May 02, 2006 14:41

Title: Consummation of Soul
Pairing: Vam
Rating: TBD…probably hard R
Genre: AU
Summary: A curator learns a deadly secret - one that will literally consume him if kept.
Beta’d by suchapeach07

“Well isn’t that just adorable,” a voice drifted annoyingly from the doorway to his receptive ears. Ville curled an arm protectively around the still sleeping Bam, covering the human’s nakedness with his own.

“What?” he growled. Generally, his interactions with Linde were tolerable and friendly, if a bit snide, but since Bam had arrived the words that left their lips were barely civil. At the rate they were going, Ville reasoned, they wouldn’t be able to stand being in the same room within two weeks. He studied the vampire leering at him from against the wooden doorframe. His dreads were waist length and well kept despite being long knots. His face was slim and his nose tipped up slightly. All and all, Linde was very beautiful. They had known each other for centuries, and had been lovers through at least half that. Ville frowned, letting his mind wade through memories long lost, touching over hurts and stings that were still not quite healed to that day.

“Lily…” he started, flicking his gaze up to meet the blond vampire’s own. Linde crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze skeptic.

Now it was his turn to drawl, “What, Ville?”

Ville stood, pulling on a pair of black pants before moving towards him. He reached out a gentle hand to stroke Linde’s face. The blonde instinctively pushed forward, nuzzling Ville’s hand.

“I’m sorry, my love.” Ville soothed, his fingers trailing lightly over Lily’s cheeks, dropping down to skim over thin shoulders. “Could you ever, one day, forgive me?”

The blonde one made an indiscernible noise and pulled away, shoulders shaking slightly as he stormed out. Ville stood there, his own shoulders slumped in defeat. He’d tried, but Linde was far beyond his control. Turning back to the bed, his eyes met burning blue. Taken aback, Ville opened his mouth to defend himself before he realized Bam’s gaze held not accusations, but sorrow.

“He loved you, didn’t he?” the man asked softly from the shadows of the bed. The mattress gave way to Ville’s weight as he once again joined his human, curling like a cat against his side. His eyes swam with melancholy as he rested his chin on Bam’s chest. The heat of his breath danced across the bare skin of, causing a shudder to rocket through Bam.

“He did.” Ville confirmed, stretching lazily. His hand skimmed up Bam’s arm to curl in his hair, stroking softly.

Bam let his own eyes close. His head swam, dizzy thoughts dancing through his mind. He counted the days he’d been gone away with Ville, mental fingers ticking off one…two…three. Today was the third day. The third day he hadn’t talked to Ryan, the third day he’d not opened the little museum. The third day he’d quit living his life. His sight drifted to the vampire snuggled against him, the vampire content to forever live on his blood, his kiss. He was simply the one that time forgot. But time had not forgotten Bam, nor had his friends. Sliding out from under Ville, he retrieved his pants, fishing for his cell phone. He flipped it open and stared at the little screen. 37 missed calls. 37. 14 voice mails. Mild fear gripped Bam as he dialed his voice mail, hoping his friends and family weren’t too worried about his sudden disappearance. To his dismay, they weren’t worried. They were terrified. In the beginning the messages were calm, a couple from Ryan reprimanding him for taking time off, one from April inviting him to dinner. They then began to get hysterical. Gruff yells of “Where the fuck are you?!” from Ryan, followed by staccato shrieks from Ape. He deleted the messages and pulled his pants on, earning a puzzled look from the vampire.

“Where are you going?” he half demanded, sitting up. Bam glanced at him before pulling a formerly discarded t-shirt over his head.

“My friends are worried about me. I have to go home.” He said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You’re leaving?” Ville breathed, his voice on the verge of incredulous. Bam stopped dressing to look the vampire in the eyes. They were slightly narrowed, disbelief blooming in them like flowers in the springtime. Bam took an inadvertent step back, dropping his hands to his sides.

“But…they don’t know where I am. Look, I’ll go in the daytime. While you’re asleep,” He said quickly, but the vampire had already stalked toward him.

“You’ll go when I’m asleep and then what, never return?” he snapped, glaring at the top of Bam’s curly head.

Bam returned the fierce glare, his hands on his hips as fear blossomed and his heart pounded. The heat of his mounting anger fought violently with the fear and he could barely control his speech.

“What’s the matter with you!”

It wasn’t a question so much as an accusation, Bam realized fleetingly, before a hand connected sharply with the soft flesh of his face. He gaped at Ville, blood rushing to his face as the vampire stared back at him, their reflections mirroring each others.

“Bammie...I’m sorry!” he gasped, reaching his hand out to caress the mark. Bam stepped out of his reach, tears swimming in his eyes.

“Fuck you.” He growled, the fat, angry tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. Bam stooped to snatch his jacket off the floor before storming to the other side of the room, throwing open the door, and rushing out. He jarred Linde’s shoulder as he ran past the blond vampire standing just outside the door, a victorious smile on his face. He watched with cat eyes as Bam yanked the back door open and tore through the night, then turned back to Ville who was currently slumped in a pile on the floor. Moving to him, he kneeled down and pushed a lock of brown hair out of his red rimmed eyes.

“Don’t be sad, love. You knew it couldn’t last.” Linde consoled, stroking his hair. Ville sniffed and nodded, wiping away his tears, his hands coming back stained red. The fact that it was, in essence, Bam’s blood on his hands made him cry harder. He covered his face with his hands and howled, shrieks that echoed throughout the manor. Linde held him, rubbing his back. After Ville had calmed slightly, he let go. Leaving the vampire to feed, he lingered in the door, watching.

“It couldn’t last,” he breathed again, his whisper soft. “But we could.”

AN: I'm in a rush to post this, so if any HTML or what not is wrong, sorry!

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