
May 11, 2006 17:28

Inked Chapter 2
Rating: R
Summary: Ville is a tattoo artist and Bam is his first customer of the day. Could this be love?
Disclaimer: About as real as my hair color...
Dedications: To anyone who read and/or commented on this or anything i wrote, and to moonfairyhime for being my beta even though she has now idea who these people are.

Previous Chapters
Southside Tattoo

That was a simple answer, I couldn’t.

We left the tattoo parlor, and began walking down the sidewalk when Bam broke the silence. “So, where are you from? You kinda sound English.” he asked as I lit up a cigarette.

I nearly choked on my first hit from laughing too hard. He patted my back and started laughing too. “Ok, I guess you’re not from England.”

I finally collected myself and answered, “I’m hardly English. I’m from Finland, actually.”

“Finland, really? Well, you’re a long way from home.”

“Not really, my home is right down that street.” I said pointing with my cigarette.


I didn’t mean to make him feel uncomfortable, so I continued. “I mean I just have a green card but America is my home now, that’s all.”

“Good,” he said with a nod. We walked in a an awkward silence until he asked,
“So, besides getting drunk and giving people tattoos what do you like to do?”

“Um, I write music. Nothing much, it’s just something to do, since I don’t have cable.” I said making a joke out of not even owning a TV. I never had one really, so I just never saw the need to get one. “What do you do when you’re not running a bar and picking up foreigners?”

He laughed a little. “Well,” he said smiling, “I skate, mostly at a local park outside of the city, but it’s my main mode of transportation around here. I love to drive but owning a car in the city is crazy.”

“I’ve never driven a car,” I told him.

“Don’t even worry about it, man. I’ll teach you how to skate; it’s more practical around here anyways.”

We continued walking when all of a sudden he wasn’t next to me anymore. When I looked back he was smiling just waiting to see how far I would go before I realized he was gone.

I walked back until I was standing in front of him, he was giggling to himself. I mean it--giggling. “You’re a jackass, you know that, right?”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” I couldn’t help myself, I started giggling too. Why do first dates make grown men feel and act like middle school girls? If it even was a date, I mean.

“Well, why did you stop?”

“Because we’re here, dumb ass.” He walked over to the door pulling it open.

“Dumb ass,” I repeated, “you better watch yourself. Wait a second,” I hesitated, “you own Vito’s?”

Vito’s was only the most popular bar in Southside. It was more than famous it was infamous. Besides, it was well known for all the bras hanging form the beams in the ceiling. Bold move for a gay guy.

“Yeah, I inherited it from my uncle when he died. Now, come on already.” Well, I guess that explains a lot.

We went inside and I followed Bam to the back of the bar to a booth. “You don’t really seem like a ‘corner of the room’ type of guy.” I said to him when we sat down.

“Yeah, but I guessed this would be more private.” He guessed wrong. A second later, a guy with long blonde hair came over and stood in front of our booth.

“Hey, can I get you two something? Bam!” he screamed when he realized who was actually sitting there, “Man, what are you doing here? Missy said she was running the bar tonight.”

“Um, she is. I’m just here to drink. This is Ville,” he said motioning to me. “And Ville this is Raab.”

“Oh, Ville? The tattoo guy, right?” he said smiling.

“Yeah, nice to meet you.” I started pulling out another cigarette. I chain smoke when I get nervous.

“Right, man. Nice to meet you too. I’ll get you two some beers or something.” he walked away, only to return a few minutes later with two Millers before walking away to serve other patrons.

The two of us sat in the booth drinking and talking for a while. “So, how did you end up with the bar, were you like, the favorite nephew or something?”

“No way man, the dude hated me,” he began. “He had a heart attack a few years ago. He was fat as fuck. My dad ended up with the bar, but he didn’t want it. Then, when my brother got old enough Phil pawned it off on him, but he didn’t want it either. When my brother got a real job, I got the bar. I was too busy skating to pass any of my classes, so I just ended up taking it over cause I had always worked here.” Skating and drinking, both of those fit Bam perfectly. He seemed like he was meant to own a bar.

The night passed quickly and before we knew it people were clearing out and closing up.

“I should probably get going, I really need to get some sleep before work in the morning.”

“Yeah, Missy’s gonna get pissed if we don’t get out soon. I swear that woman thinks she owns this bar.” he joked.

“What no tip?” I heard as we walked out of the front door.

“Yeah, Right, maybe if the service here didn’t suck I’d leave something.” Bam called back to her.

“She should be used to my abuse by now. Like I’d leave a tip.” he said once we were back out on the street.

“Bam Bam, where do you live?” I asked him.

“Right here,” he pointed up, “above the bar, but I’m gonna walk you home.”

“Bammi, you really don’t have to do that.”

“Yeah, like I’m going to let a drunk foreigner wander the streets at 2:00 am. The cops are gonna think you’re a hooker.” he barely got the words out before he started laughing. “Dude, you just gave me two nicknames in like thirty seconds, you’re so clobbered.”

“Ok, so I’m a little clobbered,” I laughed with him, “but it’s not far.”

He just kept smiling at me as we stared walking, “Whatever, I’m gonna walk you home.”

A few minutes later we were in front of my apartment building. I hate this awkward part of a date more than the schoolgirl giggling. Not saying this was a date or anything.

“Don’t forget to wash your tattoo when you get home.” I said trying to make some kind of last minute conversation.

“I got it covered, I had some good directions.”

“So, I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, I got plenty of skin left.” he answered.

“Cool, so, um, good night.”

“Yeah, night.” Just then Bam took a step closer to me and put his hand on my cheek. He hesitated for a second while we looked into each others eyes, then he slowly leaned in until out lips connected. The kiss was brief but beautiful, and for a second after, I felt dizzy, and it wasn’t the alcohol.

I stepped up on to my stoop and he backed up to leave. We just smiled at each other a minute before turning our separate way, for the time being of course. I think it was a good first date.

I heart comments! Chatper 2 took forever for me to post hopefully chapter 3 won't take too long...
If anyone is bored and wants to chat about Vam because my friends aren't cool enough to care my AIM is lynzy1606.
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