(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 02:32

Title: In Sickness and Fishnets
Author: war_of_ataraxis
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Bam Margera/Ville Valo
Genre: Smut
Summary: Bam is sick... can Nurse!Ville help? Read and enjoy.
Disclaimer: Not real, don't own, don't sue.
A/N: Quite long... but fun? For carleybabes. Previous stories found at love_sex_angst

When Bam was sick, he was lost to the world.

Some might think he was the type that would fight sickness - and the little things he would. But when he came down with a full-blown cold - well, then anybody who couldn't deal with a whiney, sick person, better clear the house.

"Willlaaaaaa," I heard him whine my name, the nickname not coming as a cute attempt, but rather from the stuffiness of his nostrils' taking away his ability to pronounce it properly. I then heard him snivel heavily, and a soft whimper. I immediately moved back into the bedroom, to see him pushing out his lip. "I'm out of tissuessss," he whined at me, holding up the empty box as proof.

"Aww, poor baby... isn't there another box in the dresser?"

He whimpered pitifully at me as though this idea was inexcusably stupid.

I smiled, shaking my head and moved over to the dresser a mere foot away from where his left hand had been flung, opening the drawer, only to find it to be completely empty.

I looked over at him, just to hear him whimper softly.

"I need tissues, Willa," he frowned at me, holding up a crumbled tissue in his hand to accent his point before allowing it to flop back onto the bed. I frowned to hold back my smile at his pitifulness, just lying there...

All sick and helpless...

I smiled slightly, devious thoughts coming to my mind - I tried to brush them away - the time of Bam's ailment was not the time to be thinking such things...

Even though it could be fun... and he would probably like it...

May even get him to stop whining for a little while...

I sighed outwardly and looked at him. "Fine, Bam-Bam I'll run into town and get you some tissues..."

"And soup," he added, pouting helplessly.

"And soup," I repeated, smiling at him and leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"And pooorn," he tried to sneak in but I shook my head.

"No porn Bammie."

Maybe something better though...

Wasn't there a little costume shop down on 2nd Street?

About an hour later I slid back into the house as quietly as I could. I stopped and listening, hoping he hadn't heard me - he hadn't, I could tell by the loud snores coming from our bedroom down the hall.

I couldn't help but smile, shaking my head as I moved into the spare bedroom to change quickly.

There were things that I would have never worn - or at least never admitted to wearing - but for some reason I enjoyed the feeling of the thin, criss-crossed fibers over my legs, and the thin synthetic feeling of the suit. I looked at myself in the mirror, fluffing my hair in a way that was too girly, even for me.

I shook it off though and turned around, without even noticing I was doing it.

"Damn," I smiled, admiring the view from behind as I shook my ass in the tight white fabric. "Maybe I should just keep this thing... for myself."

But about then I heard the snores stop, and a small whimper.

"Willa - are you home yet?" he called, sniffing. I didn't respond, just smiled at myself before heading to the door, picking up the box of tissues from the bed as I went.

I slid out of the room as quietly as possible, but he inevitably heard the soft click of the heels on the floors before he saw the doorknob turn. His eyes were wide with confusion at my first glimpse, before I saw his mouth flop open.

"Willa!" he practically shrieked at me, and withheld my smile as I strutted across the room to him. I gave a small smile, before placing the tissues on the bedside table and pressing my palm to his forehead.

"Aw, poor baby is all sick... well, I brought you your tissues, I hope that at least makes it a little better," I smiled a pouty smile at him, tucking my hair back behind my ear and placing my hand on my hips, attempting to maintain character as he continued staring at me, open mouthed, eyes scanning up and down my thin frame.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better, sir?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow suggestively. "Maybe fluff your pillows - " I reached to move his pillow from behind him, but he grasped my wrist and pulled me towards him, crashing his dry lips to mine.

When I pulled back, I once again tried to subdue my smile. "Sir! That is wildly inappropriate!"

But he silenced anything else I had to say with his lips on mine again, before his other hand moved to my hip, pulling me onto the bed beside him; I finally gave in and crawled on top of him, straddling him with a knee on either side.

His fingers lingered on my fishnet clad thighs before moving slowly upward, reaching the tiny skirt bottom of the outfit. He grasped my hips, pushing my crotch down to make contact with his. I bit his lip at his did this, causing him to cry out in a mix of pain pleasure.

"Fuck, Willa, only you..." he muttered through the kisses, pushing his hands through my hair to bring it down in sheets around my face so that his sparkling blue eyes were temporarily blocked from my view; but I could see the lust that lingered there like it had a million times before.

"I like the fishnets," he whispered to me, stroking my legs, "take them off." The second part came out like a growl, as he pulled lightly at the thin strings adorning my legs.

"And what if I don't want to?" I teased, closing my hands over his and pushing them away from the delicate item of clothing.

"Willlaaaaaa," he whined at me, pouting again. "I'm siiick, don't be mean to me!"

He smirked at me as I sighed and placed his hands back on the fishnets. "If you want them off... take them off of me."

He pushed his hands up the short skirt before a huge smile broke out on his face, his hands moving towards my crotch, fingers meeting only the hose and bare skin.

"Ville, you little whore," he teased, fingers finally falling at the elastic band at the top; tucking underneath it and tugging lightly, carefully avoiding my stiffened member. "Little. Fucking. Whore." He whispered each word as he tugged, before I could finally feel him pulling the hose down; I lifted my hips lightly and allowed him to tug the fishnets down to my thighs, before he ran his fingers back up the soft skin of my upper thighs, his breath coming in light puffs.

Then his fingers moved so that his hands grabbed the back of my neck, pulling my lips down to meet his before trailing back down the fishnets.

I moved my body as he pulled off the shoes and tossed them across the room; the hit the wall with a soft thud, then I was free of the thin stringed garment and his fingers were trailing up and down my legs.

"So fucking hot," he mumbled, and I only smiled; a look that was cut off as I gasped, his hands moving back up the skirt, fingers brushing against my length. A small smile played on his lips as he repeated the movement, and I gritted my teeth together trying to hold back a moan.

His hand finally grasped my dick, stroking lightly, his hips bucking slightly beneath me. His strokes were followed quickly by my light moans; then his hand was taken away and he pushed his hands up my skirt so it moved to my waist, and gripped my ass.

"I wanna fuck you, so bad..." he whimpered at me, thrusting upwards so that I could feel his manhood against my upper thigh; I only smiled teasingly, leaning down to kiss his lips lightly, moving across his cheek with a string of kisses before nibbling on his earlobe, eliciting a moan from his lips.

"Then do it."

I retracted my lips from his ear to lean over to the bedside table, wrenching open the drawer to pull out a tube of lube, leaving it on the bed to move down, hands falling on the loose pajama pants he had slept in for god knows how long.

I took my sweet time to unnecessarily untie the string, exerting pressure on his hard on, as he gasped and pushed his hips up in futile attempts to meet my hands which I immediately pulled away, finally grasping the band and pulling them down. He whimpered as his erection sprung free, and he I immediately began to press soft kisses to the base of his cock.

"No," he whimpered, meshing his hands into my hair to pull me up to meet his lips. "I need to be in you ... Now."

I couldn't suppress the smile that came to my lips at his urgency; we hadn't had sex in a few days while he had stayed bedridden, and I could tell that it had taken its toll.

I forced the smile into a pursed thoughtful look. "Well... a nurse should do anything to make his patients feel better," I drawled slowly, pressing my lips to his softly as he made an impatient sound; I gasped as he grasped my hips, pressing his hard-on against me in yet another display of his urgency.


Our lips crashed together again as my hands fumbled amidst the covers before finally grasping the lube and flipping the lid open. I lifted my body, not disconnecting our lips, and grasped his cock, sloppily applying the lube and coating him with it until he moaned in my mouth, pleading with every inch of his being for release. My own dick was pleading for the same, so I could no longer tease him.

Our lips disconnected and I tossed the recapped bottle of lube onto the floor before raising my body to squat over his hard-on.

One hand found a place on my hip while the other directed his member toward my entrance; I could feel him pressing into me, and my eyes fluttered closed, my lip clenching between my teeth.

"Oh my god..." I could hear him breathing out as he pressed slowly into me; finally I gave up on the teasing him, and allowed myself to sink fully onto his cock, murmuring incoherently among the strings of moans that filled the air.

Both hands now gripped my hips with a bruising force, splaying on the shiny and slick material as I moved my body up and down his shaft, riding him with force that caused moans to be issued in rapid succession.

He leaned up to meet my lips in a soft force before he fell back on the bed, just allowing the pleasure to overtake his body, eyes falling closed before snapping open to meet mine in a blaze of color that twisted my stomach as I continued to thrust downward onto his cock. As I tired I could feel him lifting me up and pushing me back downwards with a force that you can only find in a man in a state of sexual ecstasy.

My name issued from his mouth amid the moans, and I finally allowed my hand to push underneath my skirt as his length continued to push against my sweet spot; finally I allowed my hand to grasp my own cock and stroke as I felt myself nearing that blissful peak.

"Bam," I could only whimper as I thrust downward onto him for my last time, my eyes flying open as I gasped for air, feeling my entire body tingle, cumming with a force caused my the tingles to turn into shakes that racked my body. I could only moan as I emptied myself onto his stomach and the inside of the skirt, feeling his eyes on me in my state of pure bliss as his movements turned frantic.

My name because twisted inside the moans falling in a rapid succession as I rode out the post orgasm bliss before he suddenly stopped his movements and I could feel him emptying himself inside me as his short fingernails practically ripped through the material to get to my flesh.

We panted, and I leaned down to kiss him as I lifted myself off of him, our kiss slow and loving, allowing our tongues to tell the other how much we had enjoyed ourselves.

Even that slow dance finally became too much, and I allowed myself to fall onto the bed beside him, one arm flung across his chest as he regained his breath. His eyes met mine and we shared a sweet smile before he looked me over.

"We're so keeping that outfit," he muttered, one hand reaching out to run over the smooth fabric; I only laughed.

"We have to anyway... I don't think they want it back with these stains," I motioned toward the recognizable smear that tainted the shiny fabric of the skirt.

"It's probably the first of many, you know."

I could only laugh and shake my head, still too exhausted from the romp to partake in even a perverted conversation about our future exploits.

But just as I felt my eyes becoming lazy, I heard his soft whimper of my name; I responded without much interest as he tugged slightly on my short sleeve.

"Willaaa... I still need my tissues..."

I could only smile and roll over, shaking my head as he let out a soft "hmph." I knew he wouldn't relent until I retrieved them, even from so close as the bedside table, but until then, I was going to let him deal with it.

I was such a bad nurse... such a very bad nurse.

Rawr! Another one I finally finished. Tell me what you thought!

And who knows... more random stories of role-playing/dress up may show up!
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