Title: Hearts (Less Than Three)
Pairing: VAM (didn't have to be...but I own it so it is now...)
Rating PG-13, I suppose.
Author: Me...you may know me better as suchapeach07
Disclaimer: If I owned them, my icon would be a picture of them having shower!sex, but since it isn't, you can assume they're not mine.
Summary: Must I really type all of that again? Just read Ch. 1 for a summary, there's a link under the cut.
Chapter One may be found here because I'm too lazy to make the link look nice -
http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1655992.html#cutid1 Chapter 2
I tried, honey. I told you I thought I was in love, but naturally you thought I was in love with my boyfriend, and how was I to correct you in his arms as he whispered "I love you, too."? My tears could fill this empty room with ghosts but darling don't you know I'd still be all alone?
I'll write love letters in the darkness to the one person who manage to destroy me and the saddest bit is that I'm writing to myself, saying "Darling, he'll never read the words you'll never say to anyone else, so why not tell them to yourself when nobody else will?"
And when the irony of my being blue sinks in and you see that all of our personas and quirks fit together, why is it that two and two make negative six and you keep to your own side of the room? Are my venomous faults really so contagious?
You made me nervous, it's true, and we were awkward as sin (or maybe it was lack thereof). It kills me still that you thought he made me just as nervous when my cheeks were turning red from the shame of letting him touch me in front of you. You made me feel guily, and I didn't like it.
The truth is that I've been trying not to love you for years and it's about damn time that I gave up. But I guess you may have noticed that I'm not really a quitter like I said I was. Not even when I'm broken.
The Drabble Once Known As Chapter Three
I'm sorry, but... - the famous last words of the worst kind of guy.
He'll run away just to see if you follow him, he'll refuse your praise until you tell him that he's all the perfection you can handle, he will hurt you just to see if you'll hurt him back.
My reflection is the worst kind of guy, but if I shatter all the mirrors, seven years apiece won't be enough to make me regret it; not if you'll look past him just once more.
Like a vampire, darling, reflectionless is the way you (won't?) see me - baggage not included, fixed and solid, if I only find the strength.
But I suppose the question left then is this: Do you trust me not to bite?