t turn his back on Ville. God knows why. He’d never met him before in his life! Ville could almost sense this, as the young skate-punk didn’t look like the kind who regularly picked up people of the streets.
‘I better say something, soon, or he’ll freak out and leave!’ Ville panicked as Bam stood up.
“Wait! It’s….ok, really. I kind of…liked it” He stood up quickly and slowly made his way over to him. Bam looked at him before kissing him once again. And again. And again.
“I’m so glad I didn’t scare you, only that I feel the same way as you do. I never thought there was someone out there with the same fears as me. I know what it’s like, only that I take my aggression and hurt out on other people, which is just as bad” Bam said as they sat back down on the bed.

“It’s so strange. Of all the people out there, you found me.”

“It was destiny Ville. Maybe we’re supposed to meet, help each other and then who knows?” He kissed Ville’s lips once again.

“Maybe you’re my guardian angel?” Ville smiled. For the first time in ages he really smiled.

“Yeah, I’ll be there for you when you need me. And I’ll be watching over you when you sleep” Ville could sense the half joke in Bam’s voice, but he still wished, and thought, that it might be the truth.

And so it was.
Bam and Ville became almost inseparable after a while. They fell in love, and they weren’t afraid to tell the world. No matter how many cruel comments people and media would make they would still have each other and they supported each other through everything.

‘Night after night I wake up shaking ‘cause my world is breaking’ Ville read the pages of his old diary. He used to keep one a while ago, but now felt that all he needed was to talk to his Bam to make it all better.

‘Night after night I wake up crying ‘cause I feel like dying’
“No more” He closed the book, and threw it into a big box.

“You coming?” Bam’s asked him.

“Yeah… just had some last minute packing to do, that’s all sweetheart” He kissed Bam as they carried some huge boxes out the door and into an awaiting car.
They had bought themselves a beautiful house just outside Helsinki where they could live together without being disturbed and haunted by others.
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