
Jul 12, 2006 19:13

by Nii
Pairing: Ville/Bam
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I own nothing. It's like being poor.
Summary: Ville has broken up with Jonna but happy to be on his own. Bam is engaged to Missy. His wedding is in a few days. They seemed happy. But could they say their lives were perfect where they were?

"Let's make a toast!", Raab exclaimed aloud, raising his champaign glass, as Dunn, Dico, Novak, and Vito did the same. It was Bam's bachlor party and his friends were intent on making him miserable. Raab, Dunn, Dico, Novak, and even Vito were there to rub in his face, all the fun he'll miss out on because he decided to slip that ring on Missy's finger and asked her to marry him. Bam sighed. Things were perfect and clean. Everything was flawless, bright and fun. In short, Bam thought it sucked shit.

The only person, he knew that was not trying to make the party hell for him, was Ville.

He had been pretty quiet the entire night, barely uttering more than 3 words at a time. Even when they arrived at the Hotel, Dunn asked him to help them move the party supplies upstairs, and Ville agreed, without a word. Bam wondered if his friend was okay. He did notice that the singer was less vocal for a while now. A long while. Like a couple of months while, almost seeming anti-social. Maybe it was just his time of the month. Bam giggled to himself, sipping his beer, not really wanting to toast to himself. But he did anyway.

'Here's to putting that expensive rock on her finger.' He mused.

Could he really say thats how he felt about Missy? She's a good girl, Hot as fuck, Slamming body, Great in bed, and the one thing he hated the most about her...

'Primp n' proper', he said mentally, in a nagging, mocking tone.

'I wonder if it's too late to pawn that ring?'

Everyone would of told Bam that he was just having cold feet. The truth of the matter was that he REALLY didn't think Missy was the right girl for him. Or person, for that matter. She was a little too high maintanance and clean cut. Where was the fun in that?!

'If she wants a primp in proper guy, she should marry Bill Gates.'

Bam looked over at Ville, who sat in the corner, lithelestly holding his beer can in the air for a toast. He could tell that the singer was either tired as fuck, drunk to high hell, or just as bored as the skater was. Dunn grabbed Bam's shoulder, shaking his veiw from Ville.

"Man, aren't you enjoying this?", Dunn asked, his voice carrying a hint of mockery.
Bam, mad as shit, smiled overly hard, making his left eye twitch. He wanted nothing more than to punch Dunn for that.
"No man, I'm fucking miserable." The skater's smile growing wider, exposing his teeth. Dunn realised that he struck Bam's nerves and laughed it off and walked away. Bam went back to look at Ville in the corner but he was gone. Bam scanned the room for the singer only to find him walking over to the balcony to take a smoke. THe skater walked across the room, heading towards the balcony, as Ville was shutting the glass sliding door. Bam stopped him.

"Mind if I join you?"

Ville gave him a somewhat hesitant stare and then let the glass door go, allowing the skater access to the outdoor room. Ville scooted over to the far right corner of the balcony, while pulling his smokes out, pulling out a fag and lighting it up. Bam rested his elbows on the railings, staring at the boring veiw of Los Angeles at 11:30 at night.

"What's up, Willa? you've barely said anything all day." Bam asked, attempting to break the ice.

'More like you've barely said anything for almost half a year.'

Ville didn't look in Bam's direction for even the slightest second as he inhaled the first puff and blew it out. His wavy brown hair concealing most of his veiw of the skater, even if Ville attempted to look at him. The singer still carried a moping animosity around him.

Ville, himself, knew what was bothering him. He didn't like Missy. After Bam broke up with Jenn, he figured that would be a great time to let Bam know that he wanted him. He also figured he would have more time to keep Bam all to himself. But not even a month after the Jenn disaster, in came Missy. The girls' mere name got under Ville's skin. Whenever the skater ever mentioned her name, he always thought of her as a small dog, or a Papillon. Even though Bam was too stupid to figure it out, since the day Bam told him about his engagement, Ville had grown depressed, quiet, and withdrawn. Ville even hated the breath that carried her name. When he wasn't thinking about Bam and the hatred he carried for his fiance, his life was good. He broke up with Jonna not so long ago. Their breakup was tragic too, lots of tears were shed from the singer. But, he has learned to get back on his feet and carry on with life.......

Till this happened.....

Ville finally brought himself to look at Bam, who was directly facing him with tears streaming from his aquamarine eyes. Ville eyes grew wide. He felt as if he had just murdered his best friend. The singer dropped his cigarette off the balcony and reached out to Bam, putting his hand on his shoulder, rubbing slightly.


Bam stared at him. His composure dying as he stared sobbing loudly, covering his face in his hands. Ville pulled the sobbing skater into him, letting Bam rest his head on his chest. The singer put one arm around Bam's back while his other hand ran through the skater's wavy locks, cooing him into relaxation. Bam looked up at Ville, sniffing quietly.

"Ville, why didn't you answer me? was it something I did? Are you mad at me?"

Ville froze. Should he answer Bam's question? Would he? Could he? Can he? Will he?

"No Bam, I'm not mad at you."

Bam continued his gaze into Ville, trying to read the look in his green eyes.

"Then what's with you giving me the cold shoulder the last couple of months?"

That was another explination all together. Ville pursed his lips, saddedned that he had to tell Bam the truth.

"I don't like Missy..."

Bam pulled away from Ville a little, no longer in tears. Unable to register what Ville said, even though he heared him loud and clear.


Ville sighed deeply, "I don't like Missy."


and then....

The singer was thrown into confusion as Bam laughed hysterically. The singer was going to assume that Bam was just out-of-his-mind drunk. Bam's laughter subsided a little.

"Yeah, Missy's a bitch."

Ville's eyes grew to gigantic porportions. Did Bam just call his fiance a bitch or was that something that he wanted to hear? He had to question it.


"You heared me. Missy's a bitch. I can't see myself marrying her."

As much as Ville was enjoying hearing Bam say this, he knew it couldn't be as bad as he says.

"Maybe you're just having cold fee-"
"NO!", Bam yelled, giving Ville an angry glare. Ville knew that the skater didn't mean to do that.

"Then?", Ville asked, intent on finding out what bothered him. The skater drowned his head toward the floor, putting his hands threw his hair.

"I just.....I don't know. What am I gonna do, Ville?"

Ville reasumed him embracing Bam. The skater was obviously stressed out, and all he needed, all he wanted right now, was a friend. Ville placed Bam's head on his chest again, right infront of the singer's chin and held Bam close to him. The skater wasn't sobbing anymore. Merely venting. He wanted someone to understand what he was feeling.

And he knew that nobody understood him more than Ville.

Ville let the skater go but Bam's hand stayed on top of Ville's shoulder. He brought his head closer to the singers, breaking his personal space boundaries.

"I wanna be with you."
Ville pushed himself back a bit. Yeah, this is what he wanted but the way the situation came up was really odd. But then again....
......Fuck moral quarms. He wanted him too.

"Bam..." his straight forward frown turning into one of Bam's evil trademark smiles. Ville walking in closer to Bam, breathing onto the skater's neck, ".....Fuck me."

Bam knew exactly what Ville wanted and smiled. He saw the intencity in the singer's stunning green eyes. He knew Ville wasn't kidding.He took Ville by the arms, and held him still.

"Not here. These jackasses are here. That would be a mistake in the making."

Ville was stunned by the skater's lack of enthusiasm to take the risk. He's done more threatening things then this. Ville didn't let the suprise show on his face. He forcefully grabbed Bam by his shoulders and slammed him against the wall of the Hotel room, into a corner where the people inside couldn't see them. Bam wanted to ask what was that for, But found himself helpless as Ville grabbed at his crotch, rubbing softly through the material of his jeans. Bam cried out in desperate lust as Ville moved in closer, moaning into Bam's ear as he licked his toungue into his ear canal.

"I like making mistakes, Bammie."

Ville pulled back and removed his hand slowly from Bam's crotch. The skater was starting to generate an erection. He looked at Ville, striaght into his devious green eyes. He knew Ville wanted him all to himself tonight. Bam walked up to him, smiling, knowing he had to go back in there and tell everyone to get the fuck out with a stiffy in his pants.

"You're oficially a Fucker, Willa."

Ville laughed and crossed his arms, "I love you too"

Bam threw the glass sliding door open, making a loud screeching noise that caught the attention of all the party go-ers in the room.

"Alright, you fuckers! All of you, get the fuck out!"
Novak laughed, "Yeah right, man. You don't mean that."

"My left nut, I do! Get out! all of you! Yeah, you bastards won. You made me miserable. "ha ha" jokes over. OUT! "

Dunn, Dico, Raab and Novak grabbed a couple of beers and started to head towards the door. Vito stood there and started complaining.

"Bam, whycantistay?wewerehavingfunandyouweretoo. illcallsomestrippers-"

Bam scream aloud, fustrated by the fact that he had a boner that hurt like hell, there was a sexy as fuck Finnish singer waiting on the balcony that wanted him to fuck him and, to top it all off, Vito wasn't leaving.


Ville laughed in the background, covering his mouth as Bam screamed at Vito. He peered into the room to see Bam chasing Vito out of the hotel room with a huge pilow.

Bam walked back in and slammed the door shut. Locking the door, so he and Ville wouldn't be disturbed. Speaking of which....

"Ville, you can come out now." Bam anounced. Ville walked out from the balcony. He had stripped himself down to just his tight leather pants, fully unbuttoned and unzipped, to where Bam could see the bottom point of the Heartagram tattoo and Ville's pubic hair. It turned Bam on like nothing else. He could feel his erection trying to escape, pushing at his boxers and the zipper of his jeans. Ville walked up to Bam and pushed him against the nearest wall. Bam grunted at the small pain generating on his lower back. He pushed his lips into Bam's, thrusting his toungue into his mouth, desperate to taste as much of him as he could. Bam groaned, helpless against Ville. He could feel his legs giving way and slumped to the floor with Ville still continuing his attack on him. He landed on his back on the floor, with the singer on top of him. Bam tried to remove his shirt only to have Ville practically rip it off his back. He licked the skater's nipples, nibbling lightly on them, causing him to gasp out Ville's name. Bam was shocked by Ville's persistance to get him turned on.

Not like it wasn't working.

THe singer kissed Bam deeply, pushing his body closer to his. Feeling Bam's heartbeat through the flesh, feeling one another breath. Bam broke free of Ville's kiss and stared at Ville. The pure green lust growing in his eyes. Ville moaned and grounded his hips into Bams.

"Bam....uh....uh......Fuck me...uh....."

Bam grabbed ahold of the back of Ville's head and pushed it towards him, kissing him deeply. He pushed Ville over and layed him on the floor. Bam stripped himself of the last of his clothing and Ville out of the rest of his. He then placed his hand on Ville's stiff cock, stroking him in a steady rhythem. Ville gasped and called out Bam's name. Bam went closer and kissed around Ville's neck then to his lips. Ville sat up and groaned hungrilly.

"Bam....uh.....Fuck me...get inside...uh...of me"

Bam took his hand off Ville's erection and layed Ville back down. He spread Ville's legs as ar as he could go and pushed them up to his shoulders. Bam guided his penis into Ville's opening and began to thrust hard. Ville moaned loudly and clutched madly to his hair that was splayed out all over the floor. Bam grabbed Ville's hips and pulled him up, onto Bam's lap, so that Ville was sitting on him. The singer wrapped his arms around Bam's neck and dropped his head on the skaters shoulder.He also wrapped his legs around the skater's waist.
"Bam......uh.......Fuck me....Fuck me hard..."
With Ville's request, Bam pounded madly into Ville. The singer cried out, tears running down his cheeks. Bam instanly grabbed Ville's hard cock and began pumping again.Ville quikly darted his head up and moaned, as his orgasm started taking over his body. Bam thrusted harder into Ville with every moan he made. The skater smiled evily at Ville, who was sweating and panting as if he were short of breath. He returned the favor and licked deep into Ville's ear canal, hearing Ville cry out in exstacy.

"Your getting what you asked for....You like it?" He whispered, nibbling at the singer's earlobe.

"yyyeeessss....." Ville hissed. Wanting more of Bam inside of him. Bam started to thrust into Ville as hard as he could. Ville bucked as his orgasm went into overdrive. Ville came in Bam's hand as Ville moaned his loudest, covering the skater's hand in white fluid. The skater could feel Ville's head drop back onto his shoulder. The singer began licking at the skaters sweaty shoulder, leaving a saliva strand from Bam's shoulder to Ville's toungue. Bam let Ville's penis go and rasied his cum-covered hand so that he could happily lick it up. He then stared at Ville and pushed his hand towards him. Ville took his hand and licked off some of his own cum off of his hand, then sucking on Bam's index finger, lavishing his toungue around it. Bam moaned and licked the rest of the cum off. He put his one hand around Ville's back and held him close as he pounded into Ville's tight opening with all the force he had left in him. Ville screamed, pulling at Bam's hair and kissing him. It was the only way to keep Ville quiet. Bam moaned loudly as he came into Ville. The skater gasped aloud as he felt two types of liquid around him, one slightly warmer than the other. Ville screamed in exstacy as Bam pushed deeply into him one last time before withdrawing from him, laying Ville back down on the floor. Bam saw cum and blood seep out of Ville and onto the carpets. He gasped and grabbed Ville's sweaty face gently.

"Holy shit, man. I made you bleed. Are you okay?"

Ville kissed his lips to silence his worries. He pulled back a bit.

"It's alright.....It felt so good"

Ville was cleary short of breath. Bam picked up Ville with the last of his strength and carried him to the bedroom. He gently layed Ville on the bed and he layed down beside him, covering themselves in a single white sheet. Bam took Ville into his arms and played with his hair. The singer placed his head in the crook of Bam's shoulder and wrapped his arms around the skater's thin waist.

"Thanks for making my Bachlor party kick ass.", Bam chuckled.
Ville opened is eyes in question, "But what about Missy?"
The singer looked directly into Bam to see him wearing his trademark evil smile. Ville could only smile back.

"Bam.....what are you thinking?"

Bam's grin grew wider, "Don't worry. I got a plan. I just need to make a phone call."
Not leaving Ville's embrace, the skater turned towards the nightstand and picked up his cell phone.

*********The next day********

Missy sat at a sidewalk cafe with two of her friends that didn't think too highly of Missy's fiance'. She tapped her fingers on the table, staring occasionally at her watch. Her one friend got impatient.
"Missy, where the hell is Bam? we've been waiting for almost two hours."
Missy was pissed too. Where was that man? She looked at her phone and saw that there was a voicemail. She dialed the number to check it. It was from Bam. She listened to it and heared Bam's voice. He sounded dead serious and calm....for now.

"Missy babe, I don't know how to tell you this but... (Ville giggling in the background) Shut up! anyway, I don't know how to say this but I don't think this marriage is gonna work out (kissing sounds in the background) Ville, not right now. I think it's better if we break up and see othe- *giggles* not now Ville! (Ville giggles in the background) but who knows? maybe you'll meet the right guy in the future. Well.....(Bam moans).....Fuck Willa, can't it wait?.....(Ville laughs).....oh, God......well, anyway take care, Missy. *Now Ville speaks* Hey Bammie, how are we gonna get the cum and blood stains out of the carpet?"

Missy's face went into shock. Eyes blugging out while her mouth was wide open all the way to the floor.

Owari~ ('The End' in Japanese)
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