
Jul 27, 2006 15:59

Chapter 19 / 20
Author: Jordan
Pairing: Vam of course!
Rating: PG- 13 for language
Summary: Bam kissed Ville after saying that he'd been waiting to do it since they met. Bam then follows Ville back to Finland, for the new album, staying with Ville in his apartment... but will Ville ever find out what Bam meant, and how he feels?
Disclaimer: Yeah, I dont own any of the people in this fic. Only own the crazy idea. Get it, got it, good.
Notes: One more chapter... *emo tear*
Constructive Criticism is amazing. Comments are oxygen.

Chapters 1-18

“Waiting” Chapter 19

The next day, Friday, was very hectic to say the least. This was the day that April, Phil, and Ryan were packing and leaving for the airport, to head back to West Chester. Linde picked them up around 2 for their flight, and drove them to the airport after many hugs and good byes.

Bam flopped down on the couch after they left, “Finally, no more people.”

“Fuck. I forgot to call Mizee.” Ville said, starting to look around for the phone.

“Why do you have to call Migé?” Asked Bam.

“Because after Linde drops off your family, he’s coming back and he, Migé, and I are going to go over the new album together. Now where the hell is the phone?”

“It’s on the charger in the kitchen.”

Ville headed into the kitchen and found the phone exactly where Bam said it was, in its charger, on the kitchen table. He dialed the bassist’s number and awaited an answer.

“Hei?” He answered.


“Ahh, good afternoon Rakohammas. When do you want me to come over?”

“Well Lily should be back from the airport in a half hour or so, so maybe then.”

“Alright, I’ll be there. I’ll see you later then.”

“Bye Mizee.”

He went back into the living room and sat on the opposite side of the couch that Bam was sitting on, “They’ll be here in a half hour or so.”

“So am I allowed to read the lyrics for the new album too?” Bam asked.

“Sorry Bammie, but no. No one except Migé, Linde, and I are allowed to read them until after recording begins. That’s how it’s always been, and everything thus far has turned out exceptionally well. I don’t want to jinx it.” Replied Ville.

“Fine.” Bam pouted.

Linde and Migé arrived twenty-five minutes later, and were anxious to see the new lyrics.

“From the few songs I’ve seen, it’s brilliant.” Said Linde.

“Don’t suck up Lily, it’s not brilliant, it’s barely mediocre.” Ville replied.

“Don’t be so unsure of yourself Ville, your writing is amazing.”

“Whatever you say. Come now, to the bat cave!” Said Ville with a laugh.

Bam tried to follow, but Ville caught him.

“Nuh uh, you’re staying out here. I already told you, you’re not allowed to see the lyrics. Why don’t you watch TV or something, we won’t be that long.”

Bam pouted again, crossing his arms over one another, and stomping towards the couch.

“You’re such a four year old.” Said Ville, walking towards his office.

He entered the small room and locked the door behind him, ensuring that Bam couldn’t get in. He took one of the black notebooks off of the shelf that hung perpendicular to his desk.

“Here you go guys, read and tell me how much they suck.” Said Ville, placing the notebook on the desk.

Migé and Linde read over the lyrics as Ville started to straighten up the room, putting Sylvester in the corner, organizing the shelves that lined the one wall, making sure all of his notebooks were in order. After, he sat on the floor and picked up Sylvester, strumming the strings once before trying to make the last minute perfections on the song he thought would be the first single off the new album. He hummed the tune and began to form it into notes, strumming it out on the guitar. The singer then began to put the lyrics to the music, finding the correct tempo before beginning to sing.

“Broken and shattered when you walked out that door.” He began.

He decided to play with the tempo of the song a bit, speeding it up a little, and trying again.

“Broken and shattered when you walked out that door.” He sung.

“The first one sounds better. It’s amazing.” Said Migé.

“Thanks Mizee, what do you think of the lyrics?”

“As Linde said earlier, they’re brilliant. Don’t you agree Lily?” Migé asked the blond.

“I concur with Migé, Ville, it’s gonna be a hit.” Replied the guitarist.

The three spent the next hour or so working out some of the early production, Ville explaining the beats of each song to his best friends.

- - - - - -

Bam sat on the couch, watching yet another episode of ‘My Super Sweet Sixteen’ on MTV, because it was the only thing on, as he waited for the three Finns to come out of Ville’s office.

“What a spoiled brat.” He said at the TV, after seeing a girl pout until she got a $5,000 dress that she’d only wear once.

He thought he’d faintly heard the click of a door opening, but he dismissed it until Ville, Migé, and Linde walked into the living room, smiles on their faces.

“Hey Bam Bam, what are you watching?” Ville asked as he sat down next to the skater.

“ ‘My Super Sweet Sixteen’” Bam mumbled quietly.

Ville hadn’t the slightest clue what show he had mumbled was until the show went to commercial and some cheery voices said, “Sweet Sixteen!”

“Oh I’ve seen this show before; it’s about bratty rich kids on their birthday.” Said Ville.

“Yeah, it was the only thing on to watch, since I wasn’t allowed to see the new lyrics.” Replied Bam.

“You’re never going to let that go, are you?” Wondered Ville.

“Not anytime soon.” Stated Bam, an evil grin on his face.

Migé and Linde voiced how they had to leave, and started towards the door.

“Oh and Ville, remember we have that meeting on Monday with Seppo.” Said Migé before closing the door behind him.

“What type of meeting is it?” Asked Bam.

“Just a pre-production one. Meeting with Seppo, and the rest of the guys, and a few producers downtown.”

“Oooh, can I come?”

“Yes you can, but you can’t come into the meeting, you’ll have to stay in the waiting room.”

“Then what’s the point of even going, if I can’t go in.” Sighed Bam.

- - - - - -

Monday soon came, and Ville went to the meeting, with Bam tagging along. Migé picked them up at 10:30 in the morning for their 11 o’clock meeting in downtown Helsinki. They arrived at the BMG Studio’s Helsinki branch ten minutes later.

In the lobby they were greeted by Linde, Burton, Gas, and Seppo, who was exceptionally glad to hear that the album was finally written. The seven then headed into the elevator, and up to the third floor, then sitting in the waiting room until they were called in to see the company executives.

“Now Bam, you have to stay out here. Did you bring anything to do? We’re going to be at least an hour.” Ville asked.

Bam stuck his hand in his hoodie pocket and produced his Ipod, “I’ll be fine Willa.”

A few minutes later the secretary told Seppo that they were ready for them, and they left, leaving Bam alone for the next few hours to shuffle through the songs on his Ipod, until finally giving into boredom and playing solitaire on the device.

Two hours, forty three songs, and winning twenty two of sixty solitaire games later, the six Finns came out of the office with smiles on their faces.

“Come on Bam Bam, time to go home.” Said Ville, lightly tapping the skater’s shoulder.

“How was the meeting?” Bam asked, taking the ear buds out of his ears as they were heading back down to the first floor.

“Amazing.” “Phenomenal.” “Great.” Were some of the responses he received until Seppo spoke.

“It went great, but we can’t count our chickens before they hatch. Wednesday we start recording, be here at ten AM sharp.”

Ville sighed; this was going to be a very stressful week.

A/N: After the next chapter it's done... but I'm going to ask at the end of the next chapter if you guys want an epilogue. I'm not sure if it needs on or not yet, but so far I'm leaning towards one.
I'm saying this with utter confidence, this will be a completed story by Monday, epilogue and all.
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