a new story...

Apr 10, 2006 00:55

hello my fellow VAMmers. it's 3 minutes till 1:00 and i've been really bored so i started typing up a story.i figured i'd post what i've written so far to see if it's something worth adding more too or if it's just complete shit and looks to be going nowhere.

keep in mind that i'm on a shitty ass computer and it doesn't have microsoft word installed onto it so i don't have spell check. i had to use wordpad. i didn't think it was nessecary to send this to my beta because this is like a test chapter....and just a heads up i have really shitty grammer so don't bash on me for it :) if you guys like this i might have it as a side story, u know something to work on when i'm not working on my other story(it's to hard to grieve)

Dark Erotica

Bam was drunk. it was late and he had no way home. all of his friends still resided in the small bar about 15 minutes back the way he came. dunn had the keys to his hummer and wouldn't pass them over to bam when he wanted, considering bam was drunk and dunn was sober.

bam continued walking through the dark empty streets, passing through alley ways when needed. he had a small idea of where he was going but he knew he was lost.

bam turned down another alley way. it wasn't as dark as the others. it was lit with a dim blue light. the passage was inshrouded with a thin fog.

"what the fuck is this shit...?" bam mutterd as he stopped. a figure of a tall man with his arms held out at his sides crept closer to him.

bam blinked and the man was gone. he looked around and shrugged. bam started walking again. he stopped when he heard a deep chuckel roar out threw the alley. bam turned to run but a hand gripped his throaght and pushed him into the wall behind him. he wasn't so drunk anymore.

bam tried to yell for help but his words caught in his throaght. bam's eyes shot open when he felt ice cold lips ghost over his own.

bam gasped at the man before him. he had long, slightly wavy black hair. his skin was a white as untouched snow. his lips were a deep whine colour. his eyes were a lumniscent green, enchanting as they were they held a deathly glow to them.

as if the realisation of matter couldn't have come any sooner. bam began to thrash violently against the man. the hand around his throat grew tighter.

"i suggest you calm down, make this easier on your self," his voice was coated in a heavy accent. bam watched as the tall man moved in on him. the plump whine coloured lips fell onto his. bam's eyes grew wide but fell shut soon there after.

what the fuck is going on...what the hell is this guy doing. he's like fucking kissing me. bam felt something sharpe rake across his bottom lip. he could taste the blood that began to seap from the small cuts.

the pale man began sucking on bam's lip causing him to moan. the man pulled back, "you like that?" he began nuzzling into bam's neck. he licked bam's earlobe earning another moan from bam.

for once. i get a dinner that's worth playing with. normally their either complete trash and extremly ugly or their stuckup bastards i pull off the streets.

i think i might accually want to keep this one. his rather cute...and he taste devine.
~end ville~

bam shuddered as the goregous man before him started sucking on his neck. who is this guy...he's giving me a fucking hard on.

he moaned again as he felt those sharpe teeth raked across his neck.

"why is it that you arn't screaming for your life. pleading with me to not suck the very life out of your pretty neck," he looked up and his eyes connected with cerluean blue eyes. he grinned when he pressed his body up onto the man before him. satisfied when another pleasure filled moan escaped the boys lips.

"do you know what i am?" the man shook his head. "no? well let me tell you," he brought his blood red lips to his prey's ear. " i am surpreme evil. i bring death in love. pleasure. i survive off the blood of the living. i'm a vampire."

bam felt the fangs of the man sink into his neck all in a mix of pain and pleasure. bam fisted his hands into the mans hair, moaning and crying out in pure exstasy. he felt the man lift him off the ground and he instinctivly wrapped his legs around the mans slender hips.

"oh my...god that feels...mhhn," bam went limp in the mans arms. his world went black.

i know it's nothing great but i have idea's for this. i'm like all about vampires and shit like that right now

but comment and tell me what you think :)

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