Modern Myth

Jun 21, 2006 15:14

Title: Modern Myth
Rating: PG for cussing
Summary: Goodbye
AN: I made this in just a little over an hour late last night. And the whole time I was listening to this song, so now I'm sick of it. I'm stuck in the songfic mood, so I couldn't help but write this.
Modern Myth by 30 Seconds to Mars
(Download of the song is at the bottom of the page. Please note that at 12:28 a new song starts. Those lyrics aren't part of this story at all, but the song is still cool.)

Damn it all. It’s not suppose to hurt like this. I’m suppose to be doing him a favor. I’m saving him, aren’t I? God, how could I do that to him…I just thought all the flirtation…wasn’t it just the alcohol? How is it that everyone noticed this, and I missed it all? I only saw it as friendly affection, and how could I have thought it was anything more? How could I have overlooked it all? Am I truly blind?

Did we create a modern myth?
Did we imagine half of it?

I don’t think I’d ever be comfortable around him again. I remember how he used to put his arms around me. They always felt so gentle, and I didn’t do anything to stop him. It only breaks my heart, because I’m forced to break his. I just can’t do this to him. I can’t let him believe I love him when I don’t. It’s better to hurt him with the truth than save him with a lie.


Would happen in a thought from now
Save yourself, save yourself

How long have other people known? It’s just so hard to believe I missed all the signs in the past year and everyone else has seen them. Why did no one tell me sooner? And if it was so obvious, then how many other people know?

The secret is out
The secret is out

I suppose I did leave signs of affection for him. I didn’t mean to, I swear. But as an artist, you don’t explain your art. That was mistake number one. I suppose those lyrics could throw anyone off. But how did he imagine that the words were for him?

To buy the truth and sell a lie
The last mistake before you die

How could I make him believe such a thing? Does this make me a bad person? No…no, it was an accident. I never meant to say those things to him. Just for him. That’s what I do. It’s entertainment for the fans.

So don't forget to breathe tonight.
Tonight's the last to say goodbye.

I don’t want to hurt him, but I have to. I will admit I hold something for him. But it isn’t the same thing he holds for me. But how the hell can I tell him? It hurts enough just to look at him here, curled up so close to me, fast asleep. He’s so innocent when he’s asleep. Almost to the point I just want to cry. You can get used to him being hyper and rambunctious during the day, but the second he closes those blue eyes and falls gently into slumber…it’s bliss.

The secret is out
The secret is out

It’s almost impossible to hurt him like this, but that’s the problem isn’t it? “Almost”…

The secret is out

How do I break it to him?

The secret is out

Do I just tell him straight forward?


Maybe get someone to drop hints to him? No. How childish…


Find someone else? No, that’s much too cruel.


Damn it all to hell. So many ways to say it, and not one is right.


I suppose I could always just give him a chance…oh, no. I can’t do that…


Making him believe I love him is as cruel as can be. I’m already doing that now.


I’d be better off saying I don’t love him to the media.


It’s all so frustrating.


I can’t decide. Not now. Not like this. Not with him laying right here with me.


How could anyone plan a way to break someone’s heart, especially their best friend’s, with them sleeping right at their side?


Only someone without a heart.


And I’m sure I still have a pulse.


I can’t do this to him, just…not now.


I’ll just sit here, as I always have.


Playing with one of the many entangled curls laying on his face.


I’ll just enjoy this moment I have left.


Ignore my problem for a while, just a little while, and watch him sleep.


It makes the pain go away.


But just for a little while.


Modern Myth
Comments=Bam in a cowboy suit (listen to the radio show, its f*ckin funny as hell)
And yeah, I know it says 'Goodbye' alot, but it says it 17 times in the song, and I wanted to use it. wow, it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. I suppose if you say a word over and over again it won't said the same anymore. "Jelly, jelly, jelly, jelly, jelly, jelly, jelly, jelly..."

X-posted to writing journal, willingxhostage.
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