A Frozen Heart and a Soul on Fire (Part 12)

Apr 10, 2006 15:51

UPDATE! Heh, well, this chapter is kinda short... but I'll make up for that later, I promise. =) ENJOY!

Title-A Frozen Heart and a Soul on Fire
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Don't own, don't know... blah blah blah... you get it. Also, my inspiration was a book by Laurell K. Hamilton called; "Guilty Pleasures". Just thought I'd add that...
Summary- Bam Margera makes a living killing those who do not deserve life. Of course, who he kills is not his choice... His power-hungry boss is the one who chooses who to kill. Most of the time, the victim didn't do a single thing wrong! One day, Bam's boss sets his sights on another victim; Ville Valo, only this time, Ville is a different sort of "victim"... one that Bam has sworn to kill... not for his boss, but for his own revenge. But Bam will soon find out what will happen when the monster you've sworn to kill becomes the man you can't live without.
Rating- Pg-13 to R

~x~x~x~x~x~Bam's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
'You fucked up...' was the only thing Bam could think at that moment. He couldn't believe he had slept with Jenn's murderer... Of course, that hadn't been proven... but Bam was still mortifyed.
His eyes fell back down to his gun. 'I'm sorry, Jenn...' he thought. 'But I can't take this... I'm not sure who did what, who to believe, or even what really happened, and now I may have slept with your murderer! If I didn't, then I just saved the life of your other possible murderer... either way, I can't take the shame. I'm sorry...' Bam lifted the gun up to his head, and rested his finger lightly on the trigger.

"Fuck!" Bam heard Ville yelp. "Bam, put the fucking gun down!" he was shouting. Why did he care anyways?

"I-I'm sorry..." Bam whispered again. Ville struggled to get out of the ropes binding his hands together. For a moment, Bam watched him with confusion. Why did he care if Bam shot himself? It's not like it'd be any personal loss to him!
Suddenly, the thought of shooting himself and leaving Ville behind made him feel even more upset... but why? Why, why WHY?!

"Goddammit Bam! PLEASE put the fucking gun down... Bam, I'm BEGGING you! Put. It. DOWN!!!" Ville was screaming. Bam glanced once more at Ville, shocked when he saw tears brimming his eyes.

"What the fuck, Vil?" he asked, without meaning to.
Ville managed to slip one hand free from his bindings, and used it to balance himself as he stood. He slowly began to walk towards Bam, who tightened his grip on the gun. He didn't want Ville getting into this now...

"Bam..." Ville began calmly. "Look, put the gun down... You'll never avenge Jennifer's death if you're dead."
Bam sighed heavily, knowing that Ville was right. He slowly brought the gun down to his side, and dropped it next to his feet. Ville sighed in relief, and Bam's eyes filled with tears.

"Fuck..." he muttered, staring at the gun at his feet. He took a few steps away from it, then collaspsed onto his bed, burying his face in a pillow. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and immeadiately turned around and threw himself into Ville's arms. He didn't know why, but he felt a wave of comfort whenever Ville was near him...
Ville softly stroked his hair.

"Are you ok, Bam?" he asked. Bam nodded, refusing to cry in front of Ville. Ville pulled Bam's face up to his and gazed into his eyes. Bam felt as if Ville were searching through his eyes to his soul...
He felt a strong urge to kiss Ville's full pink lips as he glanced down at them... There was just something about Ville Valo that Bam loved so much...
Bam was surprised when he felt those lips collide with his own, and even more surprised at the fact that he himself hadn't moved... It was Ville who made the first move! Bam felt like staying in that moment forever... until a sharp wave of fear washed over him. This could still be Jenn's killer!
He pushed himself away from Ville, and jumped off the bed towards the door, never letting his eyes leave Ville's. To his surprise, Ville looked... Upset?

"I-I've just decided... I think I will go to work today..." Bam said quickly, before turning and running out his bedroom door, not once looking back at the hurt face he left behind.
~x~x~x~x~x~Ville's POV~x~x~x~x~x~
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" Ville shouted as he began his walk back to the main streets so he could catch a cab home. He had let temptation get the better of him! He probably wouldn't have been so angry with himself, had Bam not thought that he, Ville Valo, was Jennifer Rivell's possible murderer! 'Fuck, I'm so fucking stupid for that...' Ville thought. He was going to be kicking himself for weeks now...
Well, at least Bam was still alive. Damn him and that fucking gun... What was he thinking?!
Ville stopped and leaned up against a tree, sighing heavily. He placed his hand over his chest, and felt his heart begin to break. If only Bam didn't think that Ville was a murder suspect...
He sat under that tree for about an hour, just thinking about his feelings for the young skater, and finally came to a conclusion.

"I love him..." Ville muttered. "I can't get him out of my mind... Even though we haven't known each other for very long, and the circumstances haven't been very great... I love him..."
After a little while more, Ville finally found the feeling in his feet, and walked back to catch a cab home. Once he reached his house, he unlocked the door and opened it, gasping when he saw a few familiar faces...
That's it for now. I know, I've been lazy in the updates... I'M SORRRRYY!!!
Anyways, COMMENTS = HOMEMADE VIDEO TAPES OF VAM SEX! (now wouldn't that be sooo fucking hot?! lol) ^^
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