(no subject)

May 23, 2006 14:23

Title- Hate this place (songfic to Hate this place by the goo goo dolls)
Warning- Slash and Language
Disclaimer- I own nothing
Summary- Ville makes the biggest mistake of his life and Bam's paying for it. Can Ville get to Bam before the skater walks out of his life forever?
Vam and mentioned Ville/Lauri

“Dammit Bam pick up the fucking phone” Ville yelled into his cell. The Finn slammed his phone close as for the 10th time he got Bam’s answering machine. He had to fix this and soon how could he have been so stupid. Green eyes focused back on the road in front of him, the road that would lead him to save his heart and soul.

Gone away
Who knows where you been
You take all your lies
And wish them all away

Bam forced back tears as he watched his cell phone begin to vibrate on the table for the 10th time. He wanted to pick up the phone and scream at his lover but he knew if he did Ville would talk him into coming back to him. He would talk him into getting his heart broken again. The cell phone began to ring again causing Bam’s tears to fall. Picking up the phone he summoned all his anger and pain and threw the phone at the poster of Ville above the fireplace. The phone slammed into the glass covering the poster and cracked it.

I somehow doubt
We'll ever be the same
There's too much poison
And confusion on your face

Ville sighed in relief as he saw lights coming from castle Bam. He was beginning to wonder if Bam had headed home in the first place. Parking his car he ran to the door, unlocking it with his spare key. “Bam” he called as he entered the house. Walking into the living room Ville felt his heart drop as he saw the cracked poster above the fireplace and a broken cell phone in pieces on the floor.

Bam fell to the floor of the bathroom. Sobs wracked his body making his voice become raw and his eyes and cheeks turn an angry shade of red.

“Oh God Ville it hurts so much” he whimpered. “My heart hurts Ville please I can’t take it.”

Bam closed his eyes trying desperately to make the tears stop. “It hurts so much” he whimpered again.

“Bam, Bam are you in there?”

The young man gasped and scrambled towards the wall. “Go away” Bam yelled.

“Bam please I need to talk to you.”

“Why don’t you go back to your new boyfriend I’m sure he’d love to talk to you” Bam hissed.

“Bam please I didn’t mean it, I love you please open the door Bammie.”

Can you feel it
I didn't mean it
Can I see you
What are we doin'
I think I love you
but I ain't sayin' nothin' you don't know

“So you didn’t mean to shove your tongue down Lauri’s throat?” Bam yelled.

“Bam I can’t talk to you like this please open the door.”

“Well too fucking bad I can’t look at you right now” Bam countered.

Ville winced at Bam’s harsh words. He knew he deserved them, he knew he didn’t deserve Bam’s forgiveness either after what he did.

“I’m so sorry Bam please let me explain.”

Hold on dreamaway
You're my sweet charade

“No, no more lies Ville I can’t take them anymore” Bam said.

“I won’t lie to you Bam I swear it I love you too much”

“You fucking liar” Bam yelled.

Take your time
Move yourself to me
Yeah I can take your lies
Until you fall away

“You’re a liar Ville you always were, every time you promised that we’d tell everyone about us someday. Well that was two years ago Ville and I’m still your dirty secret is that all I am to you Ville a whore?”

“God no Bam I swear on everything I love you. I’m scared, I don’t want my friends and family to hate me” Ville admitted.

“Love conquers all, you taught me that.”

You know I'm lost
Hiding in your bed
No I don't think it's wrong
It's just gone to my head

“Lauri kissed me first, I didn’t know what was going on. I was drunk and stupid and then he kissed me and I was shocked. I was about to push him off of me and tell him I was in love with you. But then when I saw you staring at me from the bar I saw the pain in your eyes Bam and I’m so sorry I was the cause of it. I pushed him off of me and ran after you but you were gone” Ville explained, tears streaming down his face. How could he have hurt his heart and soul, Bam was the man he adored and loved and he had hurt him.

“He kissed you first?” Bam whispered.

“Yes I swear it on love Bam” Ville said hopeful that Bam might open the door.

Can you feel it
I didn't mean it
Can I see you
What are we doin'
I think I love you
but I ain't sayin' nothin' you don't know

Hold on dreamaway
You're my sweet charade

There was silence complete and total, and Ville thought Bam was going to tell him to get out again. He smiled as he heard the door unlock. Opening the door, his smile left and his heart broke. Bam was sitting in the corner of the bathroom, knees drawn up to his chest. His face was red with tear stains and their was a look of sadness in his sapphire eyes that almost brought Ville to his knees.

“Oh God Bam I’m so sorry” Ville whispered as he knelt down and scooped Bam into his arms. The skater clung to him and began to cry again.

“Shhh sweetheart please don’t cry, I’m so sorry, I love you so much, please don’t cry” Ville whispered as he began to rock Bam back and forth.

“I thought you’d finally figured it out” Bam said shakily.

“Figured what out my angel?”

“That I’m not good enough to be with you.”

Ville looked at the skater in shock “What are you talking about Bam? You’re perfect.”

Bam let out a sad laugh. “You really don’t see it do you?”

“I see a dumb American who got the privilege to be with a Finnish rock god” Bam whispered.

“Oh sweetheart no, none of that you’re perfect and don’t let anyone tell you different” Ville said as he kissed Bam softly.

Bam looked skeptical but nodded anyway. “I love you Ville” he whispered.

“I love you too Bam I promise I’ll never hurt you again” Ville kissed away the few remaining tears on Bam’s cheeks.

Hey whatchya do to me
Would you come back to me
Yeah I can't do another day
I'm not certain of it anyway
I ain't messin' with another life
Can I get along without you
Tell me lies
That you know I need

Picking Bam up, Ville carried his lover into their bedroom and laid him gently on the bed. “How about we tell everyone about us tomorrow?” Ville whispered as he crawled into bed beside his lover.


Ville smiled “Yeah, you said it yourself ‘Love conquers all’ and it’ll conquer this too.”

Bam thought he would cry in happiness, but he’d had enough of tears for one night and opted to kiss Ville instead. “I’m sorry Bam I really am” Ville whispered as they pulled apart. “I know you are, I love you.” Bam whispered back.

The Finn smiled glad that he had managed to save his heart and soul before it disappeared from his life forever.

Hold on dreamaway
You're my sweet charade

Hold on dreamaway
You're my sweet charade

Hold on dreamaway
Hold on dreamaway

Yeah this is horrible but comment and say its horrible ok
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